ActionScript 3.0 :: Recognise The "Stop();" Function, But Not Executing It, "Error 1180?
Jan 28, 2010
I have a very simple website in flash, just some buttons and minor animations.I have a stop on frame 105, and the code for the buttons on frame 1. It's all there and recognised by the script assist, but won't show up if I debug OR test the movie .Finally it's recognised the "Stop();" function, but still not executing it, says "Error 1180 - Call to a possibly undefined method Stop." Really can't work out why it's doing this, read somewhere that it could be because of a corrupt library item, but I deleted all of them and the stop function still didn't work.
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[Code] .....
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package asdata{
//<import list suppressed >
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Location:, line 21
Description: 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild.
Source: addChild(sp);
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Here's a damn useful snippet:
ActionScript Code:
* Use in place of trace(). Calling function will be logged automatically.
* */
Put that code in a utility class, and then from any function or method in your app, call myClass.reportStatus("Something happened"); and you will be rewarded with something like this:
060510 happened
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Dec 8, 2004
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PHP Code:
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Dec 8, 2004
I have a function and a movieclip prototype. When the prototype applies an onEnterFrame to an mc, it repeatedly calls the function (hitTests for all other mcs). Besides this, it also eases the mc to a new point. However, when the mc have reached this point, the function handling the hitTests stops being called.
PHP Code:
// Prototype....MovieClip.prototype.moveSprite = function(speed, spriteType) { // Generate random coordinates var tarX = Math.round(Math.random()*(400-this._width/2)+this._width/2); var tarY = Math.round(Math.random()*(300-this._width
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