ActionScript 3.0 :: Reassigning Z Value To Rotating Objects?

Feb 21, 2009

I need to reassign z value to some objects that are rotating in 3d. (see attachment).

This is my code: but it doesn't work:

ActionScript Code:
for (var i:uint=0; i<container.numChildren; i++) {


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Classic Tweens Not Rotating Objects

Jul 25, 2011

So I just started using Flash CS4 from Flash 8, and I like it so far, but there's on major problem: the "classic tweens" (motion tweens) aren't rotating some of the objects I have. Like there's this flame thrower I drew, and I rotate it at the end of the motion tween, but it doesn't rotate. It will just wait till the last frame and then it will show the rotated frame. Motion works in the motion tweens, but not enlarging or rotating... why? It seems more like a glitch, because sometimes I make a classic tween and it rotates stuff just fine, but sometimes it just doesn't... what am I doing wrong here? What's going on?

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IDE :: Dragging Objects - Rotating And Easing

Aug 22, 2009

I have two drag-related questions. The first one is how to rotate an object by clicking and holding on it, then moving the mouse round in circles. Think of a clock face, and the user clicking and holding on one of the hands, then spinning it around. The centre point would be the part of the hand that's attached to the middle of the clock face, and the other end of the hand would be able to rotate 360 degrees around the face.

The second one (and not related to the first one, a separate query altogether) is how to drag something horizontally along the screen, but have it stuck at a certain speed. So if the user tries to quickly drag the clip from left to right, it will not reach the right instantly, but instead follow the cursor at a slow speed.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Understanding Script For Rotating Objects

Aug 13, 2009

I am trying to understand what part of AS3 script says loop through(create a continues 360 loop of objects) the images from an XML file, does this make any sense.[code]is this the part that says loop the images/objects.this is a little more to the script including the above to maybe understand better?[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotating Objects To Face Center?

Dec 14, 2009

All I need to do is rotate an object (which could spawn at any point along each of the four edges of the screen) so that it faces towards the centre of the screen. Obviously this will be done using the .rotationZ property. I will know the starting point of the object, and the centre point of the screen (400, 300). The object begins facing directly 'up' (e.g. if it spawned directly below the centre of the screen it would already be at the correct angle).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Objects Width While Rotating?

Mar 24, 2010

I'm working on putting together a game at the moment which is similar in many ways to mini golf (or crazy golf, depending on where you come from). It is shown from a side-on view and to play the user must select the ball by holding the mouse down over it, then drag the mouse to indicate the direction they wish to fire the ball in. The distance they drag the mouse (this is capped obviously) determines the power of their shot.
I am currently using a triangular object with the tip placed at the centre of the ball to show to the user the direction they have chosen. This triangle rotates to face the position of the mouse, and I'm trying to get it to extend/shorten based on the distance from the mouse to the ball. I have code in place (below) that works when the mouse is either to the left or right of the ball, but behaves rather strangely when the mouse is above or below the ball. When the mouse is in either of the latter locations, the triangle extends to be far bigger than the maximum length allowed by the program, yet a trace shows it is still within acceptable limits! I'm almost beginning to think that Flash is switching the 'width' and 'length' attributes around when the object is rotated by either 90 or -90 degrees!
The code I am using is:

Here's a couple of screenshots of the game as it currently stands too - please don't laugh at the horrible placeholder art: none of it is final haha (also note that I haven't implemented 'gravity' yet, so everything is sort of hovering in mid-air.) The first image shows the code working as I want it to with the triangle at it's max width, the second shows the triangle going 'huge.'

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Rotating And Throwing Objects Using Flash And Box2D 2.1a?

Jul 26, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotating Multiple Objects And Every Circle Around It

Nov 17, 2011

I have an idea of a game in my head and I wan't to get somekind of functional demo of it done in flash (CS3). I've looked everywhere but couldn't find tutorial for it, as I'm not sure what I'm looking for. I'm not that good in Actionscript. I'm now trying to describe this problem. On screen there's 4 rectangles, 2 in a row. So it's 2 rows with 2 rectangles in each. between all of them theres 4 circles. If I activate a rectangle with mouse and use arrow keys to rotate it smoothly 90 degrees, 2 nearest circles rotate with it. And same thing happens with all of the rectangles.

So I'm looking for somekind of solution where rotating an object also rotates every circle around it. and when circle rotates 90 degrees with rectangle as it's center point, it can be also rotated with another rectangle. I think I can't explain this clearly?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotating Multiple Objects On Same Path

Dec 24, 2002

There is an example of what I'm trying to do [URL]. The only difference is that I'd like to use several different objects in my file...and not only one (i.e., ball or whatever) - but different objects with different shapes, colors....circulating on the same "path".

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Oct 16, 2008

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Flash8 HitTest Works Wierd With Rotating Objects?

Dec 29, 2009

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I think thats the rotation script, becuase i took a break for like 4 days becuase it was irritating.

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May 27, 2011

There are a couple of problems i'm having with this - the first is how to work out how to find where the tip of each sine curve is (ie the frequency) and the second is to work out how to rotate each object so that it slides sideways along the sine wave(note file is 800 x 600)here's my code:

import com.greensock.easing.Sine;


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Dynamically Generated Objects Rotating Around Its Own Center?

