ActionScript 3.0 :: Wait For Movieclip To Stop Before Executing The Next Line

Jul 8, 2009

when i have the code like: lala.gotoandPlay("down");

it execute this line and immediately jump to the next line. it is possible to wait for the movieclip to run finish before excuting the next line?

one method is having the code i want to execute at the frame the movie clip stop. But is there other method such that i can have all the codes in the same frame?

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mc1.onRelease = function()


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This generates a timeout error. private var loaded:Boolean = false;

function SpriteLoader(filepath:String){
trace("Attempting to Load File:" + filepath);
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// --------------------------------------------------------------------
public function submitForm()


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(Frame 4 is my game over screen) I also add with the dynamic text the word ''count'' next to Var: So is there a way to make it stop running on the next frame? Also am I willing to use a different ActionScript for a countdown if somebody knows a better one.

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play_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClicked);
function buttonClicked(event:MouseEvent):void {
} stop();

The error I get is:
Location: Scene=Scene1, layer=actions, frame=1, line 3
Description: The class or interface 'MouseEvent' could not be loaded.
Source: Function buttonClicked(event:MouseEvent);void

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Wait Until Movieclip Has Loaded Before {do This}?

Feb 3, 2009

essentially, I'm loading some clips dynamically via xml offstage...they then pan to the center of the screen. Pretty easy, except the files (about 100k+) aren't loading fast enough, and they're showing up halfway through the tweenYes, I know, I need to wait until the clip has loaded...but how? I've tried onLoad(success), getBytesLoaded() ==getBytesTotal() etc...but I can't so much as get the file size of the file at the end of the xml branch. Before I go any farther, here's the code:

button.onPress = function() {
var itsloading ="loader_circ", "loading", 60);
itsloading._x = 380;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Recognise The "Stop();" Function, But Not Executing It, "Error 1180?

Jan 28, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Will Not Stop, Dispite Multile Stop Functions?

Jun 21, 2009

I've tried a couple dozen things to try and stop this movie clip, even down to the bare bones basics and its not working.I have an imported TIFF sequence that i imported onto the stage of a movie clip. Its 73 frames long, i want it to stop on frame 73.So i add the usual stop(); command but it doesn't stop, it keeps looping.On the main layer i put this movieclip in i have an AS layer that also has stop(); and moviclip.stop();But it doesn't stop at all. it just keeps repeating.I put it down to this bare basic setup just to see if i could even stop it. But its not stopping.Layers -> and stuffScene 1Content - movieclipMCActionScript - stop(); movieclipMC.stop();Movieclip - keyframes consisting of image sequence 1-73. frame 73 has stop();

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Aug 27, 2010

I have some bombs like this :

var sjunkBomb:Array = new Array;
for (var i:int = 0; i < sjunkBombMaxAntal; i++) {
var bomb = new sjunkbomb;[code]....

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May 15, 2011

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Professional :: Line Jitter Started Part Way Through Animation - Need It To Stop

Feb 25, 2012

I'm making an animation of a line drawing itself. I'm using a vector line that I drew in Illustrator, which I imported to the stage. I have been erasing a bit, inserting a new keyframe, erasing it a bit more, new keyframe etc. When i have finished this I intend to reverse the sequence so the line appears to be drawing itself. This process has been going really well, but at 1820 frames in a section of the line has started to shake/jitter (by which I mean from side to side very quickly). I deleted the frames and did them again, using the same process that I have for the rest of the line which is not jittering, but this small section is still jittering. It doesn't jitter or move when I move between frames, it only jitters when I play the movie by pressing Command + Enter or I export it as a Quicktime .mov file.

PS here is a YouTube video of the problem. The jitter starts around the bottom of South America. You may need to make it quite big on your screen to see it. You'll notice that that part of the line doesn't jitter most of the way along, but starts to jitter when it gets to that part.

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Jul 7, 2010

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Dec 17, 2009

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var NigeriaNumber:Number;
var stateName:String;
var year:String;


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Jul 6, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movieclip To Slow To A Stop When The Mouse Rolls Of The Movieclip

Feb 9, 2006

I have a movie clip that scrolls side to side when you rollover it but when the mouse is off it continues to scroll - I need the movieclip to slow to a stop when the mouse rolls of the movieclip. I've have been playing arounds with the hitest code (red) but this does not fix it... Its prolly a simple problem - I am not much of a coder....


