ActionScript 3.0 :: Muting Sound In A Loaded Swf From The Main Swf
Aug 25, 2009
I have a swf I am loading in and I need to be able to mute the sound of those soundChannels in the keyframes inside of the other swf. I have a mute button that I am toggling its visiblity on and off, one for mute one for sound. I need to be able to access the sound clip inside the external swf.
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Apr 6, 2010
I am using the following code, in the last line when I play the sound I can still hear it even when I have transformed it to 0.
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Oct 18, 2007
How are you all going?? I'm having a bit of trouble with muting some sound and unmuting it with the same button.[code]What i'm trying to do is mute the sound when the button is clicked...and then when it's clicked unmute the sound..I was thinking about using an if statement to check if the volume was set to 0 and if so change it to 100 and visa versa.i'm muting the sounds on the root level of my swf...
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Oct 22, 2010
how to create a mute button successfully but only with the global sound setting (so all sounds mute or play). What i need to understand is how to use the Sound class to control individual streaming sounds.
I have 3 sounds and 3 buttons. The 3 sounds correspond to clapping, vocalizing, and the instrument playing, all of the same rhythm. I want the user to have the ability to hear all 3 at once and toggle on and off (muting, not actually stopping) each sound via the respective buttons.
I cannot call the sounds dynamically, because I need them embedded (streaming) to sync graphics with them (the names of the beats change color with each drum beat) and need to see the sounds graph in the timeline. What I want is for all 3 sounds to start simultaneously, all syncing with the same graphics on the stage, and for the buttons to toggle mute/unmute for each individual sound, so that the user can hear them all, only 2, or just 1 at any point, without ever stopping the looping sounds.
This is the code I have that is working for muting all the sounds, but I have no idea how to target the individual sounds instead. The following is only for one button, but there will be 3 buttons, one for each sound:
Actionscript Code:
function setMute(vol){var sTransform:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform(1,0);sTransform.volume = vol; SoundMixer.soundTransform = sTransform;}var Mute:Boolean =
I realize the SoundTransform is what applies it globally. How do I reference each sound individually?
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Jun 28, 2004
I want to attach a sound to the main timeline (rollover sound) that i can call from on(rollover) button events. I will be attaching the same sound to several buttons.
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Aug 5, 2010
I have a bit of a problem with sound.. I have a main container animation with background sound that's loaded with soundChannel..I also have an externally loaded SWFs with Movie Clip buttons that have a sound ON ROLLOVER on the timeline..after rolling off - I place the:SoundMixer.stopAll();to stop the button from playing the sound once the mouse is rolled off.. However, the problem I'm running into is that it also stops the sound of the main container movie cli
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Jun 28, 2004
I want to attach a sound to the main timeline (rollover sound) that i can call from on(rollover) button events. I will be attaching the same sound to several buttons.
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Jan 14, 2005
Does anyone know of a way to dynamically read the sound levels of a loaded MP3 to help produce dynamic sound visualization in Flash?
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Jul 12, 2011
I have a file with a main movie clip called "clip" and inside that I have a couple separate movie clips. One of them has embedded audio and is called "trackPiano". I want to put an action on a keyframe so that when that keyframe is reached, the audio mutes. I think I should be able to use the soundTransform property, but I'm not sure how to go about implementing it.
Also, I'd like to then un-mute the audio for that mc when I go to another specific keyframe.
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Jul 19, 2011
I have a file with one main mc called "clip" that contains 9 different embedded audio tracks (all inside their own separate mc) on the first keyframe. They span the entire length of the mc - 10 frames in this case. Essentially what this does is creates a full song with 9 separate tracks that I want to mute (and unmute) when I arrive at a specific keyframe.I am using a slider (called "aSlider") on the main timeline to navigate between the keyframes.Everything starts out muted and as we progress, tracks are unmuted and the song starts to build. It is working great right now in that direction. However, if I move the slider backwards, it seems to be re-creating the audio clips so that I am overlaying more and more audio on top of each other.. which is quite the mess. Here's the AS for the slider.
aSlider.width = 324;
aSlider.move(309, 681);
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May 8, 2009
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Oct 12, 2009
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Jul 30, 2010
I'm doing a project that has a lot of time line animation.There are 5 buttons. Each one plays a multi-frame MovieClip containing sounds embedded in its timeline.Then there is a button that stops any of the playing movie clips. Of course, this doesn't stop the soundsormally, I'd just use...ActionScript Code:SoundMixer.SoundTransform.stopAll();Problem is, I also have non-timeline sounds that I have playing on a loop for background music, and the SoundMixer would stop the music too. But I don't want the music to stop.Doing some research, I think any MovieClip can have a SoundTransform property you can adjust, so I should be able to control the sounds just inside specific MovieClips. But I can't figure it out.
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Jan 10, 2012
not sure what I'm doing wrong here, maybe someone can point me in the right direction. I use the following code to play a sound
so I have the var and the function in the main as, now in a mc, I also have an as3 layer with some mc specific code. If I want to call the beep sound declared in the main AS, I thought I could simply use the beepsoundplay();. Calls access to undefined property.
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Sep 26, 2008
Is it possible to add 5 movieClip in the main timeline, and add for each movieClip a Sound object at frame 5, so that when I play the main timeline, all sound are played simultaneously. Because if I store all Sound object in array, and I do for example (see attach code). That's correct ? Because the play method of Sound class have may latency.
