ActionScript 2.0 :: Attach A Sound To The Main Timeline (rollover Sound)
Jun 28, 2004
I want to attach a sound to the main timeline (rollover sound) that i can call from on(rollover) button events. I will be attaching the same sound to several buttons.
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Jun 28, 2004
I want to attach a sound to the main timeline (rollover sound) that i can call from on(rollover) button events. I will be attaching the same sound to several buttons.
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Mar 15, 2008
I have been at this for about 19 hours straight! I am going to go to bed immediately after this post, but for crying out loud, I have NEVER had this problem before today! Before anyone reads ahead and says 'you have to attach your sound object to a completely separate mc to be able to control it independently from all other sound/root volumes.' see if the following code accomplishes just that:
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Jul 28, 2009
I have several buttons in a movie and I want to be able to rollover an individual button and play the sound for that button and when I rolloff I want the sound for that button to stop.
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Sep 26, 2008
Is it possible to add 5 movieClip in the main timeline, and add for each movieClip a Sound object at frame 5, so that when I play the main timeline, all sound are played simultaneously. Because if I store all Sound object in array, and I do for example (see attach code). That's correct ? Because the play method of Sound class have may latency.
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Feb 14, 2008
I have a few sounds on my main timeline for syncing to an animation. Does anyone know what code I would use to mute the sound on the main timeline?
FYI...I will not be using linking from the library for this project, the sound WILL be on the main timeline.
Here is some code which does nothing and traces as you can see...I'm not sure where to go with this. I've placed a mute button in my file, but I need help on knowing how to control the audio.[code]...
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Apr 9, 2004
I am trying to use a sound controller in a flash movie to play music and I am using loadMovieNum to load the sound controller movie at a particular point in the main timeline. I get the sound player to load up fine and the sound loads fine when a user presses play, but about a minute through the song the sound starts to play again, overlapping the song that is already playing. This happens with no user just takes about a minute. I also noticed that it is only when the sound player is within one of the movies. It doesnt happen when the sound player is all by itself. Is there something in my movie that is making it loop over? What happen to the search that used to be at the bottom of the page?
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Aug 5, 2010
I have a bit of a problem with sound.. I have a main container animation with background sound that's loaded with soundChannel..I also have an externally loaded SWFs with Movie Clip buttons that have a sound ON ROLLOVER on the timeline..after rolling off - I place the:SoundMixer.stopAll();to stop the button from playing the sound once the mouse is rolled off.. However, the problem I'm running into is that it also stops the sound of the main container movie cli
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Mar 24, 2012
I'm having trouble trying to manipulate music using buttons. I can't seem to make music1 autoplay and loop when the movie starts. I want to stop music1 and play music2 when I press a button:
music1 in main timeline button to change music is inside a movie clip so far here is the code I found on the internet but I'm not sure how I can change it to do what I need:
var mySound:Sound;
var myChannel:SoundChannel;
var isPlaying:Boolean = false;
var isPaused:Boolean = false;
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Feb 29, 2012
Is there some codes, to stop sound in movie clip, when changing keyframe on main (parent) timeline ?
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Apr 16, 2011
I am triggering short sounds dynamically from the library for a game (Specifically Air for Android). When the user clicks a button the sound can take up to 600ms to actually play. I have set it for any silence before the actual sound by calling the sound like so:
All return the same results. I know there are threads here that talk about this but none have offered a real solution that I can find. Is there no way to cache the sound or store it in a buffer?
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Sep 4, 2010
Is it possible to attach a mc to mc from the main timeline. I see lots of threads how to attach from the library but cannot find anything on the main time lin
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Mar 30, 2012
attaching sound to a mc in mc. My script :
var my_sound:Sound=new Sound();
but I am able to listen any sound.
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Mar 19, 2009
I am making a little hidden object game and I want a sound to play everytime an object is clicked on, but I can't figure out how to do sound is a movie clip called "meow". Anyone know how to do this?here is the code:
onClipEvent (load) {
found = [];
for (i=0; i<7; i++) {
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Nov 3, 2009
I have a problem playing sound on mouse over event, sound attached from xml file.The question is, can I attach two, or more different (excat) sound to the same movieclip?F.E. I have a movieclip about the dog, and some button on the scene, "name", "sound", "etc".If I click the button "name", and after I pointing the mouse over the dog_mc, the sound would be "a_dog.mp3", but if I click on the button "sound, the played mp3 would to change the "bark.mp3" on mouse over. Of course, there is lot of animals clip, so every clip have to have own sounds.I am would to avoid attach the sound directly inside the movieclip, but not so familiar in XML, so if somebody can me explain it is possible.
