ActionScript 3.0 :: Output Bitmap Path From Xml File?

Nov 21, 2008

I have an xml file that includes image paths.I'd like to read that image path from the xml and display theimage (a jpg or gif) on the stage.However, when I trace image_path from my xml file, the resultseems to knock off the "http:" part of the node.Also, when I load the image, the loader ends up being null(maybe this is because I didn't set up an event handler for it).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Outputting Bitmap Path From Xml File?

Nov 21, 2008

I have an xml file that includes image paths.

I'd like to read that image path from the xml and display the image (a jpg or gif) on the stage.

However, when I trace image_path from my xml file, the result seems to knock off the "http:" part of the node.

Also, when I load the image, the loader ends up being null (maybe this is because I didn't set up an event handler for it).

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public var contrailBase:BitmapData;
public var contrail:Bitmap;
private var contrailColor:uint;[code].....

Using this code, the red pixels don't show up. If I initialize contrailBase to 0xFF000000 instead then I get a black screen on which the red pixels DO draw, but I need the bitmap to be transparent except for the contrail. What am I doing wrong?

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var fileRefList:FileReferenceList = new FileReferenceList();
fileRefList.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, selectHandler);
browse.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, brwoser);


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<caption>This is Ad0</caption>
[Code] .....

It's giving me the Error
TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
at Function/<anonymous>()

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Mar 16, 2012

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PHP :: Flex - Output Of C File In Real Time?

Oct 31, 2009

I have a C executable (named myprogram). When I run it by ./myprogram I get some output statements on the standard output of my Linux shell. I used run.php to get access to whatever is being printed to the standard output:

$output = shell_exec('./myprogram');
echo $output;

Then I called an HTTPService having id="service" to access this run.php file and I also set the text attribute of a TextArea to {service.lastResult}. When I run my Flex app, the interface kind of halts for a moment and then the TextArea displays all the 20 lines at once. But if program is run from Linux shell they appear one by one. Is there a way by which I can display a line as soon as it gets printed to standard output? This will then make the TextArea show the output in real time.

Or is Flex unable to do this? Rather how can a PHP program achieve such effect i.e. showing, whatever is being printed on standard output, concurrently in the browser in real time? Myprogram outputs 20 lines each after some microseconds. I want only the first line of standard output to appear in TextArea of Flex or in the browser (but in real time) while the program may then continue running the program.

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Feb 6, 2008

using .lineTo(x,y) and .moveTo(x,y) i have created an image and i would like to save that image as a separate .bmp or .gif or .jpeg (format is not really important). Is there some way that i could acheive this? and would it involve calculating the color of every pixel?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Oops Trace Class - Put In The Fla File To Get The Output?

May 24, 2011

Now i am learning Oops concepts.... It going welll..... but i have doubt in some places....


I put this script in file. Actionscript Code: import com.adobe.ooas3.Brick;var firstBrick:Brick = new Brick(); I put this script in my_flash.fla file. I got the out put from this example file. I am clear with this. Because the class name and function name are same. But,


In the above script the class name and function name are different.... What script should i put in the fla file to get the output?

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Php :: Flex: Showing Output Of A C File In A Text Area

Oct 29, 2009

I managed to show the output of a shell command in TextArea of flex by calling following php file via HTTPService and then using the dataprovider attribute of TextArea to show the returned output.

$output = shell_exec('ls -l');
return $output

Now i have a C file which prints some lines (by using printf command of C) when i run it in shell using


But following php code seems to not return anything as my TextArea remains empty

$output = shell_exec('./myCfile');
return $output

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Output Error Opening URL File Undefined?

Mar 11, 2008

I am using a dynamic nav menu edited using xml, when the corresponding button is pressed I want it to display some text in the text box and load a .swf into the loader m.c. It sort of works, however which ever button I click on it displays the content text and .swf for the last button listed in the xml file, when I try to set a var equal to the instance name of the button clicked on it shows the text as undefined and does not load the m.c? If I leave out the var 'currentIndex' I get a message in the output Error opening URL file undefined. I've checked everything and there are no typos.

var yPosition:Number = 0;
var myXML:XML = new XML();
myXML.ignoreWhite = true;
var links:Array = new Array();
var names:Array = new Array();
[Code] .....

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