ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Button Using Labels?
Dec 22, 2010
Still a newbie, I am trying to understand how labels work with buttons. So eventually, I can create a rollover effect and have a button on a menu either glow or have an effect.
So far just testing how labels work, I have made a movieclip with labels in it. Then made a test button to try to trigger movement from label to label. Nothing works. The movie clip simply runs over and over again.I have tried some tutorials, but using their as, still does not work.
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keyLabels = [0, "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "ENTER"];
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Mar 15, 2011
I would like to create a custom Button component with three labels: left-, center-, and right-justified. I can't just use the label justification property, because I want to use all 3 labels at the same time.
I'm familiar with creating custom components, but I've never tried to build one quite like this before...
Here's what I have so far:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
The labels won't change after the button is created, so I'm not worried about the missing [Bindable] metadata.
I'm stuck right now, getting the following compiler error:
Multiple initializer values for default property, 'label', of type 'String'.
...for each of the 3 <s:Label> lines.
Based on this answer to a similar question, I tried adding label="" to my <s:Button> declaration, but that just adds another error.
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Mar 14, 2011
getting 3 errors on this code. They all are 1119:Access of possibly undefined proper *whatever* through a reference with static type myBtn.The button is the library is called myBtn and it is linked to the myBtn class. I think the problem lies in the textbox label on the button. I am not sure how to access that label with actionscript 3.0 or how to get the label to display a unique label for each of the children.
HTML Code:
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Jul 15, 2011
I am trying to work something out, but I am not really good in scripting so I can't figure out how to write the code properly.The situation is a bit complex:I have one frame labeled "street". From "street" you can enter another page labeled "underground" when you press a button. In "underground" there's a button "exitU_btn" that brings you back to "street".So far this wasn't a problem. Now I have another page labeled "F2016" from which you can enter "underground",too, but this time when pressing "exitU_btn" I don't want it to return to "street" but return to "F2016".Means the button should know the label I am coming from and returning to this one.I started to write a bit code for that with if statements, but don't know how exaxtly to write it.
var enter2016: Boolean = false;
/*should decide where I am coming from, which label (I guess this is what has to be defined somehow)*/
I thought I need a boolean to check if my situation is right, but I don't know how to code it right.
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Feb 5, 2009
I have a Projekt in this Projekt are MovieClips, first of all buttons_mc's and a MovieClip with the Site ==>label2_mc in ActionScript 2 i do that with _root.Link = bla bla (); and in the Labels_mc at the Frame Label, label = "s"+ ; gotoAndPlay(Label);
In ActionScript 3 i test with a switc_case function its work to 50 prozent....but i have in the buttons_mc only a rollover and rollout bettween is a stop an there come the movieclip with the buttons (FirstMovieClip.SecondMovieClip.Button1_mc)
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var myXML:XML = new XML();
var XML_URL:String = "http://localhost/connect.php";
var myXMLURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest(XML_URL);
Update: I found the following to change the label, however I am confused as how I do this to buttons I have already created, perhaps using the instance name?
var myButton:Button = new Button();
myButton.label = "Click me";
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Nov 19, 2008
I've got some code that draws a series of buttons. I'd like to label the buttons with an array that's in an external text file. I've got this:
var patNumsArray:Array = new Array();
loadText = new LoadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function(){
But I can't seem to get it to see the text file with the button names.
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May 2, 2009
i have movie clip named serviceMenu which is instance of menuAll in Scene 1
scene 1 have 8 labels:
serv1 - serv2 - serv3 - serv4 - serv5 - serv6 - serv7 - serv8
inside serviceMenu i have 8 buttons
when i doubleclick serviceMenu it take me inside
menuAll which have 3 layers
1- 1 keyframe actions
2-1 keyframe for the button
here is the code for one of the buttons
servSix_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goServ6);
function goServ6(event:MouseEvent):void
serviceMenu.gotoAndStop("serv6", "Scene 1");
trace("button Clicked")
and here is the error: "1120: Access of undefined property serviceMenu."
am trying to target scene 1 labels
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Jan 27, 2011
I'm trying to do is use the "page up" button to navigate to different labels on the timeline. The problem is that the labels are in different scenes (for example label_5 is in Scene 3). So each time I go to a label outside the scene, I get an error message.
var myLabels:Array = [ "label_1", "label_2", "label_3", "label_4", "label_5"];
var nextLabel:String;
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);
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Aug 12, 2010
it seemed like a simple process but I cant seem to get this right... I got a button there, but the URL wont go, ie, the click does nothing.I imported a PSD layered image to Flash CS3, into a new blank layer. I need basically an area of this PSD to be "image mapped" so what I did was create a rectangle with the rect tool, over the area I needed the hot spot.Here I tried to do a transparent box and border (alpha 0) but the outline is still there even though the box is "empty." I did select the transparent box, no color, and tried alpha, both same result)I made that into a symbol, then I double clicked into there to fill in the key pts for the over, hit, etc., states.... I dont have any effects here btw, as simple as we can get.After that I right clicked on the buttonand entered the action script ("reserve" is the name of my button symbol)
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Sep 12, 2009
i have a friend who are dentist and ive agreed to do a web site for him. I do it in cs4. Like so: ive made a pretty simple and nice layout i plan to use for all pages with some images an so on .Now ive made lots of buttons wich all opens in a timeline nice and slow (not to slow). On the index page i have a menu called "treatments" wich requir some room. I want to make a button called "treatments" wich can open and collaps to 3-4 minor buttons wich then again can link to diffrent pages describing different treatments. Now i need the treatment button to open up the 3-4 minor buttons one by one smooth(tweened with the alpha slider) with same frame rate as the other ones on the page and collaps again.
