ActionScript 3.0 :: Optimizing Bitmapdata Using Netstream?

May 29, 2010

you can see my project here:


It uses bitmap data to draw each frame of the video, which is streamed using the netstream class. My question is - how can I optimise the speed at which it plays? It plays fine when the stage is small, but when on full screen it starts to get jerky.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error On BitMapData.draw() After NetStream.pause() Then

Feb 25, 2010

I am working on an app that will take a snapshot of an rtmp stream of an archived video, save it to a file, and ExternalInterface the file name to the hosting page to javascript it up for display.

I actually have all pieces working great. The only time an error is thrown is when I pause the video, seek to somewhere, and then try to take a snapshot. Then there is a runtime error of:
SecurityError: Error #2123: Security sandbox violation: BitmapData.draw: mySwf.swf cannot access rtmp://myFlashServer/myApp. No policy files granted access.I've seen post after post of suggestions and have tried them, but without success.

I have the crossdomain.xml and my FlashMediaServer security setup fine (it is actually working, except for this one glitch). It just seems to be the pause-then-seek-then-BitMapData.draw() combination which is creating issues.

Another weird thing: after the error is thrown, if I resume the stream and take a snapshot, it works flawlessly again.

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Flash :: Use BitmapData.draw With NetStream.appendBytes?

Apr 9, 2011

I am using NetStream.appendBytes() to play a local video (no server involved) in Adobe AIR. I would like to use BitmapData.draw() to take a picture of the video output, but I am getting this error:

Error #2123: Security sandbox violation: BitmapData.draw: cannot access null. No policy files granted access.

Here is some sample code:

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.filesystem.File;


This is only sample code use for an explanation. The error would happen when calling the getImage method while the video is playing. The error mentions a policy file not found. Since the file is loaded locally there isn't really a place to put a policy file. Is there a policy setting somewhere that needs to be set or is the BitmapData.draw feature just not available when using appendBytes?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Used NetStream.appendBytes() ,but Cannot Call BitmapData.draw()?

Nov 14, 2011

the tips: Error #2123: Security sandbox violation: BitmapData.draw: cannot access null. No policy files granted access.
Here is some sample code

This is only sample code use for an explanation. The error would happen when calling the getImage method while the video is playing. The error mentions a policy file not found. Since the file is loaded locally there isn't really a place to put a policy file. Is there a policy setting somewhere that needs to be set or is the BitmapData.draw feature just not available when using appendBytes? It is a local flv file,  not an ramp stream from a server.

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_connection = new NetConnection();
_connection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 BitmapData - Getting Error : The Class Or Interface 'BitmapData.loadBitmap' Could Not Be Loaded?

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I'm using Flash 8, with this code in the first frame:

import flash.display.BitmapData;

When I publish the file, I'm getting the following error message in the Output panel:

**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 2, frame=1:Line 7: The class or interface 'BitmapData.loadBitmap' could not be loaded.
var plaid:BitmapData.loadBitmap("plaid");

Total ActionScript Errors: 1 Reported Errors: 1

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I am trying to use the reflect class from " .html" but I keep getting this error:
ArgumentError: Error #2015: Invalid BitmapData.
at flash.display::BitmapData()
at Reflect()
at Site_fla::GalleryPage_29/loadThumbs()
at Site_fla::GalleryPage_29/sortXML()


btw, first I used assigned thumbContainer as the mc argument (outside the loadThumbs() function) and it worked but not exactly what I wanted... because I thought it is supposed to update when the movieclip is animated but it actually didn't... when I use a scroller, only the thumbs that are first loaded to the stage get the reflection..

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var url:String = <some http url>;
connect_nc = new NetConnection();


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ActionScript Code:
// In this example I draw using the same bitmapData several times, also
//overwriting the first image. Do I have to somehow delete the data first, to


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SecurityError: Error #2123: Security sandbox violation: BitmapData.draw: file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/bla...bla...bla.swf cannot access null. No policy files granted access. Here is a portion of my code:

var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(2800, 2100); bd.draw(stage);//this is where the error happens All of the files referenced (.xml/.jpg/.swf) are located in the same local folder as the main .swf. How do I get around this error? The main objective is to print the stage using PrintJob(). I am using Flash Professional CS5.5 and publishing to Flash 10.0/10.1. Let me know if I need to supply any more info.

