ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Window Alert Like Java Script?

Jan 18, 2010

i have some script that called 'to make a popup alert / wndow alert like java script window alert' like this :Code:navigateToURL(new URLRequest("javascript:alert('Some Text..');"),"_Self");but thats didnt work for me, when i try to call that, that just open the blank url in my web browser.

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Actionscript 3 :: Make A Mx.controls.Alert Centered On A <s:Window/> Component?

Aug 4, 2010

I have an mxml component "PresentationWindow" that is for brevity's sake, simply:

//... functions here will be explained below


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ActionScript 3.0 :: TypeError: #1009 - Make A Popup Alert Modal Window Thing With An External Class

Apr 15, 2011

I'm trying to make a popup alert modal window thing with an external class. I have a simple swf set up with just some random sample text, a rectangle, and a button. What I want to happen is for the "alert" class to initialize upon startup of the swf and then when I click the button (instance: btn), the alert will show up. If I get rid of all AS in the swf and set alert as the document class, it shows up just fine, so I think it should be working, but for some reason I get this instead when I try the button function:


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Java :: Get A Alert Message Each Time I Refresh The Browser In Flex?

Dec 29, 2010

i have a login system done in flex.once the user logs in and if he refreshes the page it will take you back to the login can i make the logged in user stay in the same page using flex and java only?and also if once user is logged in and another loggs in with the same user name and passwrod how can i handle dat using flex and java?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alert Window Component Alternative

Nov 26, 2007

Does anyone know of a class file or third party component that has the same functions (or similar) of what the alert window component did in flash 8? I am doing this is AS3 obviously is why i need an alternative.Im trying to make a pop up modal window of sorts like the alert window component did.

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Actionscript 3 :: Show An Alert Box Without Top Level Window?

Jan 27, 2011

Adobe AIR provides However this seems to fail if there is no top level window like in the typical tray example ("Example: Creating an application with no windows"):


I failed to make work in this situation. Seems that there is no alert() either.Is there any way to show an alert prompt (modal or nonmodal) in such a situation without reinventing the wheel?Example AIR tray application skeleton:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""


Note the "visible=false" which must be preserved even that this is what's causing the trouble.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Alert Window In Flash?

Oct 28, 2010

how to create alert window in flash action script 2.0. For example : The user can't navigate the next step without completing the quiz.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Javascript Alert Dialogue Window?

Aug 2, 2010

I think I remember hearing that you can trigger a java alert message from within actionscript out to the html page but whats the code to do such a thing?

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Flex :: Passing Values To Function Using Alert Window?

May 12, 2011

I have a function that checks for something when the user clicks a button. if that something is found, an alert comes up saying that it has been found and asks them if they would like to allow this to happen, or undo the action that caused the something to be found. the code looks like this:, "Conflict: Multiple Projects", 3, this, conflictAnswer);
upon pressing "Yes" or "No", the conflictAnswer function will be called... it looks like this:
private function conflictAnswer(event:CloseEvent):void[code]....

but it didn't work.

EDIt: After reading the first respond, i've come up with this:

answers[0] = cPositions[i][0];
answers[1] = cPositions[i][1];[code]..........

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Flex :: Style The Alert Window On An External File?

Sep 15, 2011

I am trying to style the Alert window on an external file but I get the following warning and the style won't be applied, keep in mind that the Alert is being called from an external AS file as well so the code is not embedded in the MXML.

The CSS type selector 'Alert' was not processed, because the Alert was not used in the application.Type alert in CSS selector 'Alert' must be qualified with a namespace.

color : #124332;
background-color: #ffffff;
header-colors : #243322, #243322;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Alert Before Browser Window Is Closed?

Jan 29, 2010

I have flash as a gui to edit some docs. I'd like to caution the user to save before they close the window (or navigate away from it).ut can it be done with a .swf ?I think this was asked awhile back in this forum but I cant seem to locate it.

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Flex :: Stop ENTER Key From My Alert Being Caught By The Control That Initiated The Alert?

Apr 29, 2010

I am having an issue where I show an AlertBox message when the user hits ENTER and the focus is in a text area. The pop up works fine, but when the user hits enter the Alert closes as expected, but the TextArea listener receives the ENTER event from the Alert and pops the dialog up again. I have tried a number of ways to catch and eat the event but so far I have not been lucky. Is there way to accomplish this?

public function init():void
myTextInput.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, handleKeyStrokes);[code]....

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ActionScript :: JavaScript - Replace Trace ("something") With Flash Alert Window?

Mar 19, 2012

We can easily alert anything in java script. Is it possible to get this or similar alert in ActionScript? I have below test Class in Action Script. Trace does same as console.log() in java script. Is it possible to display messages in action script ?


Above code alerts the "test" similar to javascript. This is a Flash Window that shows the message. But How to integrate similar code in my Class. i.e. How to do repalce trace ("something") with this Flash Alert window ?

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IDE :: Opening An Fla In A New Browser Window With Java

Jan 20, 2009

I followed this tutorial [URL] put the proper actions on my button, the button calls the window in a blank page but it does not have the settings in the javascript no scroll, no resize and a preset window size.

The tut is from Flash 5 and that was before the "ACruncontent" file flash uses now in cs3. window opening the way I need it is critical for a client.

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Java :: Drag Objects Outside The Browser Window?

Mar 8, 2011

Is it possible to drag objects outside the browser window in order to implement file/directory copying from webserver to desktop?

UPDATE: added more tags in order to broaden the choice of methods.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Flash To Call Up A Java Script Window?