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Nov 10, 2004
I would like to attach a sound to a movie clip that is serving as a button.
I want the movie clip button to make a little noise when the mouse rollovers it.
I am using Flash MX.
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Jul 19, 2005
how I can have a sound play when something is rolled over.
It says that you need to preload and then play.
My purpose is for a CD ROM.
Do I have to preload everytime and then play?
Or do I preload once. And then play whenever I need it?
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Jul 28, 2005
I want to attach a sound file and have several cuepoints that will cause certain movies to play as the sound file plays.I've looked into this and think I'm right in saying that you can't have an external sound file, like you can have an external Flash video file?What would be the best way to attach my large sound file?One way which I thought I could do what I need: create a Flash video file, don't show the video file and just play it... and then use Flash video's cuepoints.
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Aug 18, 2011
I have a movie clip on stage and would like to attach movie clip and sound from library.
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Apr 7, 2004
Is there a way to attach a sound to onRelease globally?
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Jan 4, 2010
I have a foreign language resource which randomly creates and displays a number. The player then needs to select the correct number in a particular foreign language. What i also need to do is play the audio for the randomly created number. I have numbers 13-20 all as seperate sound files also named as identifier names 13,14,15 etc up to 20.
The following script loads the sounds. Sound1 is the sound which needs to hold the random number which is generated:
ActionScript Code:
Sound1 = new Sound();
rndClip = ????????;
I need to load this array as Sound1 so that the correct sound file plays to match the random number.
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Mar 27, 2006
I am using attachSound to attach multiple sound through the library into different variables. But when I try to use setVolume, I get the same volume for all the sounds playing at that time.
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Jul 13, 2011
I'm working on a background music class and found that you cannot use the Sound class in a class file. Specifically, initiating and attaching the sound. Starting, stopping, getting the duration and such seem acceptable (though I haven't tested this yet). I've done a few searches and haven't found any work arounds other than when the class is called, hand it the sound object with the sound already attached, like this:
ActionScript Code:
import bgMusicClass;
var bgSnd:Sound = new Sound(this);
var bgMusic = new bgMusicClass(bgSnd);
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Aug 8, 2008
I've attached a sound to menu buttons using AS. The sound worked perfectly until I created a external preloader file to load the swf into a container_mc. Now no button sound? If I load the swf without the preloader file the sound works?
Code: Select all//set up sound instance
var btnGrpAudio:Sound = new Sound(mcSoundHolder);
menus[i].btn.onPress = function() {
btnGrpAudio.start(); ....
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Jul 11, 2009
I have a rollover button and I have assigned actionscript to play a sound when the button is rolled over.
However when the sound plays, it seems to overlap the sound and play it many times! I know it is not repeating the sound as I have tested it with a song and it plays the song many times overlapping, rather than repeating it.
I have the code used below:
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Apr 5, 2011
Fade in sound on RollOver
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May 9, 2006
i have a button that plays a sound when you roll over it but is there a way i can get this sound to loop until you rollout?also when i rollover it repeats x2 but if i rollover while its playing it starts another sound so its doing 2 at once is there a way to avoid this ?
this is my codes
Home.onRollOver = function() {
function clickMe() {
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May 12, 2006
p i have 4 buttons they dont go anywhere well one opens a html page.(this is an intro for a website)
so heres what it looks like
Button Button
Button Button
on roll over a sound(4 sounds 1-1 button) plays and if any sound is playing that stops. please check to see if my code is cool. also should the sound clip be on stage or is it fine in library i changed the linkage to export.
----so on the buttons i have---------------
on (rollOver) {
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Aug 7, 2003
im making a new footer for kirupaforum and i want to have a small sound play on rollover of a certain part of it. i was wondering wat the code was and where should i put it.
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Jan 1, 2010
Can someone tell me the simplest way to add a rollover sound to a standard button in flash ? I was trying to get a small chirp sound to play on rollover of a button. Im using the standard flash button creation hierarchy. Once the fourstages of the button are set. I created a layer above it called sounds then added a blankkeyframe to the over position and dragged the chirp mp3 file onto the stage over the button. Then when i run the webpage the sound effect doesnt play a expected. I tried playing with the dropdownlist of property settings too such as Sound : and theres a dropdown list. I chose chirp.mp3 there but still no luck. Tried some other sync settings too but not able to make this work.
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