Click On The Button Action And It Animates But No Action Event In The Trace?

May 23, 2009

I just want to make a simple button action using actionscript 2 but I can't get it to work! I'm sorry for even asking but I've been at this for too long now for it to not work I'm using Adobe Flash CS4 and I do the following --

File -> New Flash File (ActionScript 2.0)
Insert -> New Symbol
Name - test
Type - button
Export for ActionScript
Identifier - test

And then draw it in using the keyframes and add the code to 'Actions - Button' for my button

on(release) {

I click on the button and it animates but no action event in the trace?

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on (release) {

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[URL] - which works fine on start, but I want to attach this function to only start on certain words at a certain event action. With what I got can anyone see how I can stagger the function to a specific event? Here is what I have so far, which starts the letter cycling, but it ends on the first letter and does not complete the full word:


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window.onbeforeunload = clean_up;
function clean_up()
var flex = document.${application} || window.${application};


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Jun 24, 2004

i'm trying to use if statements but can't get this thing to work i want to check if another button is visible on release of a button to determine what action to be taken.the 'gotoAndPlay("firstscene",1)' is just there as an outcome, will be changed later. anyway this is the code i've got on the button i'm pressing. blobyellow2 is an instance of a button blobyellow is it because it's an instance that it's not working?


edit: sorry forgot to put what's wrong with the code. it acts as though the statement is correct no matter if it is or isn't.

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Can't Develop Button Action

Nov 21, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Add Action On A Button

Apr 29, 2011

I use to be able to create a button in flash 8 and add an action on it such as "geturl". Now that I am in Flash CS3, the action panel tells me "current selection cannot have actions apply to it". This does not make any sense, how can I add action to my button now ?

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I use this script to go to an external URL (in a new blank browser window).

button4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {


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I am new commer I have 29 buttons on stage by which I have to call 29 swf externally. Can I assign action to this button in keyframe to call external loadmovieNum. I can assign directly to button but I want it by keyframe. I have tried by instance name. On release loadmovie but there is a problem.

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