ActionScript 3.0 :: Return From Loaded Swf To Main?
Mar 13, 2012
I have some swfs that i want to combine: I have the main.swf that containes buttons, and i want each button to lead to an external swf. I have already done that.What i dont know is how to return to main.swf. I want all external swfs to have a button called "Back to menu" and go back to main.swf
My script have a list of .swf files and needs to play them one by one. My problem is that i can't detect when the movieclip (containing the swf) completes playing.
I understood that i need to copmare between _currentframe and _totalframes of the moviecip but i keep getting 1 as the _currentframe (my main timeline contains only 1 frame).
Code: var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); var loadListener:Object = new Object(); var container:MovieClip =
im creating a character sheet and all i have to do is get the character to do a few things, im using Stan from american dad, so he draws his gun, salutes, and does this guns speech, only problem is. i can get him to salute by using the code
on(release){ gotoAndPlay("2"); }
this links fine, the salute is in a movieclip on frame 2 of the timeline, and the button is set to link to this.problem starts after the movieclip finishes playing, how to return to frame 1 on the main timeline, ive tried gotoAndStop("1") amongst other things (gotoAndStop ("Scene 1", 1)ive also tried frameLables too but that didnt work, though im not sure if i was doing that right to start with.Then im having a problem with my other buttons, even when set to on(release){gotoAndPlay("3");} they still go to frame 2 (with salute on)
I have just started using external AS3 files to try wean myself off using code in the main time line.I am importing an XML file using an external as3 file, but cant return the values to the main timelineIt worked when I used the trace option, but I need these values to dynamicly populate a movieclip on stage (another problem I cant add movie clip to stage even though I have the linkage etc)AS3 Code ----------------------------------
I searched the forum but didn't quite find what I was looking for.I am trying to write a method that loads any xml file and returns it to the caller.What I want: (It's not working, I know it's merely a concept)
Code: private function makeCall ( xmlPath: String ) : XML {
- my main movie is (a) and when i click a button there, it will go to external movie (b)
- under external movie (b) there's a movie clip that includes my animation and content button
- if i click on the content button on movie (b), external movie (c) will pop up [ it will not replace movie (b) but will just overlap it, it's like a small pop up ]
i did the actionscript and when i'm testing external movie (b), it's working... it's showing/popping up movie (c) but when i tried it on the main movie (a), the movie (c) is not popping on the (b) err, sorry if it's a bit confusing / how i explained it. but hopefully somebody will get the idea. and it won't also return on the main movie (a) when i click on a link from the external movie.
Some images I load dynamically are too big so I would like to scale them to fit the stage.
this returns 0. Why does it return 0 when the image loaded is obviously much larger then 0 pixels. How do I change the width and height of imgCont to a specified dimension.
i want to loaded a swf into my main swf file. How do I place it on the main timeline in the main swf. To be exact I have a frame label called about. Where i want the swf to be.[code]
I have a site that I'm working on that I am loading an external swf page into a main one. The main one is based on a totally liquid state and stretches the background to fill the browser and the components are relatively position based on browser window dimensions.
Now inside of the main swf I load an external swf through the loader command. This swf has a set dimension and stays centered in the stage.
I am trying to make a button in this swf that loads yet another swf that is stretches the full browser. However I do not know how to access the properties of a main swf from this external one, or if this is even possible.
I am loading an external swf and I want it to overlap my main swf. I have been trying to figure this out for days. Check my link to see what I am talking about
when you click on about the swf loads, but it leaves a little space on the right where you can still see the main swf underneath... you can also check my FLAs if you here
i have a movie that loads a 2nd movie on a button action. The second movie has some other buttons ("co" & "me") that makes some text pop up with easing. This is the code below. The problem is, the second swf works by itself, but not when loaded into the main swf. I've tried changing _root to _parent as well as various others, but to no avail? Is _root my problem??
is it possible for a loaded swf to control the timeline of the main swf or even to tell the main swf to unload the loaded swf just by pressing a button in the loaded swf.
I have a website up at [URL]. The thing is that I have flv files being loaded by swfs that are loaded on a movieclip of a main swf. Locally everything works fine but as soon as I move it up the web or even try to run in over my home network, the flv files won't run. Can the flv run inside a swf that is loaded into another swf? I have set the paths to relative already, this taking into account the main swf!
Something like this: loaded_swf_folder/flv_folder/flv_file.flv If I didn't take the main swf into account it would look like this: flv_folder/flv_file.flv But I tried this already and it didn't work at all. Except if you run one of the loaded swf directly instead of through the main swf.
I'm trying to control my main.swf through a loaded .swf.
My goals are. 1. load the external swf into main.swf and have a movieclip in the external swf play. (the movie clip in the external swf should play without any code, however, when the external swf loads, the movie clip goes to the last frame of itself for some reason)
2. I have an "X" button on the loaded.swf itself that should dismiss the loaded swf and cause my navigation on my main.swf to reappear.
