ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Movieclips From Resetting When Switching Sections In Main Timeline?

Nov 28, 2011

So I have 2 frames at main timeline, one named "Game" and one is "Menu", they are just a movieclip eash does its own thing. I am in the "Game" playing, I want to change settings so I go to frame "Menu"... when I am back to frame "Game", everything is reseted!! I soon realized this is what Flash has been doing and it's a good thing... But I really want to know how to by pass the resetting now...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Targeting Sections In Main Timeline From Separate Menu SWF?

Jan 16, 2006


I made a site, but the menu isn't loading properly. If you reload the page the menu loads, but not sure why not loading every time.

Right now menu and site sections in main SWF file. Maybe I put the menu into a separate SWF file it would load properly?

If the site sections are in the main SWF timeline, then how do I do the actionscript for the menu buttons?

menu in level7
main site in level0
site sections are "product section", "about us section", "glossary section" on main timeline

So I'm not loading any SWFs, just moving between sections on main timeline.

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Clean Up Main Timeline By Breaking It Into 3 Sections And Putting Each Section Into Its Own Clip

Jun 3, 2010

I want to clean up my main timeline by breaking it into 3 sections and putting each section into its own clip. My main timeline is then only 3 frames long with one clip on each frame. Of course, trouble is, the main timeline doesn�t wait for the first clip to play before progressing to the second. Do I need some code in the second main timeline frame to tell it to wait til the first clip has finished?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Main Timeline To Stop In The Beginning On Button Press To Play And At The End Stop Again?

Feb 1, 2008

I just got Flash CS3. I'm trying to get my main timeline to stop in the begining, on button press to play and at the end stop again. In AS2, you would just put stop(); on the first keyframe and stop(); on the last key frame and program your buttons accordingly.

The stop(); does not work!!!! It's driving me crazy. What am I missing? I've gone through the tutorials in Flash and they don't work either.Also, if you have MovieClip that contains an animation and you don't want the movie clip to be on a continuous loop how do you stop it from playing. In AS2, I would put a stop(); on the last keyframe of the movieclip's animation. This also does not work in AS3.

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Variables Within Movieclips That Control Main Timeline?

Aug 26, 2009

I built my website on the main timeline with a fade in animation...stop(on the page) and a fade out animation. At the end of this fade out animation i would like it to call upon a variable to know what page to go to next.I am trying to tell my main timeline to gotoAndPlay a frame based off of a variable within a movieclip(about_mc this movieclip contains another movieclip which acts like a button(factsheet_mc)) that i have set in my main timeline.I set the variable with:

var buttonFrame; in the first frame of the main timeline

then within my movieclip i have another movieclip which tells my main timeline to play the out fade and remember a variable:

this.onRelease = function(){ --------"this" meaning the movieclip factsheet_mc------------ [code]........

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Professional :: Call Movieclips From The Main Timeline?

Jul 24, 2011

how to create .as file and how to link it with flash? another question is can anyone teach me on how to create main timeline and also how to call movieclips from the main timeline?

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Play/Stop Flv From Main Timeline?

Sep 30, 2008

[URL]about 30 seconds into this flash, there is an FLV of a computer screen. The problem is, when I pause the swf, the flv keeps going. How do I get around this?1. Is it possible to convert the flv to swf?OR2. Is it possible to control the flv from the main timeline?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Five MovieClips In Main Timeline - Sound Sync

Sep 26, 2008

Is it possible to add 5 movieClip in the main timeline, and add for each movieClip a Sound object at frame 5, so that when I play the main timeline, all sound are played simultaneously. Because if I store all Sound object in array, and I do for example (see attach code). That's correct ? Because the play method of Sound class have may latency.

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Actionscript 3 :: Create A New Array On Main Timeline With The Three Movieclips?

Sep 20, 2011

I'm new to AS3 so please excuse me if the question is a bit confusing.

I have 3 movieclips in my library with the Linkage names "Panel1", "Panel2" and "Panel3".