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Movieclip Within A Movieclip To Stop Playing When It Reaches Its Last Frame

Nov 20, 2007

i'm trying to get a movieclip within a movieclip to stop playing when it reaches its last frame. let me describe my problem: it should start playing when the user rolls over the movieclip that is containing it(i'll call this mc1, and the movieclip within it mc2). i've put a stop action in mc2's last frame but it won't stop and plays again and again. one thing i should point out is that there is a variable in mc1 that tells the movie whether it's ok to play the movie in reverse when the user rolls over mc1, if this is false, that means that it plays normally(not in reverse). i'm using "play()" to play mc1 when the user rolls over it and this is where i think the problem is; even though the last frame of mc2 has a stop action, it is somehow told to play again? anyways, this is just a guess, i haven't figured out why or how to fix it. i'm not sure if my explanation was too hard to understand so i'll try to clarify it if anyone wants me to.

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Flex :: Command To Pause, Stop And Close Vlc Player From Command Line?

Aug 5, 2010

Well i have an adobe air which runs vlc-player at background as service. i check that in Windows Task Manager , the service runs when air application launches.
here is the code

processArgs.push("rc"); //Remote control
processArgs.push("--rc-fake-tty"); //Use terminal as output


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Flash - Tile Image / MovieClip Along A Line Using AS3

Nov 15, 2009

If possible I would like to tile an image or MovieClip along a line using the standard moveTo() and lineTo() methods, The lines are directional so need to show something similar to >>>>>>>>>>>>>. The lines can be at any angle, so using drawRect() with beginBitmapFill() isn't an option. Also if possible I would like to have the lines animated. Is this possible or will it require a custom class?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drawing Line Behind Cursor Movieclip

Feb 21, 2012

I'm working on a Flash project in which the user can choose to draw on the stage. To indicate to the user that it's possible to draw, I'm changing the default cursor to a pen image. I'm doing this by attaching a movieclip to the cursor, then hiding the cursor:

ActionScript Code:
on (press) {
penOn = true;


All this works great, with one problem. The line users draw appears on top of the custom cursor, so if they go back over something they've already drawn, they can't see the cursor anymore. I've tried a bunch of fixes, but nothing has worked. FYI, that first block of code I pasted is attached to the button that turns the pen on, while the second block of code is in the bottommost layer of the movie.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Library MovieClip Line Resizing

Oct 12, 2008

I have been working with actionscript 2 / xml for quite a while now and this is the first time I have come upon this one. I have one movieclip in the library that I attach using attachmovie for that generic "glassy" vista type look. Only thing is, when I resize it via actionscript, it resizes incorrectly. Flash ells me it's correct via trace, but it obviously isn't. If I delete the border line off of the movieclip, it resizes fine! I have the clip set to none for scale under the properties tab(with the line and fill selected). The line has a gradient but it does the same thing if solid. What I'm wondering is has anyone else run into this and have they found a workaround?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Editing Line Thickness Inside A Movieclip?

Oct 28, 2009

(Im using CS4 and actionscript 2)

I have some movieclips with a graph (not generated, manually drawn). I want to change the thickness of the line inside the movie clip. How do I do that?

When I move the mouse over the line the graph must highligt (become thicker). I can do this with the line as a button, mouse-over graphics. But I also need to highligt the graph when the mouse is over some text (to link the graph with the text). If I have 2 - or several - buttons can I have them all show the mouse-over image at the same time, if the mouse is over just one of them?

Another ideer: I have made an actionscript the fades (using alpha 0 and 100) for 2 similar movieclips each with different thickness positioned over each other. But the initial value for both lines is a problem, only the thin line must be shown, the thick line must be alpha=0. If I set it at the start of the actionscript then it resets every time the flash starts over. Is there some way to set the inital value (alpha=0) just once? When the flash playes first time?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making A MovieClip Follow A Line (shape)?

Oct 23, 2009

I am tracing a line between two movieClips (called pontoA and pontoB) using the following code:

var my_shape:Shape = new Shape();
addChild(my_shape);, 0xFFFFFF, 1);


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