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Feb 14, 2008
I have a few sounds on my main timeline for syncing to an animation. Does anyone know what code I would use to mute the sound on the main timeline?
FYI...I will not be using linking from the library for this project, the sound WILL be on the main timeline.
Here is some code which does nothing and traces as you can see...I'm not sure where to go with this. I've placed a mute button in my file, but I need help on knowing how to control the audio.[code]...
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Apr 9, 2004
I am trying to use a sound controller in a flash movie to play music and I am using loadMovieNum to load the sound controller movie at a particular point in the main timeline. I get the sound player to load up fine and the sound loads fine when a user presses play, but about a minute through the song the sound starts to play again, overlapping the song that is already playing. This happens with no user just takes about a minute. I also noticed that it is only when the sound player is within one of the movies. It doesnt happen when the sound player is all by itself. Is there something in my movie that is making it loop over? What happen to the search that used to be at the bottom of the page?
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Mar 24, 2012
I'm having trouble trying to manipulate music using buttons. I can't seem to make music1 autoplay and loop when the movie starts. I want to stop music1 and play music2 when I press a button:
music1 in main timeline button to change music is inside a movie clip so far here is the code I found on the internet but I'm not sure how I can change it to do what I need:
var mySound:Sound;
var myChannel:SoundChannel;
var isPlaying:Boolean = false;
var isPaused:Boolean = false;
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Feb 20, 2010
I have this script (below) and I'm using the next/prev button script to navigate back and forth. When I navigate back to the first page which has the actionscript code to load the music, it begins to load the song again and they overlap. How do I stop loading when song is already on?
var audio:Sound = new Sound();
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("MenuBackground.mp3");
var channel:SoundChannel =,1000);
var xForm:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform();
musicOn_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playSound);
[Code] .....
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Jun 11, 2009
I am using loadmovie to load in swf in my main swf.
The FPS of my main timeline is : 20FPS
The SWF I am loading is : 8 FPS
When i load it in it is automatically changed to 20 FPS.
Is there anyway to lock FPS?
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Nov 17, 2009
i want to loaded a swf into my main swf file. How do I place it on the main timeline in the main swf. To be exact I have a frame label called about. Where i want the swf to be.[code]
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Mar 13, 2012
I have some swfs that i want to combine: I have the main.swf that containes buttons, and i want each button to lead to an external swf. I have already done that.What i dont know is how to return to main.swf. I want all external swfs to have a button called "Back to menu" and go back to main.swf
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Jan 7, 2010
I have a site that I'm working on that I am loading an external swf page into a main one. The main one is based on a totally liquid state and stretches the background to fill the browser and the components are relatively position based on browser window dimensions.
Now inside of the main swf I load an external swf through the loader command. This swf has a set dimension and stays centered in the stage.
I am trying to make a button in this swf that loads yet another swf that is stretches the full browser. However I do not know how to access the properties of a main swf from this external one, or if this is even possible.
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Jan 4, 2011
I am loading an external swf and I want it to overlap my main swf. I have been trying to figure this out for days. Check my link to see what I am talking about
when you click on about the swf loads, but it leaves a little space on the right where you can still see the main swf underneath... you can also check my FLAs if you here
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Mar 18, 2003
i have a movie that loads a 2nd movie on a button action. The second movie has some other buttons ("co" & "me") that makes some text pop up with easing. This is the code below. The problem is, the second swf works by itself, but not when loaded into the main swf. I've tried changing _root to _parent as well as various others, but to no avail? Is _root my problem??
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Oct 25, 2005
is it possible for a loaded swf to control the timeline of the main swf or even to tell the main swf to unload the loaded swf just by pressing a button in the loaded swf.
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Sep 26, 2006
I have a website up at [URL]. The thing is that I have flv files being loaded by swfs that are loaded on a movieclip of a main swf. Locally everything works fine but as soon as I move it up the web or even try to run in over my home network, the flv files won't run. Can the flv run inside a swf that is loaded into another swf? I have set the paths to relative already, this taking into account the main swf!
Something like this:
If I didn't take the main swf into account it would look like this:
But I tried this already and it didn't work at all. Except if you run one of the loaded swf directly instead of through the main swf.
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Jun 7, 2009
I'm trying to control my main.swf through a loaded .swf.
My goals are. 1. load the external swf into main.swf and have a movieclip in the external swf play. (the movie clip in the external swf should play without any code, however, when the external swf loads, the movie clip goes to the last frame of itself for some reason)
2. I have an "X" button on the loaded.swf itself that should dismiss the loaded swf and cause my navigation on my main.swf to reappear.
Here is my loader code in main.swf:
var _urlx:Loader = new Loader();
_urlx.load(new URLRequest("loadBlank.swf"));
var _url1:Loader = new Loader();
As of now, my navigation in main.swf does reappear when the "X" in the loaded.swf is clicked, but I need a way to unload the currently loaded swf when the "X" button is clicked..
I've tried remove child, checking to see if the loaded child is not null, but that didn't work either...
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Aug 3, 2003
using the command:
loadMovie(_root.section, _root.content);how would i work in a preloader bar?? add one to the file that is loaded into the main movie or on my main movie that is loading the file?
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Feb 29, 2012
Is there some codes, to stop sound in movie clip, when changing keyframe on main (parent) timeline ?
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