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for (var i:int=0; i < metricsObject.metricsComponentData.length; i++){
switch (metricsObject.metricsComponentData[i].mouseType) {
case MetricsCollator.MOUSE_OVER:
this._query_txt = "INSERT INTO " + this._tablePath[0] + " VALUES (null, " + this._sessionID +


I have looked into pseudo threading examples but they all require a sprite or stage instance, the class I am executing this code in, is not a display class, I don't really want to pass an instance of the stage into this class.

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Sound At Beginning Of 2 Scenes And Optimizing

Nov 10, 2009

I have created a X-mas card for my company. When the card opens, the 3 circles are buttons to different scenes within Flash. The text in the bottom left is a button to the final scene.

The card can be viewed here: [URL]

1) When I click on the circle button that has the red garland and tree ornaments in it, if you listen close at the very beginning of the scene, a squeek sound plays. I use this squek sound in the hamster wheel movie symbol used in other scenes, but not in this scene. I don't even have the sound in this scene of the Flash project anywhere. I can not figure out where it is coming from.

2) Does anyone have some optimization tips? My project file is huge and a lot of the people we will be sending this out to probably don't have the most up-to-date processers. Should I split each scene into it's own Flash movie that is only loaded when the button for that scene is selected instead of the whole thing loading?

Here is a link to view the .FLA file: [URL]

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Optimizing All Static Bitmaps / MovieClips?

Jun 25, 2009

I'm working on a flash website that consists of 3 frames (1 = preloader, 2 = instances of symbols, 3 = the main page/view). I've gone through and optimized all my static bitmaps/movieClips and removed any symbol that I've exported for ActionScript from exporting in the first frame. Even after all these steps frame one is still the longest to load (797kb on a 32.6 kbps simulated download), only showing the preloader when the whole file is at 86% complete. Any further steps to take to get frame one's size down?

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Professional :: Optimizing Movie Clips?

Feb 1, 2010

I'm working with a few .flv movie clips in my timeline based flash file. I've imported and embedded the files into movieclip symbols. My file is now sluggish and close to 10mgb.What's the best way to optimize the videos so my .fla and final .swf are as small as possible?

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Professional :: Optimizing FLA Files For SWF Output?

Mar 16, 2012

This question was posted in response to the following article: [URL]..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Optimizing My Search XML Function?

Dec 23, 2009

I've got this simple GUI that has a search box and a couple result fields for "Word" and "Definition"...I've also got an XML file with about 800 or so terms and definitions.Currently the flash works just fine, it reads in the XML glossary, splits it into a word array and definition array and when I search through it, it creates a List filled with terms that match the string that I search for. We wanted it to update the list of possible matching terms each time you changed the search term: a, ap, app, appl, apple... etc.

Everything works, its just incredibly slow when you throw 800 terms at it to search through.I was wondering if anyone could either optimize my search somehow, show me another way of doing it.Here is the code pulled from the whole GUI.

ActionScript Code:
var glossary_xml:XML;
var xmlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("glossary.xml");[code].........

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Jul 27, 2010

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May 7, 2002

I have written a small bit of actionscript code which is designed so that small objects fly across a window from left to right at varying speeds, and then get moved back again with different attributes once they reach the right edge. The code is fully functional.My problem is that this eats a huge amount of system resources, and runs slowly on a 1Ghz machine. Is there a more efficient way to achieve this?

//Frame 1 Code - create 20 objects of varying scale, x/y position and alpha.

dcount = 1;
dupcount = 20;
while (dcount<=dupcount) {[code]......

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I recently completed the battle engine for my game.But the problem is that it is lagging horribly.optimize the code(because the graphics I'm using are really very basic)

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What are the best practices for optimizing a transparant png image? What things can be done to make such a png file as small as possible without loosing to much of its quality? Best tools? Best Photoshop plugins? Other tips?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Optimizing Short Code With XML Objects

Jul 14, 2010

I'm trying to take into account the Garbage Collector (GC), so I decide to optimize this code:[code]For instance, is it useful to put "xmlOne = null" in every iteration?  I'm checking with the Flashdevelop's profiler, but I don't see the difference.maybe, I can also reuse the item object rather than creating it every time, right?

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Sep 28, 2010

I have a 10MB flash file that I have uploaded to my website. No idea if this is large or small for a Flash file! The Flash appears on my index.html page. I have noticed that different browsers react differently, but when I open the page initially the video does not start playing straight away.

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