ActionScript 3.0 :: Five MovieClips In Main Timeline - Sound Sync
Sep 26, 2008
Is it possible to add 5 movieClip in the main timeline, and add for each movieClip a Sound object at frame 5, so that when I play the main timeline, all sound are played simultaneously. Because if I store all Sound object in array, and I do for example (see attach code). That's correct ? Because the play method of Sound class have may latency.
Is there a way to sync a netstream flv to the main timeline? I want the animation on layer 1 to play in sync with the netstream object on layer 2, that's why. netstream.time only provides seconds so I would lose a lot of frames of the animation. And adding a cue point for every frame would be a bit too much.
I've run into a bit of a problem using Adobe's CS3 flash program in terms of lip syncing... I can place the sound files in the timeline at whichever point I like and so forth, but I have no way to play them in such a way where I can adequately make lip syncs. It's hard to explain, but in flash MX I would merely click the timeline, drag the cursor along it, and it would play the sounds as it did the frames, one piece at a time. That way I could tell where the consonants were and therefore where to change my characters' lips. This is not the same as simply hitting "enter" and letting the sound play in its entirety.
I want to attach a sound to the main timeline (rollover sound) that i can call from on(rollover) button events. I will be attaching the same sound to several buttons.
I want to attach a sound to the main timeline (rollover sound) that i can call from on(rollover) button events. I will be attaching the same sound to several buttons.
I built my website on the main timeline with a fade in animation...stop(on the page) and a fade out animation. At the end of this fade out animation i would like it to call upon a variable to know what page to go to next.I am trying to tell my main timeline to gotoAndPlay a frame based off of a variable within a movieclip(about_mc this movieclip contains another movieclip which acts like a button(factsheet_mc)) that i have set in my main timeline.I set the variable with:
var buttonFrame; in the first frame of the main timeline
then within my movieclip i have another movieclip which tells my main timeline to play the out fade and remember a variable:
this.onRelease = function(){ --------"this" meaning the movieclip factsheet_mc------------ [code]........
how to create .as file and how to link it with flash? another question is can anyone teach me on how to create main timeline and also how to call movieclips from the main timeline?
I have a movie clip - it is a slideshow style mc, but instead of pictures, each frame is layers that include bulleted text, images, etc. - and it advances frames automatically with this code: Code: stop(); function wait() { nextFrame(); }setTimeout(wait, 4500);
I need to set up a pause button that will stop the mc from advancing (i.e. ignore the wait function code above) and a PLAY button that will resume the auto-advancing of my movieclip. In my main timeline, I already have forward and backward buttons that work to advance/rewind frame by frame using this code: Code: stop(); //next button next_btn.onPress=function(){ if(mc_content._currentframe==mc_content._totalframes){ mc_content.gotoAndStop(1) [Code] ..... How to set up PLAY/PAUSE buttons that will stop/start all actions that are running in my MC?
What I would like to do is play ramdom movie clips on my main time line. I've tried using the below code, but it does not work:
Code: var frameList:Array = [1, 2]; var i:int = Math.random() * frameList.length; "mc" + frameList[i].gotoAndPlay(1);
My movie clips are named "mc1, mc2" etc. I've got them on a layer named "BG" and each movie clip is in a key frame. The ActionScript is on a seperate layer named "AS".
I was trying to access some nested movieClips from the main time line but it was giving an error. What I have is a movieClip on the stage called "dog" and inside this movieClip I have two nested movieClips called "dogLH" and "dogRH". The movieClip "dog" was brought to the stage using actionscript 3.0 and when I tried to move the moveClips inside "dog" it gave me an error.
This is the code I have:
var dogog = new Dog(); dog.x =200; dog.y =150;
What is strange is that if I add the movieClip "dog" to the stage manually and try the same thing it works. Any idea why it doesn't work when it is brought to stage with actionscript, but it works if I bring this manually?
I have a few sounds on my main timeline for syncing to an animation. Does anyone know what code I would use to mute the sound on the main timeline?
