ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible To Refrence A TextField's Instance Name Using An String?
Jun 4, 2010
I'd like to know if there is a way to reference a dynamic text box's instance name through the use of a string.I know that this["the string"] works for movieclips, but haven't had much luck with the text field.Here's a simplified snippet of code I have so far - The goal is to replace txtInstance with txtInstanceArray[k]
var txtInstanceArray:Array = ["txtInstance","txtInstance1","etc"];
var colArray:Array = ["hitsum","hitsum1","etc"];
for (var k:int = 0; k < 30; k++){
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Jun 14, 2009
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package com.nate.ui {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
public class TextArea extends Sprite {
[Code] .....
And here is just my trace (on the timeline) that throws up the 1119 error.
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//declare variables and create arrays
var initx=80;
var inity=80;
Alright, what I am trying to do here is get 15 buttons arranged on the stage in a random order. The buttons are all named "butt1" "butt2" etc. First step, getting the numbers 1-15 in a random order in an array (successful). Then I concatenate "butt" before the number so the array contains the button names.
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ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property x on String.
at numbersgame_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
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(that path works fine outside of the array)
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function populatehitareas()
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import flash.text.TextField;
//Array to hold the target instances, the drop instances,
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Nov 21, 2007
I am having a bit of a headache with regards to this problem
class A {
private var tf:TextField;
private var canvas:MovieClip
Why is it that the above code does not work? I need reference to the textfield so i can apply different TextFormats depending on the state of target_mc.Why does flash complain that Void is found where textField is expected?
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Jun 16, 2011
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stage.focus = ["box_"+[i+1]];
this gives me back = box_2;
but I need it to be an object not a string.
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Feb 1, 2009
Is there anyway to include a function or overrite something in a class that'll output a custom string when the object is called as a string?
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var myObject : myClass = new myClass();
When I:
TextControl.text = "blah blah, " + myObject;
myObject is getting casted as a string. Normally it would output:
"blah blah, [object myClass]"
Is there a built-in function that recast the object as string? Is there anyway for me to change that string output? I know I can just make a public toString() method in the class or something, but just wondering if there was something better.
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Aug 10, 2009
so here's my problem. I've got an array (wall_inst[]) containing instance names of 3 objects (for now), however they are stored as text strings. I've got a moving 'ball' object too. The problem is, the values contained in the array are text strings and will not behave as instance names, when I try to get object properties off them etc. Eg, I can do this:
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Nov 4, 2009
I have a slider that the values are passed to a concatenated string.
trace ("object" + event.value + "_mc");
this gives me "object1_mc"
Now, what I would like to do is use that string to set the alpha to 1
object1_mc.alpha =1;
It will not work because it is a string and not a movieclip...
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Sep 6, 2010
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full access to Ball is MainMenu.ImagesPanel.Ball
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How to convert sting to structure?
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