May 12, 2009

i have a triangle that i generate using the following code:

Code: Select allinternal function generateTriangle(w, h, topPoint, color = "0xFF9900") {
var triangle:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
with ( {


I use this function and a foreach loop to generate 9 differently colored and sized triangles, which works fine when i place them on the canvas. But if i try to rotate them they rotate around the 0,0 point - i want them to rotate around the center of the individual triangles, how do i do that?

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2. How do i access each of the triangles inside the movieclip, or even better, place them in 9 different movieclips using addChild so that i can move them around individually?

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Jul 22, 2002

I have a bunch of draggable objects and I want to be able to rotate them. Is it best (possible?) to rotate them based on keypress or how might you go about this. Here is my keypress code so far ( draggin works - rotate doesn't )


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Jul 26, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Does Setting An Array Of Objects To Null Erase The Objects From Memory

Apr 27, 2010

I have an array of temporary objects created in a for loop. The objects are of type class "Tile", a class I created. However, it appears that whenever I create a lot of tiles in the for loop, the program slows down indefinitely.

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Are the objects still in memory or are they cleaned up when the array is set to []?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Objects Class Find And Change Another Objects Xy Properties?

Oct 13, 2010

What I have is a game with a Level object, inside the Level is a Player object, and they don't have instance names given, what I'm trying to figure out is how to do is make it so that the player can change the x or y properties of the Level object.
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Flex :: Converting Array Of ObjectProxy Objects To Custom Objects?

Jun 10, 2011

I have a service which returns an Array of ObjectProxy objects. I would like to cast this to a custom object (a value object) and create an ArrayCollection. How can I do this?ited:I am using Django and PyAMF for the backend. I had to write a custom SQL query and I am wrapping the resulting records in ObjectProxy and sending the whole result as an ArrayCollection.Here is my client side code:

private var _list:ArrayCollection;


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Java :: Why Value Objects Coming Back As Generic Flex Objects

Aug 4, 2011

I will try to give as much detail as I can. I am creating an CRM application using Flex(Cairngorm 2)/Java/Hibernate. The basic problem I am having is this: I have a Customer class in Java that has an ArrayList of Address classes. I have a Customer class in Flex that has an ArrayCollection of Address classes. When I make the remote object call for a Customer I get back a Customer object in Flex, but the ArrayCollecion objects have a data type of Object instead of Address. If I try to call for a List of Address classes I get the same result. If I try to call for a List of Customer classes I get a list of Customer classes in Flex. Using tomcat 6 with the following jars:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Aligning Variable Sized Objects And Objects Inside Them

Jun 29, 2006

How do I align a movieclip, which width and height is user-defined, inside another object (this one is static, though). Top-left alignment is easy, x=0 and y=0, but what about center, center left, bottom left, etc? Math(.round) i suppose, but how?I want an object (static) inside the movieclip (user-defined) to stay aligned to, for instance, the top right corner, similiar to the minimize, maximize and close buttons at the top right of your browser.. The height and width data is pre-defined by the user in another file.But that does probably not make any difference...

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Loading Objects And Dragging Objects To Create New Instances?

Sep 22, 2009

I want to create a flash movie which firstly loads a selection of images/objects into a portion of the frame. After this is complete, the user can then drag these objects onto another area and the object will be created where the user has chosen. The user can then drag another instance of the ojects onto the area.

For example, there is a background of a lake in one area. A selection of boat pngs are loaded in an area below the lake. The user can drag these boats and place them on the lake. They can drag a boat multiple times if they wish.

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Actionscript 3 :: Listener Will Be Executed For Objects Hidden By Another Objects?

Sep 27, 2010

I have two movie-clips, one is small-box and another is big-box .Both are rectangular shape. Small- box has an index 0, and big-box has an index 1. Their x,y are same and big-box being big in size gets hide small-box. Now the problem is the listener attached to small-box does not fire as big-box is on the top of small-box. what would be the way to get listener fired when click on small-box area??

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Flash :: Recycle Objects When Creating An Array Of Objects?

Dec 18, 2011

Is this the correct, most efficient way to recycle objects when creating an array of objects?

package com {
public class CreateList extends MovieClip {
//this is the object I will be recycling
private var newProperty:PropertyRow;
//this is the array I will use to reference the objects


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Stage Objects From Other Objects?

Jul 24, 2010

I have drawn colored rods which I have placed in the library and have put one of each on the stage with instance names likeblueRod_mc, etc.I place them around with time-line code like
blueRod_mc.x = 300.0;I have now created an Actionscript class called Problem.I build a new object from Problem which I have called Riddle.But when I put blueRod_mc.x = 300.0 in a method (of Problem),I get the message that blueRod is not accessible.So I triedstage.blueRod_mc.x = 300.0;That did not work either.

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Professional :: Copy Layers With Objects As New Objects?

Nov 10, 2010

When I copy layers and edit the objects on stage, the objects also change in the other layer(s).

How do I duplicate a layer so that I can modify it with the objects in the old layer being unaffected? There must be a really easy way?

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