FYI...I will not be using linking from the library for this project, the sound WILL be on the main timeline.
Here is some code which does nothing and traces as you can see...I'm not sure where to go with this. I've placed a mute button in my file, but I need help on knowing how to control the audio.[code]...
I have an intro animation inside of a MC on frame 1 of my timeline, when it's finished playing the 100 frame animation I want it to jump to frame two of my main timeline.I've tried root and parent scripts at the last frame of the animation but it's not working. Do I need to add root to the package?Even gotoAndPlay isn't working
I've been programming with AS2 for a few years and I just made the switch to AS3. I'm hoping there is an easy solution to this problem. I have a class 'Actor' (extends MovieClip) that needs to hitTestPoint on a nested MovieClip 'root.World.walls' in a function moveRight(). The line of code looks like this: ...while (MovieClip(root).World.walls.hitTestPoint(pnt.x, pnt.y, true)) {... But I keep getting various errors when I try different solutions.
I am trying to use a sound controller in a flash movie to play music and I am using loadMovieNum to load the sound controller movie at a particular point in the main timeline. I get the sound player to load up fine and the sound loads fine when a user presses play, but about a minute through the song the sound starts to play again, overlapping the song that is already playing. This happens with no user just takes about a minute. I also noticed that it is only when the sound player is within one of the movies. It doesnt happen when the sound player is all by itself. Is there something in my movie that is making it loop over? What happen to the search that used to be at the bottom of the page?
I have a movie clip menu on a main timeline and inside that movie clip I have created four buttons dynamically. How to access those nested buttons/movieClips (add event listeners etc) from main timeline? Here I am adding menu to the display list on main timeline:
So I have 2 frames at main timeline, one named "Game" and one is "Menu", they are just a movieclip eash does its own thing. I am in the "Game" playing, I want to change settings so I go to frame "Menu"... when I am back to frame "Game", everything is reseted!! I soon realized this is what Flash has been doing and it's a good thing... But I really want to know how to by pass the resetting now...
I'm having trouble trying to manipulate music using buttons. I can't seem to make music1 autoplay and loop when the movie starts. I want to stop music1 and play music2 when I press a button:
music1 in main timeline button to change music is inside a movie clip so far here is the code I found on the internet but I'm not sure how I can change it to do what I need:
var mySound:Sound; var myChannel:SoundChannel; var isPlaying:Boolean = false; var isPaused:Boolean = false;
I have an animation and sound running along the timeline. And step forward and step back buttons. The sound is set to stream to keep the animation and sound in sync with each other. This works fine when played from the start all the way to the end. But if the step forward or step back button is pressed, the animation will fall around 5-10 fames out of sync with the sound. And will remain like this until the end.
How can this be fixed so the sound and aniamtion won't fall out of sync.
I've got my head around bones now, which isn't too bad once you get used to it. I have ten minutes of dialog which I have created mouth movements for in Lipsync MX, these are imported as a swf and then placed within my character's Head MovieClip.
Problem is, IK insists on using MovieClips instead of graphics. This means that the lip sync doesn't stay in touch with the main timeline - it only stays in sync until the main timeline is paused or jumps to a different point.
Is there an established method which allows you to embed a lip sync symbol within part of an armature and ensure it keeps pace with the main timeline, or am I going to have to code it somehow?
I have made an animation. I have a layer where I put sounds that execute on certain frames. No script are involved. When I play the movie inside Flash, everything looks good and sounds are syncing. When I make a preview of the movie, some of the sounds are out of sync. I have no idea why, it's the first time I get this kind of problem. All sounds are set to event, but I have tried with stream as well and get the same result.
There are all kinds of tutorials on FLVPlayback, streaming video from a URL, etc., but nothing I can find on how to make it play nice with the rest of the flash animation in my .swf. I assume this is a matter of simple actionscript, but my ignorance is profound.