Here is my loader code in main.swf:
Code: var _urlx:Loader = new Loader(); _urlx.load(new URLRequest("loadBlank.swf")); var _url1:Loader = new Loader();
As of now, my navigation in main.swf does reappear when the "X" in the loaded.swf is clicked, but I need a way to unload the currently loaded swf when the "X" button is clicked..
I've tried remove child, checking to see if the loaded child is not null, but that didn't work either...
loadMovie(_root.section, _root.content);how would i work in a preloader bar?? add one to the file that is loaded into the main movie or on my main movie that is loading the file?
My site consists of a main swf file ('home.swf') which then has other swfs loaded into it via an empty movie clip.I have created one such swf. file (news.swf) which features 2 simple scrolling text buttons (one to move text down, and the other to move it up).http:[url].....
Everything works fine when I preview the news.swf on its own, but when I preview the home.swf and view the news.swf loaded into it, the button which should move the text up doesn't work.I think it's something to do with using the term _root. but i don't know what to replace it with.This is the script I have on the button that doesn't work:
//Events during mouse click on(press) { _root.controller.gotoAndPlay (2);[code]........
Is it just a case of changing the _root. term, and if so what should I change it to, or is it trickier than that.
I basically need to communicate to an externally loaded swf and send info back to main swf. Below is some sample code of what I am trying to achieve:
In the main swf: var imgLoader:Loader = new Loader(); imgLoader.load(new URLRequest("external.swf")); addChild(imgLoader); var MC:MovieClip = imgLoader.content as MovieClip; //var MC = MovieClip(imgLoader.content); trace(MC) MC.btn1.visible=false;
In the external swf: btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,externalCli ck1); btn2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,externalCli ck2); function externalClick1(e:MouseEvent):void { trace("external Click 1"); //main swf goto nextFrame; } function externalClick2(e:MouseEvent):void { trace("external Click 2"); // main swf goto PrevFrame; }
The trace I have setup in the main swf, trace(MC) returns a null value.
I have a simple swf called site.swf that loads a menu with UILoader called menu.swf, from menu I'm able to navigateToURL but I also need that it goes to frame 50 in menu.swf.
I just poked around google as well as these forums, but the only answer I am seeing that was successful, is from kglad, and for some reason his posts are not showingAnyway, I am just trying to figure how to reference a frame label on my main timeline from a loaded swf (through my imageLoader).
I have a project I'm working on where the user is presented with an overhead shot of a building and is able to mouse-over the different rooms to choose one to "enter." Once clicked, the chosen room is an external .SWF that is loaded that has options to view other external .SWFs within that room. Problem is, within the first loaded .SWF, I have a "home" button that is supposed to take the viewer back to the main overhead view but I can't get the AS to work. I've tried _parent and _root with no luck (not sure I even typed out right code).
I have a swf I am loading in and I need to be able to mute the sound of those soundChannels in the keyframes inside of the other swf. I have a mute button that I am toggling its visiblity on and off, one for mute one for sound. I need to be able to access the sound clip inside the external swf.
I'm using a textfield for debug information.I'm loading an swf on the main timeline and I'm showing the status in the debug textfield.[code]I'm loading a png file in the loaded swf. , I'm trying to show the status of the png file as I showed the status of the swf.[code]I can't control the main swf from inside the loaded swf. Even gotoAndStop or calling a function doesn't work.Do I need to add something when I load the swf, saying it's a MovieClip or something?URL...
I'm using the sample external preloader file supplied with CS5 as the basis for my customised pre-loader. It's working fine except that once the main site has loaded and is open, the preloader remains loaded in the background.[code]...
If I have a main.swf which loads, for example, outside.swf, is there a way to make outside.swf useless if run on its own, but working when loaded via main.swf? The purpose would be preventing people from running parts of a presentation on a CD, forcing them to use only the main.exe projector file. I tried making a Boolean variable called "allowed" in outside.swf telling the movie not to play if it's set to false, and then tried changing this property from main.swf after loading it by calling loader.content, but it didn't work.
I did this: ActionScript Code: button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadaj); function loadaj(e:MouseEvent):void { var MVloader:Loader = new Loader(); var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("outside.swf"); MVloader.load(req); attacher.addChild(MVloader); MVloader.content.allowed = true; }
I am comming from AS2, obviously. I have looked at many of the post people have to get "something" to be avaialble on a root type method, but I haven't found anything that has worked for this yetFor those who are saying "you're missing the point", and the rest of the "this is a bad idea" or "not needed" comments would you mind detailing the process of making a variable avaiable from a subMovie to a mainMovie and from mainMovie back to subMovie; or changing the property to an object inside of a SWF that has been added to a movie using addChild()?These are the constraints I have to work within. I can't restructure the 100-150 some odd pieces that are already in existance using AS3. New funtionality is needed that requires communication between the two movies.