ActionScript 3.0 :: Replay A Banner On Finish Action?

Aug 19, 2010

I have one banner in flash, and i want make this replay on finish action. I try whit loop in html, i try gotoAndPlay(2) but don't worrk. This is code on actions script:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Web Banner Replay Buttons?

Apr 12, 2011

Does anyone know how the replay button on most web banners we see now days on the internet are created?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Record Data For An Action-replay?

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I'm looking for a way to record data for an action-replay. A good example of what I want is the fifth project of Yugo P.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Initiate An Action When Movie Clips Finish Playing?

Feb 26, 2007

I have a main movie called home.fla. In this movie I only have one frame and I have place 5 different movie clips (not SWF) on this frame at different positions but on the same layer. These five movie clips are named mc_main1, c_main2.Each of these movie clips contains 5 frames, with a button on each frame. Each of these buttons also has a movie clip inside them (mc_sub1 mc_sub5). You can only go from frame 1 to frame 2 of each clip (main1, main2 etc.) my clicking on the button on frame1.The user can go to any of the main movie clips in whichever sequence they want. For example, they can choose to go to clip main3 and click on it twice (this will take the user till frame 3 of main3 and play the movie clip that is inside frame3) and then they can decide to click on main1 once and then main4 three times until they have visited all the parts of (all the 25 mc_sub) all the movie clips (main1 main5).

Once the user has visited all the 25 mc_sub i.e. once they have finished going thru all the 5 main movie clips completely, I want to display an animation (mc_animation) on the frame1 or any other frame of the home.fla movie.Is there away to determine if the user has finished watching all the 25 mc_sub i.e. if the user has gone thru each and every frame of each of the mc_main movieclips.I think the problem is that since the user can select any of the mc_main clips in any sequence, I am finding it difficult to determine when they have finished going through everything. If it was all in a sequence then I know I could have calculated if the current frame is equal to total frames and then I would have displayed the animation if the above was true; but that is not the case here.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting An Flv To Replay Or Loop On A Frame With A Stop Action?

Jun 8, 2009

Frame 1 has an flv that it plays once and stops, here's the actions I have on that frame:stop();stopAllSounds();What would I add to make the flv loop or replay when it finishes? (I have buttons and more flv's on other frames, so I want to have this stop on frame 1 unless someone clicks a button to go to another frame.)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Action On Frame When External FLV Movie Finish Go To Next Frame

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I'm new to actions script. I creating a presentation in which I'm loading external FLV movie files. I have a Navigation menu to go to the different chapters (every chapter is a FLV movie File)This is what I need, when a FLV movie finish I need some action in the frame to take me to next frame where I have the next FLV chapter.if is any help I upload a sample FLA with some FLV for reference.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Action When On Frame External FLV Movie Finish Go To Next Frame

Sep 27, 2011

I creating a presentation in which I'm loading external FLV movie files. I have a Navigation menu to go to the different chapters (every chapter is a FLV movie File) what I need? = when a FLV movie finish I need some action in the frame to take me to next frame where I have the next FLV chapter.I upload a sample FLA with some FLV for reference.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclips - Rollover Action For A Flash Banner

Oct 23, 2009

I'm new to actionscript and am having difficulties creating a simple rollover action for a flash banner. I have managed to make it repeat on rollover, but only the first couple of seconds of the animation. the code I have used is:


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Actionscript 3 :: Replay A Movie Using Replay Button On Stage?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replay Btn To Replay A Swf Only Once Not Loop?

Jul 1, 2009

I've created a repaly button to replay an imported swf file (instance name=dpCuspSub_mc) located in frame 1 of a movie clip. It works, but then it starts looping and I want it to replay only once.
replay_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,replay); function replay(evt:MouseEvent):void {dpCuspSub_mc.gotoAndPlay(1);}
I'm a graphic artist who has just started learning Flash, so please simplify as much as possible.

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Banner AD - When Someone Clicks The Banner It Takes Them To The Page In A New Window

Oct 13, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change An Action From A Button Click To A Frame-based Action

Oct 2, 2006

_root.navigationMC.onPress = function() {

If I wanted to change an action from a button click to a frame-based action, what do I use instead of onPress? The hints from the AS editor are all click-based.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Incorporate A Stop Action, After A GotoandPlay Action On My Button?

May 8, 2009

I have a slideshow that is looped ... it contains 5 slides.I am using a gotoandPlay action to control the slide show.

on (release) {

There is a fade transition between slides.When a button is released ... I want to gotoandPlay (frame 98) ... and then have it stop 10 frames later on (frame 108). Frame 98 includes the transition ... if I just gotoandStop on frame 108 ... I loose the transition.Is there any way to incorporate a stop action, after a gotoandPlay action on my button ... without naming instances etc.I.E.

on (release) {

Everything I have attempted is not working.

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Click On The Button Action And It Animates But No Action Event In The Trace?