I want to create a new Array on my main timeline with the three movieclips.

i.e. var panelArray = new Array(Panel1, Panel2, Panel3);

How would I be able to do that?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClips Playback Buttons On Main Timeline

Apr 21, 2010

I have a movie clip - it is a slideshow style mc, but instead of pictures, each frame is layers that include bulleted text, images, etc. - and it advances frames automatically with this code:
function wait() {
}setTimeout(wait, 4500);

I need to set up a pause button that will stop the mc from advancing (i.e. ignore the wait function code above) and a PLAY button that will resume the auto-advancing of my movieclip. In my main timeline, I already have forward and backward buttons that work to advance/rewind frame by frame using this code:
//next button
[Code] .....
How to set up PLAY/PAUSE buttons that will stop/start all actions that are running in my MC?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing Random MovieClips On Main Timeline

Feb 18, 2009

What I would like to do is play ramdom movie clips on my main time line. I've tried using the below code, but it does not work:

var frameList:Array = [1, 2];
var i:int = Math.random() * frameList.length;
"mc" + frameList[i].gotoAndPlay(1);

My movie clips are named "mc1, mc2" etc. I've got them on a layer named "BG" and each movie clip is in a key frame. The ActionScript is on a seperate layer named "AS".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Nested MovieClips From The Main Timeline

Jun 3, 2009

I was trying to access some nested movieClips from the main time line but it was giving an error. What I have is a movieClip on the stage called "dog" and inside this movieClip I have two nested movieClips called "dogLH" and "dogRH". The movieClip "dog" was brought to the stage using actionscript 3.0 and when I tried to move the moveClips inside "dog" it gave me an error.

This is the code I have:

var dogog = new Dog();
dog.x =200;
dog.y =150;


What is strange is that if I add the movieClip "dog" to the stage manually and try the same thing it works. Any idea why it doesn't work when it is brought to stage with actionscript, but it works if I bring this manually?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Stop() Not Working On The Main Timeline?

Sep 7, 2011

I am building a basic 6 page web site with each page labeled on the main timeline I have put the stop(); command on the very first frame of my timeline with the button commands below it - but when I test the movie - the whole clip just loops repeatedly - ignoring the stop

//main menu buttons
home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Timeline Of The Main Swf To Go To A Certain Frame And Stop?

Jul 14, 2004

I have an internal swf file play within a main swf file. At the end of the internal swf file timeline I want the timeline of the main swf to go to a certain frame and stop.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Timeline Of Main SWF To Go To Certain Frame And Stop

Jul 14, 2004

Flash MX- I have an internal swf file play within a main swf file. At the end of the internal swf file timeline I want the timeline of the main swf to go to a certain frame and stop.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Main MovieClips With All Elements Inside It

Jul 2, 2007

I've been using this code to try and stop a main movie clip and all of the movie clips inside it. My problem is that this code only stops the main movie "elements" but none of the nested clips, can anyone spot a glaring mistake.

function stopAllClips(clip) {
for (var i in clip) {
if (typeof clip[i] == "elements") {
if (clip[i] != clip) {
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Returning To Main Timeline When MovieClips Animation Is Finished?

Jul 13, 2011

I have an intro animation inside of a MC on frame 1 of my timeline, when it's finished playing the 100 frame animation I want it to jump to frame two of my main timeline.I've tried root and parent scripts at the last frame of the animation but it's not working. Do I need to add root to the package?Even gotoAndPlay isn't working

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reference MovieClips On The Main Timeline From Inside A Class?

Mar 31, 2010

I've been programming with AS2 for a few years and I just made the switch to AS3. I'm hoping there is an easy solution to this problem. I have a class 'Actor' (extends MovieClip) that needs to hitTestPoint on a nested MovieClip 'root.World.walls' in a function moveRight(). The line of code looks like this: ...while (MovieClip(root).World.walls.hitTestPoint(pnt.x, pnt.y, true)) {... But I keep getting various errors when I try different solutions.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Nested Dynamically Created MovieClips From Main Timeline

Feb 1, 2010

I have a movie clip menu on a main timeline and inside that movie clip I have created four buttons dynamically. How to access those nested buttons/movieClips (add event listeners etc) from main timeline? Here I am adding menu to the display list on main timeline:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop On The Main Timeline - Play 3 Times And Stop

Jul 22, 2009

I have a very simple banner that I would like to play 3 times and stop. How can I do that in Actionscrip 3.0?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: _root.stop() In The Flash Player - Stopped The Main Timeline But Not The Other Ones

Jul 12, 2010

Have a question about the _root.stop(). I have a pause and play feature in a flash player so the user can stop the presentation along with all the voiceover that streams with the presentation. I used the _root.stop() in the flash player hoping it will stop the main timeline, but also other embedded movieclip timelines. It stopped the main timeline, but not the other ones. How do I stop both timelines at the same time? the _root.stop() was not working for me.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: If Click On 1st Menu The Timeline Should Go And Stop On 3rd Keyframe Of Main Stage?

Aug 31, 2010

I have a problem with gotoAndPlay option.I have 2 layers with 3 keyframes, on 2nd frame i have movie clip image_mc which has a dropdown menu and here i will stop the timeline. On mouseover of image_mc I will get a dropdown in which if I click on 1st menu the timeline should go and stop on 3rd keyframe of main stage, but its going to 3rd frame inside movie clip, how to come out of mc on click.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Making A MovieClip Play It's Frames, Then Stop On A Main Timeline Frame?

