Flash :: Making An Animated Button In CS5?

Apr 3, 2011

I'm jew to Flash and I'm trying to make an animated button in Flash CS5 that has the ability to turn music on/off. I've followed different tutorials, and right now I'm trying to use an animated movie clip with an "invisible" button over it. I want the animation to swap frames when the button is clicked, and I also want the music to toggle on/off when the button is clicked.For example:When the button is pressed, the animation switches to say "press to turn off music" and the music turns on.But so far, the button isn't working, and the animation won't stop switching frames even when I enter the "stop();" code.Does anyone have any idea how to make it so that the button works together with the animation and music?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Animated Buttons Stay Clicked?

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I have a website with a very simple code that gives all the buttons in the menu an animated rollover and rollout state. When the buttons are clicked, I have a movie clip with all the content which goes to a specific frame label depending on which button is clicked. Very simple, no problems there. But what I can't figure out how to do, is to add a variable so that when each button is clicked, it stays in the over state until another button is clicked (at which point I'd like it to go to the out state, while the new button would go to the over state.)I found several examples of codes that do this, but I can't figure out how to modify them so that when a button is clicked, it also goes to a specific frame label in the content movie clip, so that the content for each section can be displayed the same way is in the original version.[code]

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But the scripting is different I'm not sure how to make it work with what I already have, and I don't really want to start over completely.

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1. I create a Rectangle with a fill.

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Professional :: Animated Hit Area Into A Button?

Aug 23, 2010

I have an 800x800px button within a 800x800 stage, in the up state only 200px of the button are visible, the others 600px remains out of the stage, the over state is a movie clip with a spring-like animation that brings the button to the left to a viewable area of 600 pixels (while now only 200px are left out of the stage). the down state is very the same than the over (without animation, so no changes in size at all).
The problem here is how i set my hit area: if I set it to be the size of the up state then the button works the way it's supposed to work but if i move the mouse just i little to the left (just out of the hit area, remember, same size as the up state) then is considered not to be on the over state so i come back to my initial 200px button. By the way if i set the hit area to match the size of the button once it has completed it animation on over state (600px of viewable button) I fix this issue but then I will click the button even when I'm out of the UP state.It's possible to place a movie clip inside the hit area so that it always mach the motion of the movie clip inside the over state?[URL]This is an early prototype of the site but you'll see what i mean, my buttons are the numbered tabs, when you roll over there you'll see they become animated but i planning to make this animation much more exaggerated and then is when the problem come...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add Action To Animated Button?

Jul 18, 2007

I have a button that contains two videos and I need to throw in

HTML Code:

but for some reason, it doesn't work because of the structure I built it with.

If I take a static image, make it a button, and put that in, it works no problem.

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IDE :: Define Hit Area For Animated Button?

Dec 9, 2010

I've created an animated button where when you rollover it - a message box appears. My problem is that the button hit area is the whole size of the movie clip (including the message box), so the box will appear even if you haven't rolled over the button.

So basically I want to define the hit area to just the size of the button itself, rather than the whole movie clip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swapping Button With An Animated Graphic?

Apr 27, 2009

What I'm trying to is make a button that when you click it, it swaps the button out for an animated graphic. So that the button looks like it turns into something else. For instance, I have a house on a hill and when you click it, a person should come out of it. And another instance, there is a bottle and when you click it, it sprouts legs.

Is there a way to do this without swapping the whole scene? I have other animations that are constantly playing so if I were to do that, it would mess up the other animations.

Here is the code I have from some tutorial.

import flash.events.MouseEvent;
houseBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, houseClick);
function houseClick(event:MouseEvent):void{

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Make 3 Animated Gif Files For All 3 Stages Of Button?

Jul 31, 2009

I want to make 3 animated gif files for all 3 stages of button. If I use transparent png files when creating gif Im gonna preserve transparency of png files, my question is if I import transparent gif animation to flash and convert them to button stages are they going to keep their transparency. If somebody know how to do this please help.

Gif animations is going to look like this: metallic looking orb rotates on transparent background on x axis from left to right side of gif file, what I need is that when I upload swf file containing this gif to internet, you can see only metallic orb and everything around it need to be transparent so you can see web page background. It should be looking like flash file is part of the background and interacting with it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Easiest Way To Create An Animated Button

Jul 28, 2009

I have this animated button that I created from a tutorial, but am a little confused at to how I could set a hotspot for the button, the button is just a white outline square, no background image, so the button is not completely filled.it only triggers when rollover line, am I making any sense.is this the easiest way to create an animated button in as3, seems like there is alot of script??

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Professional :: Clicking Animated Button Goes Directly To URL?

Dec 16, 2010

I have created a button in Flash CS4 with AS3. It is an invisible button over a test tube illustration. I have created an animation of an empty test tube illustration that fills with liquid when you click on the invisible button. The duration of the movie clip (test tube filling) is 26 frames at 18 frames per second (about 1.5 seconds).I have put in action script that sends the viewer to a URL when you click on the (invisible) test tube button and it works as expected.My problem is that when I test the button, it goes immediately to the URL without me being able to see the full animation of the test tube filling first.

My question:How can I delay the action of the button linking to the URL to allow the viewer to see the full 26 frames (about 1.5 seconds) of animation and THEN GO TO THE SPECIFIED URL?Found lots of stuff about delaying using intervals?? in ActionScript -not making any sense to me. I am a beginner/intermediate in Flash and know very little about AS - i find most of my AS stuff on line on forums etc.Here is my action script 3.0 on the last frame (26) of my animation. teach_btn is the invisible button.

function mouseClick(event:MouseEvent):void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Random URL On Animated Button Click

Jun 17, 2010

I am trying to make my animated button when clicked go to a random link (using flash 8 ) - My attempt is below but not working[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Insert Animated MovieClip Into Button?

Nov 3, 2005

I am trying to make a button, when you rollOver it, animation start to play. I try to insert animated movieClip into button, but in Flash 8 you can't do that.

I have try with ActionScript to call the animation to play when mouse is over, but also nothing.

Can somebody give me code or where can I found some button, when you go over it with mouse, that animation start to play.

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