Jul 4, 2004

Im trying to use flash to call up a java script window I have two buttons to open 2 different windows on the same page but the problem is for some reason only one link is opened by the two buttons. Each button opens the montage link any help as to why the mogo button dosn't open the right link? Below is all my code

<----------My flash code for the buttons----------->

on (press) {
getURL("javascript: makeNewWindow() ;if (montage !=null) montage.focus();");
} [code].....

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Java :: Make A P2P Streaming Using Web Browser?

Aug 13, 2010

I want to create an application for P2P video transmission. In more details, I need the following:

-User can switch on a web camera by clicking a button in an application.
-Application starts to take images from the web camera and sends them to a certain location (given by a port and IP address).
-Application starts to accept images send by another application and display them (images) in a window.

I would prefer to have everything in a browser. I know that everything can be done with Flash Player from Adobe (an example is Url...But I would like to know if the same can be done with JavaScripts.I am sure it the application can be written in Java. But can I use Java to have everything in a Browser.

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Java :: Make CrystalReportViewer Not Use Flash?

Jul 29, 2011

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Java :: Make BlazeDS Ignore Properties?

Feb 10, 2011

I have a java class which has one field with getter and setter, and a second pair of getter and setter that access this field in another way:

public class NullAbleId {
private static final int NULL_ID = -1;
private int internalId;


(the reason for this construction is that I want to build a way to hande Nullable Intergers)

On the Flash/Flex client side, I have a Class with two properties: id and internalId (the id properties are only for testing, at the end they should return the internalId value)

BlazeDS seams to transfer both values: id and internalId, because both have a complete getter setter pair. I want Blaze not to transfer id, only internalId should be transferred.

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Java :: Use Eclipse And Make Heavy Use Of The M2Eclipse Plug-in

Oct 30, 2010

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Make Real-time Connection Java And Flex?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm still new at Flex. I want to make a flex code that request data to server everytime. I use java as a server. i have successfully generate a linked-list of data at server from asterisk cli command. like this


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Dec 30, 2011

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Java :: Convert Byte Array From Action Script To Image In Java And Save It

Jun 25, 2010

I am a .NET Developer, but the question I am having is not related to .NETPlease keep this in mind even if my question sounds very trivial.This is my question:We have an swf in the browser, which communicates with a java extensionIts done using Smartfox Server(Used for MMO apllications)From the swf we are grabbing a portion of the screen as "Byte Array" in action script(3).And in Java, we are calling a function that converts the ByteArray to Image and then saves it.ur Java developer is encountering the errorSo basically, what I would like to know is this:How to accept the object type Byte Array from ActionScript in Java?Whats Java object type that is mapped to Byte Array in ActionScript?The conversion part is easy, I dare say. code in the ActionScript Section

public function savePhoto(uName:String, ba:ByteArray, descr:String):void{
var obj:Object = {};
obj.arr = ba;


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Java :: Flex - Max Upload File Size For Java Using Remote Object (BlazDS)?

Jul 16, 2010

I tried with flex and java in the backend. In this, I am able to upload files till 100 MB using remote object (blazeDs) where we will read the file as byte array and send it to the java method. If the file size exceeds after that, then I get the run time error in IE.

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Java :: Flex - Unable To Send MIDI File Name To Java To Playback Music?

Oct 27, 2010

I could play MIDI file where "filename" is a String type with "asd.mid" value. However, I tried to sent AIR's nativeprocess command to Java, it shown "could not read" error.


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Java :: Typical Development Workflow/process Developing With Weborb For Java With Flex?

Sep 15, 2011

Meaning specifically, what steps do you go through when creating a new application using these tools?

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Java :: Migrating Existing Java And Flash Applications To Android (Google TV)?

Aug 9, 2011

I have a client-server multigame suite for PC ("kind of" cross-platform using cygwin), which is developed in Java(game menus and database management), C++ (server side), and adobe Flash (game graphics & interaction).

I have never tried to develop for android, so i have no experience.I am thinking of migrating this suite to google TV. So i would like someone with android experience to give a clue on the following :

1) Is it going to be easy to migrate the Java application to an Android application?

2) What kind of Flash support does Android have? Can it load directly swf applications? Does it have to load swf's through browser?

3) Can i find any kind of performance indexes for google TV hardware?

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Java :: Load External Page HTML Via Javascript Or Flash Or Java?

Nov 13, 2011

I need to load somehow the html code of a webpage A into a javascript string of another webpage B, on a different host. I know this is impossible to do with javascript alone because of the same origin policy, and I know I could do it loading the page via php on my server and then send results back to the user's client but I wouldn't be able to handle so many requests, so I need it to be done directly by the user's browser. I can use nearly whatever browser scripting language/applet framework common enough to be installed on the majority of my users' computers, like flash and java.On example, what if I use flash or java to load the external html code and then call a javascript callback function providing the source? Could this work?

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ActionScript :: Java - Flex ArrayCollection Of Number Objects To Java Collection<Long> Using BlazeDS

Mar 24, 2010

I am using Flex 3 and make a call through a RemoteObject to a Java 1.6 method and exposed with BlazeDS and Spring 2.5.5 Integration over a SecureAMFChannel. The ActionScript is as follows (this code is an example of the real thing which is on a separate dev network);


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Java :: Any Opensource Alternative To Squish To Test Flash / Silverlight / Java Applet Gui Objects?

Jun 3, 2011

If one doesn't have the source code, the only to test is to send keystroke and mouse move so I found this product but it's not free and opensource price is not even known :([URL] Squish supports automating interactions and testing non-HTML/DOM elements, that is, native objects, which are embedded in a web page. This is done at a fairly abstract level, which means that mouse and text input can be recorded and replayed.

In addition it is possible to inspect embedded native objects with the Spy tool and to insert verifications for these native objects. All of a native object's public properties can be accessed in test scripts.

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