May 12, 2010

I am currently in the middle of making a "sniping" flash game. In the first level there are a series of moving targets which are also movie clips. Inside the movie clip there is a 7 frame animation of the target exploding. Inside that is a tween of the target moving up and down. And inside that there is a plain old button.

What I want to happen is when you click on the moving target it explodes and brings you to a new frame of the main timeline. (ex. Main Timeline frame #27) But I'm pretty sure it thinks I was to play the seven frame animation of it exploding and then go to frame 27 inside the movie clip, rather then frame 27 on the main timeline.

Here's what my AS looks like on the target (ActionScript 2.0 is what I'm using.)

on (press) {
on (release){

So how do I make it explode and then take me to frame 27 on the main timeline?

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Targeting Sections When Playing Timeline?

May 18, 2009

The site has 6 pages: home, contents, contact, about, showreel, corporate. I have a panoramic photograph as a background across all my pages. When a button,such as contact, is clicked the timeline is enabled and scrolls across the panoramic to the 'contact' area of the photograph.I have a few questions relating to how I can achieve this. 1.) On my actions layer I have this code on frame one: stop(); enter_site_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonCLicked); function buttonClicked (event:MouseEvent):void { play(); } So when you mouseClick the timeline plays and goes to the next stop point on the timeline which is the contents section. On the contents page are the buttons which lead to the other sections. So far I have this code: stop(); about.btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK,buttonCLicked) corporate.btn.addEventListener

(MouseEvent.CLICK,buttonCLicked) showreel.btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK,buttonCLicked) contact.btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK,buttonCLicked)

Each of the buttons work, but I want the timeline to play and go to the page which corresponds to the button which is clicked, not just to play the timeline until the next stop point. Is there a code which would enable the timeline to play and go to the correct section, and not just roll without a target? 2.) I also want to be able to write a code which enables the timeline to move to any section in the same amount of time. What I mean by this is that if it takes 2 seconds (48 frames) to go from the first section to the second section, I also want it to take 2 seconds to go from the second section to the sixth section (240 frames)

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Codes To Stop Sound In Movie Clip When Changing Keyframe On Main (parent) Timeline?

Feb 29, 2012

Is there some codes, to stop sound in movie clip, when changing keyframe on main (parent) timeline ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Run The Full Timeline Once, Then View Sections?

Jun 13, 2011

I want to do something like this (Dell home page):[URL]

(But I want the cycling to stop on the selected screen once a button has been clicked.)

It can either cycle continually through the screens (I need 9 of them), or it can cycle once & then stop on the last one.

At this point, I don't really care *sigh*

I can make a movie based on this technique

[URL] (What a PITA to be unable to post links!)

that lets me jump to various sections of the timeline when buttons are clicked, and I can make the entire timeline run & then stop (or repeat), but I can't combine the two.

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Professional :: Stop/start Controls In Flv Sections?

Apr 26, 2011

I am using a single FLV file. On the player interface in addition to play/pause and stop, I have a number of chapter buttons, which I have successfully pointed to the corresponding points in the FLV file. I need to find a way to capture and hold the relevant start and stop times of each of these chapters so that when I am in each chapter, the stop and play buttons will reference the chapter times and control only the relevant chapter, ie in Chapter Two clicking stop will reset to beginning of Chapter 2, not the start of FLV file. Not sure if there are built-in properties and methods I can use, or I need to create something custom.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resetting X And Y On Draggable Movieclips

Feb 3, 2009

I've got 6 draggable movie clips that snap to a target - which works fine. If they don't hit the target area they snap back to their starting point- which also works fine.

My problem is that they can all be dragged to the target one after another, but I only want one movieclip to be at the target at any one time.

So,when I start dragging a new clip toward the target I want the movieclip thats already on the target to reset itself to it's starting position, thus being replaced by the incoming clip.

I want this to happen for all the draggable clips.

function dragSetup(clip, targ) {
clip.onPress = function() {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resetting Multiple MovieClips?

Jan 24, 2011

I've created this simple birthday game where the concept is to blowout 30 candles in 15 seconds.The candles are movieclips so that when they are clicked on, they blowout. However,when the option to "try again" begins, the candles are still out.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resetting Movieclips Position?

Sep 7, 2006

I have a setup where a girl is holding a card on there are words on each card and as time goes by they fall to the ground. The problem I am running into is that the cards never go back into the loop of cards, once they are out I am just left with a blank card. How could I have it reset this?

import mx.utils.Delegate;


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