Java :: Drag Objects Outside The Browser Window?

Mar 8, 2011

Is it possible to drag objects outside the browser window in order to implement file/directory copying from webserver to desktop?

UPDATE: added more tags in order to broaden the choice of methods.

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Dec 7, 2010

Right away i just try to explain my problem: Using BlazeDS i got the following Javaclasses:


Then i got a Flex service class calling BlazeDS and executing the getCategories java method. Since Flash dosn't seem to understand typed arrays, the result from that method which i get back in flex is a simple array of untyped objects (the mapping dosn't seem to work here, even tought the class category exists in flex and has the same properties).
thats the first thing. but however, i'm converting the untyped objects manually into objects of the class. the second thing is that categories have child-categories within the java object, which are also ArrayLists of the type the problem about that: my result event object only contains the first level of categories, looking into them the children are allways null. i dunno why they are empty, since they ARE part of the java object category.

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Aug 13, 2010

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-User can switch on a web camera by clicking a button in an application.
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I would prefer to have everything in a browser. I know that everything can be done with Flash Player from Adobe (an example is Url...But I would like to know if the same can be done with JavaScripts.I am sure it the application can be written in Java. But can I use Java to have everything in a Browser.

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<----------My flash code for the buttons----------->

on (press) {
getURL("javascript: makeNewWindow() ;if (montage !=null) montage.focus();");
} [code].....

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May 24, 2011

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Jul 13, 2011

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The file I would like to edit is the hosts file. C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetchosts on Windows XP.

This is mostly for test run of a new breed of AdBlocking so would like to give my browser and the best chance of working. I have Google Chrome Dev opened as ROOT, running on Windows XP.

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Nov 11, 2009

We're designing an application and the client has requested that a portion of their app stay in Java Web Start and another portion be in a browser. I'm thinking about AIR as an alternative to the browser because that may give us more features b/c we don't have to stay in the browser security sandbox.How would I go about having an Air app talk to a Java Web Start app? Do they have to talk through a server? I guess potentially you can just create a socket connection between the two.

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Java - Screentoaster Capture Computer Screen From The Browser?

Feb 12, 2010

How does [URL].. capture a computer screen from a browser using Java Applet? Any suggestion or a lead in how to accomplish this? Is there other way to do using using different technology such as Flash?

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I am retrieving an flashvars object from JSP file. Like userid = mx.core.Application.application.parameters.userJspid;like this it is retrieving in IE browser. But not in FF (Mozilla), why it's not retrieving is there any code i need to add it for Mozilla specially.


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