May 23, 2009

I just want to make a simple button action using actionscript 2 but I can't get it to work! I'm sorry for even asking but I've been at this for too long now for it to not work I'm using Adobe Flash CS4 and I do the following --

File -> New Flash File (ActionScript 2.0)
Insert -> New Symbol
Name - test
Type - button
Export for ActionScript
Identifier - test

And then draw it in using the keyframes and add the code to 'Actions - Button' for my button

on(release) {

I click on the button and it animates but no action event in the trace?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading SWF And GotoandStop Action In One OnRelease Action?

May 2, 2003

i want to do this:

on (release) {
_root.nextMovie = "externalmovie.swf";


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Professional :: Change .onPress Action To Just Action?

Jan 27, 2011

I am using code from a tutorial that I downloaded to get an Home.swf to preload in my "index" page.the problem is that a part of the code reads

startPreload ("Home.swf");

which means that I have to create a button to get the .swf file to load, how do I edit this code so that the action begins on it's own at that frame?

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Professional :: Export To Qt Does Not Finish?

Sep 27, 2010

I am using cs5 flash to try to export a .fla file for a client to quicktime format. The end result being a DVD playable in dvd players. I have production premium and fcs, but the only option I have found is to open the file in flash professional cs5 and there is an export to qt option.

I export it, and it comes up with "Recording Flash Content" and displays a status bar. The status bar fills completely up and does not finish. Is there an issue I am not aware of?
I will state that there were missing fonts, but I just assume they were replaced and could it be an issue with that?
Edit:  It is a 3 min clip so i just set it to end at 4 mins, and the status bar completed, but now the Compressing status bar does not even start to move or fill, and the application stops responding.

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IDE :: Go To A Frame When FLV Has Finish Playing?

Mar 2, 2009

Ive got a standard flash file with the option to play one of three FLVs and when each flv is clicked it makes the others stop.What I need to do is set an action so that when an flv reaches the end of its duration it goes to a specific frame in the timeline?

ps. here is my code



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cannot Finish This Function

Jun 24, 2004

I have several MC that move downwards. They all start with the same _y value and when they reach the "floor" I want them to go 20 pixels down all toghether with a continuous move. I'm stucked with this last action.

This is the code I have

Movieclip.prototype.bounce = function(factor, posFinal, ratio) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {


So far, all the ways I tried make the MCs go 20 pixels down but not all at the same time.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Listener For Finish/Complete?

Jun 6, 2009

I'm loading an FLV dynamically and Im using netstream to be able to control the video with buttons. I have it doing what it needs to during the movie, but when It reaches the end of the flv, I'd like it to listen for the end and then run a function (predifined--Resets buttons and plays).I've tried different listners with no luck.

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ActionScript :: After Movie Finish Load URL

Dec 28, 2010

how to make flash after finish the movie, then it will go to URL i choose?

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Flex - How To Wait For Event To Finish

Mar 13, 2011

I have a child component that dispatches an event in Parent. The event in parent makes a call to our database. Right now, the event gets fired off & the child continues without the results. How do I make it so that the child waits for the results from the database b/f the child continues?

in child:
dispatchEvent(new Event("getDBcontents")); //

dispatch the event in the parent do some more stuff here but we need pause until we get the result from the parent


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Can't Finish Loading

Mar 20, 2010

I was working on this flash for a website. I was using swish max2 to create the flash, then after I finish the flash, I checked it on my pc before uploading it to the site, it worked fine. After I've uploaded it to the site the preloader doesn't finish loading. I've to refresh it again and again to make it complete to 100%. I tried to reduce the size from 700kbps to 409kbps by removing and optimizing pictures inside the flash but it still stops loading. I tried to put it on another site and preview it alone by typing the url for the flash file, but it's still the same.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Finish Movieclip Script?

Oct 22, 2005

I'm trying to make an advanced rollover button that finshes the movieclip whether the mouse is on it or not. All I need is the actionscript that'll finish the movieclip and not repeat after a quick mouseover

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Wait For Audio To Finish?

Jan 10, 2006

I have a timeline with 20 simple animations and different lenght audio clips that explain each. Is there a way to hold on a frame until an audio clip is done? Currently I have a script that loops a frame for "x" seconds then goes to the next frame. I input "x" each time by looking at the audio clips time length, but I was hoping to create a script that did this automatically.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Go To A Frame When FLV Has Finish Playing?

Mar 2, 2009

Ive got a standard flash file with the option to play one of three FLVs and when each flv is clicked it makes the others stop.

What I need to do is set an action so that when an flv reaches the end of its duration it goes to a specific frame in the timeline?

ps. here is my code



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IDE :: Preloader Only Appear After Image Finish Loaded?

Feb 5, 2010

i wrote my script wrongly cause the preloader only appear after the image is loaded. below is my code.

var preloader_mc:Mc_preloader
for (var i:Number = 0; i<15; i++) {
var productGroup:MovieClip = new MovieClip();


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Replay Swf After 20 Seconds?

Apr 4, 2012

I have a .swf banner embeded on my xhtml and I need it to replay after 20 seconds so if the user is still watching that page he will see the animation again. It needs to be a loop or something so the animation will play again 20 seconds after finished over and over again.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Wait For External Function To Finish?

Aug 19, 2009

I have a actionscript file and it tells a function in another actionscript file to run.How can I add an event listener to wait for the function to complete in an external file.

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