So . . . I've got a flash animation that leads into a gotoAndPlay button, which references the frame where my video starts. The video, streaming from my url, plays fine, but if it takes a moment to buffer, the main timeline in my .swf just continues on through the frames I've created for the length of the video. Since my intention is to have the video finish and loop back to the intro. animation, ending with the play button displaying again, what happens is that it loops before the video is done playing, leaving the audio still streaming but the viewer staring at the play button. In other words, if there is no lag time for buffering, the number of frames before it loops is enough for the whole video. If it lags for buffering, it cuts off part of my video, prematurely looping to the intro.
Is there a way to sync the two playheads, so to speak, so that the .swf doesn't continue on when the video is paused?
I have a sound in my flash movie and I'm trying to lip sync to it but for some reason when I try to move that red thing across the frames to play the sound across it so I can go to each syllable so I can work the lips to it. But when I run the red thing across the frames there is no sound going through the speakers. When I ctrl-enter and play the swf I hear the sound what should I do?
I'm working on an animation where some guys sings and in order to make that look good, i need some good lip syncing. Since this is not short clips, but a whole song on 2-3 minutes, it's very hard for me to make the lip sync perfect because I have to replay from the beginning in order to hear the music. So question one is: Are there a way that I can play the movie in the middle and still hear the music? And so the second question is that I can barely see the sound waves in the Music layer, even though there's lots of music. Here's a picture of how big the sound waves are: And that's in the middle of the song! The problem is not that the music is too low, because it's quite high. So question number two is: Are there a way that I can make the soundwaves bigger in the music layer without affecting the music itself?
In Flash, when I use a sound, I can set its type to Play, Stream, etc., right? "Play" just plays the sound directly, while "Stream" makes it adhere to the frames.
Purely in Actionscript, is there any way to make a Sound object behave the same as the "Stream" type? That is, make it sync to the actual framerate of the application, instead of just making it play regardless of the frames? I need this because I'm designing a game where the audio needs to be consistent and repeatable.
I know that the default behavior of Sound objects is the standard "Play" type, because if I have something like this[code]...
i need to play a sound with voices in order to play an interactive animation, but i must have an stop or pause option (a button) that pause both, the movieclip and the sound track, and when pressing again the "pause" button, the movieclip has to continue with the sound track at the same place it stoped. I�m getting a headache trying to figure how to stop a sound in a specific moment and then play at the same place it stoped, and not from begining...
I am aving a problem managing the sound in my application. Here is the situation.I have ten frames in the main timeline and on each frame is a movieclip, inside of which i need to put sound (Each movieclip plays a different sound). Currently I load the sound dynamicly from library and everything works fine - the application plays sounds according to the current frame.
Problem is that each of the movieclips contains also an animation (two characters talking) and I need the animation to be synchronized with the sound. And since I am loading the sounds via actionscript, it has no sync and when the framerate drops on slower computers, the animation lasts longer then audio. To solve this, I tried to put the sounds directly into each timelines of the movieclips and set the "Sync" property to "Stream", but the result is, that when I call the gotoAndStop(5); method, all the sounds placed in movieclips in the previous frames (frames 1 to 4) play as well and all the sounds are playing at the same time.
If i create timeline slideshow with tweensbetween the pictures, how do I add music so that it ends when the pictures end?I read that audio can come out of sync??What if i use another program to create the swf like after effects that exports with audio? and import, would it lose sync then?
im having a problem with sound in the animation. I noticed that sound doesnt sync properly in 24 fps.The sound actually does sync properly when the sound is an event, but when the sound is set to stream, it actually doesnt play properly, and i need my animation to have streaming sound especially for the internet. So for example, if i added a sound effect to start on frame 30, when i play the animation in swf, the sound effect actually starts playing at the wrong frame, in this case, the sound plays before frame 30. So in this case, the sound plays too early, and therefore the sound effect doesnt match with the animation itself. I wanted my animation to be at 24 fps, so i assume theres something that i have to do to get sound to sync properly with the animation at 24 fps.