Java :: How Does Complex Web Browser Games Work

May 24, 2011

I am curious about how battlefield heroes works - it is a game playable in your web browser, and it is quite alot more complex than your average webbrowser game. Does anyone know what technology it is based on? Flash, ActiveX, Applets....? What technology does Age Of Empires Online use?

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Java :: Does KeyEvent Work With Flash Games

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Why Are (almost) All On-line Games Written In (Flash) Not Java

Mar 16, 2010

I absolutely love good defender games (e.g. Gemcraft, Protector: reclaiming the throne) as they can be intellectually quite challenging; it's like playing chess but a little less thinking and a bit more action. Sadly, there are not that many good ones out there and I thought I would create one myself and share it with the rest of the world by making it available on-line.I have never worked with ActionScript but when it comes to on-line games, this is the main choice. I have tried to find a decent 2D game in the form of a Java applet but to no avail. Why is this so? I could write the game, most comfortably, in Delphi for Win32 but then people would need to download the executable, which could deter some form downloading it, and also it would only work on Windows. I am also familiar with Java, having worked with Java for the last four years or so; although, I don't have much experience with games programming.

Should I not be deterred by the fact that all on-line games are written for in Flash and create my defender game as a Java applet, or should I consider learning ActionScript and games development for the ActionScript Virtual Machine (AS3 looks very much like Java... but still, it's an entirely new technology to me and I might never use it professionally.)

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Apr 20, 2010

I saw this video, and I am really curious how it was performed. My intuition is that he scraped pixels from the screen (one per 'box'), and then fed that into some program to determine the next move.

Is scraping pixel-by-pixel the way to do this, or is there a better way? I am looking to do something similar with either Java or Python.

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May 6, 2011

I'm writing a simple game based on my physics engine for Android (in Java). Because I want to play with some special graphic effects performance is very important for me. I read on the Internet that you can write an application in ActionScript3 and then just export it as an iPhone/iPad or Android application. That means, I wouldn't have to rewrite everything from Java to Objective-C if I wanted to make version also for iPhone. Do you have any experience with writing games in ActionScript3 for both Android and iPhone/iPad? Are there any significant advantages / disadvantages?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Complex Buttons Only Work On 1st Hit?

Dec 14, 2009

I'm writing code for a website (for the first time) using Flash CS4 AS3 and am hoping someone out there can answer a simple question for me. I have multiple buttons on the stage that point to different areas of the timeline. All of the simple buttons work fine.he problem that I'm having is with the complex buttons (that have a movie clip in them) only work one time and then die. They still animate, but don't function after the first use...Why?! I've googled for days and am baffled to my wits end.I'm talking about and be able to point me in some direction. I've tried several different things from different sites, so the code is a little funny right now. The buttons that don't work are 'mybutton, pic1, and entrypic1.' Everything is labeled correctly in the properties manager and the code is below:

function setupEvents() {
pic1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler1);


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Flash :: Web Browser Games Access Temporary Files?

May 17, 2010

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Apr 24, 2011

Most flash-based browser games don't seem to resize properly when the user resizes their browser window (i.e. ctrl+mousewheel). Example of bad resizing: Boxhead The Zombie Wars. Please refrain from playing for a moment, lest you forget about my question.

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Nov 7, 2010

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Jun 20, 2011

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Java :: Service Browser For AMF Calls ?

Dec 23, 2009

Has anyone used or is aware of a service browser to test AMF calls?I am looking for a tool similar to ZamfBrowser ( http:[url].... ), but one that works for the Java environment.ZamfBrowser is geared towards AMFPHP.The idea here is to provide a service browser, that allows developers to test Java services using the AMF protocol, without having to go through the Flex UI all the time. There has got to be something out there already for this, but I can't seem to locate anything..... It's kind of funny and strange that a service browser exists for AMFPHP but not for regular AMF calls in a Java environment.

I would imagine something exists under Blaze or LCDS? ...Trying to find it in the docs but can't seem to find anything ....The best alternative I can think of at the moment is to use FlexMonkey to record stuff, and then to simulate it using that....which is okay I guess but still sucks because you have to go in and create the Flex UI first, whereas with something like ZamfBrowser, you simply point it at the service calls,it tells the server-side developers if their code works, etc. generates the required as3 classes for you... and makes the integration process much easier in a large team.

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Java :: Make A P2P Streaming Using Web Browser?

Aug 13, 2010

I want to create an application for P2P video transmission. In more details, I need the following:

-User can switch on a web camera by clicking a button in an application.
-Application starts to take images from the web camera and sends them to a certain location (given by a port and IP address).
-Application starts to accept images send by another application and display them (images) in a window.

I would prefer to have everything in a browser. I know that everything can be done with Flash Player from Adobe (an example is Url...But I would like to know if the same can be done with JavaScripts.I am sure it the application can be written in Java. But can I use Java to have everything in a Browser.

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Oct 22, 2010

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Mar 22, 2010

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Jul 20, 2010

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Mar 8, 2011

Is it possible to drag objects outside the browser window in order to implement file/directory copying from webserver to desktop?

UPDATE: added more tags in order to broaden the choice of methods.

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Java :: Edit A File On Computer From Within A Browser?