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Jan 10, 2010
I have an object on the stage (with an instance called mcBlackboard) that contains two buttons.I'm trying to make these buttons link to pages on my site but I get the following error(s):1120: Access of undefined property buttonAboutUs1120: Access of undefined property buttonFAQsMy guess is that it's not finding the buttons in the movieclip (since the script worked fine when the objects were on the stage).I may have done things in an odd way, but it's the result of days trying to figure this out mysel
function myButton(button:MovieClip,url:String) {
var buttonPath = "mcBlackboard." + button;
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Dec 10, 2003
i am looking to use mc's for my buttons instead of buttons. what is the as i need to give a mc to geturl [URL] and a diff one to load another mc is it..
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Aug 12, 2010
I got a button there, but the URL wont go, ie, the click does nothing.I imported a PSD layered image to Flash CS3, into a new blank layer. I need basically an area of this PSD to be "image mapped" so what I did was create a rectangle with the rect tool, over the area I needed the hot spot.
Here I tried to do a transparent box and border (alpha 0) but the outline is still there even though the box is "empty." I did select the transparent box, no color, and tried alpha, both same result)
I made that into a symbol, then I double clicked into there to fill in the key pts for the over, hit, etc., states.... I dont have any effects here btw, as simple as we can get.After that I right clicked on the buttonand entered the action script ("reserve" is the name of my button symbol)
which gave no errors on validation.When I preview in Flash, everything looks good except the thin black border and the fact that when the button is pressed, nothing happens.
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Feb 18, 2009
I have made a button to function like a switch in that it has both an on and off state. However, I can only get it to switch between the on and off state once when it's pressed, with nothing happening after it has been turned off.The code is as follows:
switch1.onPress = function() {
_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
is there a way to make it so that the switch works continuously, not just one time?
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Jun 26, 2009
I need help making a few of my buttons open images, I need the images to basically pop-up full size, and with a click on the image, it goes away. I require some sort of framework script for this
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Jun 7, 2009
I have one button instance that stretches across many frames, and I would like to make it invisible in some of the frames and visible in others. How do I do this with ActionScript 3?
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Nov 15, 2009
I'm very new at Flash and while Ive picked up the basics of tweening and creating animations. I'm trying to create an image of a post it note that is revelaed via a mask when a user rolls over a seperate image. I have created the animation of the mask and it revelas the note fine. My question is how do I create an invisible button and code it in action script so when I roll over image 1 my mask tween begins playing to reveal the post it.
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Jun 12, 2010
I'm currently building a small search banner which comprises of three fields and a search button.
The banner works great and all the fields respond well however if I use the tab key on the keyboard to move from one field to the next the search button becomes highlighted.
At this point my keydown Enter causes the button to not function as a release but instead takes my file to another portion that is reserved for button B rollover functionality.
Is there anyway I can make sure that by hitting the tab key after the last field will take the user back to the first field?
View 5 Replies
Aug 12, 2010
It seemed like a simple process but I cant seem to get this right... I got a button there, but the URL wont go, i.e., the click does nothing. I imported a PSD layered image to Flash CS3, into a new blank layer. I need basically an area of this PSD to be "image mapped" so what I did was create a rectangle with the rect tool, over the area I needed the hot spot. Here I tried to do a transparent box and border (alpha 0) but the outline is still there even though the box is "empty." (I did select the transparent box, no color, and tried alpha, both same result). I made that into a symbol, then I double clicked into there to fill in the key pts for the over, hit, etc., states.... I don't have any effects here btw, as simple as we can get.
After that I right clicked on the button and entered the action script ("reserve" is the name of my button symbol)
Which gave no errors on validation. When I preview in Flash, everything looks good except the thin black border and the fact that when the button is pressed, nothing happens.
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Jan 23, 2011
i need to create an ebook where the scenes are linked via buttons.
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Apr 3, 2011
I'm jew to Flash and I'm trying to make an animated button in Flash CS5 that has the ability to turn music on/off. I've followed different tutorials, and right now I'm trying to use an animated movie clip with an "invisible" button over it. I want the animation to swap frames when the button is clicked, and I also want the music to toggle on/off when the button is clicked.For example:When the button is pressed, the animation switches to say "press to turn off music" and the music turns on.But so far, the button isn't working, and the animation won't stop switching frames even when I enter the "stop();" code.Does anyone have any idea how to make it so that the button works together with the animation and music?
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Oct 26, 2009
I have started to do some reading, but I have a FLA file that I need to add a get URL to. I have spent the last two hours doing tutorials, but all of them show a different view than what I have. with this?Request: To add the ability to have someone click on the button and get an url.Attached: My FLA that I am trying to figure out how to do this with.
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May 14, 2010
How to make a button that will go to another screen?
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May 15, 2010
Im a bit a of a noob when it comes to AS. I have a problem that I think should be very easy to solve.
I have a shape that I turned into a button and gave it an instance name of "CA" I also have an array that has a string item called "CA"
I want to be able to make the button invisible by using the array instead of just writing the instance name. I have the following code but it just doesnt work.
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