Jul 13, 2011

I would like to know if it's possible to edit a file from within the browser. I know where the file is and I know its format. I would like to some HTML5 and JavaScript but have little luck so don't mind using Flash or Java.

The file I would like to edit is the hosts file. C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetchosts on Windows XP.

This is mostly for test run of a new breed of AdBlocking so would like to give my browser and the best chance of working. I have Google Chrome Dev opened as ROOT, running on Windows XP.

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Jan 19, 2012

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Flash :: Communicating Between Adobe Air Or Browser And Java Web Start

Nov 11, 2009

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Java - Screentoaster Capture Computer Screen From The Browser?

Feb 12, 2010

How does [URL].. capture a computer screen from a browser using Java Applet? Any suggestion or a lead in how to accomplish this? Is there other way to do using using different technology such as Flash?

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Java :: Flashvars Object Was Not Working In Mozilla Browser

Apr 14, 2010

I am retrieving an flashvars object from JSP file. Like userid = mx.core.Application.application.parameters.userJspid;like this it is retrieving in IE browser. But not in FF (Mozilla), why it's not retrieving is there any code i need to add it for Mozilla specially.


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Java :: Detect Display Type (Projector) From Within The Browser?

Feb 22, 2011

It goes like this, we need to detect if the display is a Projector (or if the system is connected to a Projetor).the catch is this should be done from within the is it possible to do so by using anFlashActiveX (this does constrains to a single browser, so not an option)searching so far only reaveals display resolution. expecting if there is something still out there.

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Java :: Voice Recording Applet / Flash In Web Browser

Mar 21, 2011

I'm going to do a voice recording plugin/addon on a website that will record audio and send it to the server for further processing. I have had two suggestions; either write a java applet or use flash. The service is supposed to work for all major browsers(IE, Firefox, chrome,..). I'm new to this area of development and is looking for tips on how to proceed with this. What is the pro's and con's for each solution?

For java applet, what Java speech API library do you recommend? I want a simple, small library, I only need voice input. Also, I am puzzled by Flash development, I can't find any good information about development, the adobe website dosn't make much sense. What is the programming language for flash, and how do you actually run it in html code? I have found ActionScript 3, is that used to create Flash plugins and can it perform voice recording?

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Java :: Record Webcam Video To Local Filesystem From A Browser

Jun 28, 2010

What is the best (and simplest!) way to record video from a webcam to the local filesystem--all from a browser? Ideally the video would be recorded in HD and then we could use ffmpeg later to convert it into the formats and sizes needed.

Here are some things we've looked into:

Use Flash to stream to a local Red5 server. But we've had issues with video quality here. A Java applet using JMF (can we even write to the filesystem from an applet?). We've heard this might not be very efficient though. Can it handle HD?
Write a custom Firefox plugin. Would this be very difficult?

Basically the hardest thing here is that the controls need to be embeddable into a browser. All we need is a box where the webcam frame is displayed to the user, and then some Javascript hooks so we can code start/stop buttons within the HTML page.

The computer is fully controlled (it's a kiosk) and we can do just about anything to it. We just need a solution that runs in the browser. Our current app is run in Firefox in kiosk mode and the webcam recording is just a part.

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Flash :: Javascript - How Does A Browser Interact With A Player Or A Java Applet

Nov 9, 2010

I've been trying to understand how flash animations or a Java Applet work within a browser. I can think of a couple of ways - The Flash Player/Java Applet are machine code that's dynamically linked it, and given some parameters about the area of the screen that belongs to them; after that, they run within the same process space. The browser exposes an API that the player/applet use to talk to it and they live in a separate process. (Presumably they talk via sockets?) The API could correspond to openGL/X11/some custom calls.

These possibilities still don't explain things like how a button click can make the player full-screen, how it can play music, how it can inspect the DOM, etc. For that matter, is the video displayed by decoding to a sequence of images, and rendering them one at a time, or is there a more efficient way, e.g., of pushing the deltas in the image? The Wikipedia page on Java Applets

(1) talks about how the applet is run in a sandbox (presumably a separate process), but it doesn't say how the browser and the applet communicate. Perhaps the answer depends on the underlying platform?

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Java :: Get A Alert Message Each Time I Refresh The Browser In Flex?

Dec 29, 2010

i have a login system done in flex.once the user logs in and if he refreshes the page it will take you back to the login can i make the logged in user stay in the same page using flex and java only?and also if once user is logged in and another loggs in with the same user name and passwrod how can i handle dat using flex and java?

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Java :: Work As A Team On FlexBuilder?

Jun 15, 2011

As me and my friend are working on the same source code of a project on flex builder, I'm looking for a solution that makes it possible to work on different computers and edit the same source code.

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Java :: Develop A Browser Based Application That Record The User Screen?

Feb 3, 2010

I need to develop a browser based application that record the user screen, much preferably on flv. Also doing that with java would be perfect.That's exactly what they accomplished at [url].... , with just a javaWS app.

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Java :: Enable Intranet Users To Take Screenshot Of The Current Page Via The Browser?

May 22, 2011

Is it possible to create a screenshot from the current page the user is on? (It's for an Intranet enviroment).

I know this is not possible with JavaScript alone, but is it possible with Flash or maybe an Java applet?

I have been searching around but I couldn't find anything.

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