ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Main MovieClips With All Elements Inside It

Jul 2, 2007

I've been using this code to try and stop a main movie clip and all of the movie clips inside it. My problem is that this code only stops the main movie "elements" but none of the nested clips, can anyone spot a glaring mistake.

function stopAllClips(clip) {
for (var i in clip) {
if (typeof clip[i] == "elements") {
if (clip[i] != clip) {
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reference MovieClips On The Main Timeline From Inside A Class?

Mar 31, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Movieclips From Resetting When Switching Sections In Main Timeline?

Nov 28, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons On The Main Page Doesn't Goto And Stop At Other Frames In The Main Scene

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Main Timeline To Stop In The Beginning On Button Press To Play And At The End Stop Again?

Feb 1, 2008

I just got Flash CS3. I'm trying to get my main timeline to stop in the begining, on button press to play and at the end stop again. In AS2, you would just put stop(); on the first keyframe and stop(); on the last key frame and program your buttons accordingly.

The stop(); does not work!!!! It's driving me crazy. What am I missing? I've gone through the tutorials in Flash and they don't work either.Also, if you have MovieClip that contains an animation and you don't want the movie clip to be on a continuous loop how do you stop it from playing. In AS2, I would put a stop(); on the last keyframe of the movieclip's animation. This also does not work in AS3.

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Actionscript 3 :: Add MXML Elements To The Main Application?

Jan 26, 2011

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
<mx:Button x="29" y="347" label="Button"/>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
<mx:Button x="29" y="347" label="Button"/>
<mx:RichTextEditor x="183" y="24" title="Title">

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop All Movieclips On Stage And It's Nested Movieclips?

Sep 9, 2011

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I toyed with looping thru stage's children so I can first target clips on the stage. But I am getting error.
for (var i:int = 0; i < this.numChildren; i++)     if (this.getChildAt(i) is MovieClip)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Properties And Events To MovieClips Inside A Loop Inside A Function

Dec 8, 2009

I have done this same thing in ActionScript 3, but am not familiar with ActionScript 2, which I am forced to use for this project. I am loading products into a SWF via XML and attempting to add a click event to each dynamically-created movieclip. Simply tracing the text from a node in XML will do for now. I'd like to assign a property called "desc" or "description" to each movieclip and have it trace that property's value when clicked. Here is the relevant portion of my code as it stands:

ActionScript Code:
var iXML:XML = new XML();
iXML.ignoreWhite = true;


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Xml :: Flex - Manipulate Elements Inside A XML?

Mar 17, 2011

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<menuitem label="Edit">
<m label="Cut"/>
<m label="Copy"/>
<m label="Paste"/>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Printing Movieclips With Movieclips Inside?

Sep 15, 2010

Printing an MC is easy enough. But I am having trouble printing an MC which has multiple MCs inside of it. They just don't get printed.
I am trying to avoid printAsBitmap.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Why Do Movieclips Inside Movieclips Have Different _x And _y Than The Timeline

Oct 30, 2007

why does a MC inside another MC have different _x and _y values than the main timeline?What I am trying to do right now is animate a MC inside another MC then get the main MC holding everything to move where that new MC ended animating at (it's part of a game I'm making.)

I know it's confusing but Flash shows the cursors current X and Y in the info panel, which is the same as the main timeline. Yet inside the movieclip, an x of 76 and a y of 277 on the timeline is -195 and -30.9 (respectively) inside the MC.How do I fix it so I can get the _x and _y values to match up so I can tell the main MC to reposition itself to the new X and Y (of the inside MC)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClips Inside Other MovieClips - Detecting All

Mar 27, 2008

I have a movieclip called mapWindow, inside mapWindow are dynamically created movieclips of various sizes. The movieclips inside the mapWindow don't take up the entire space of the mapWindow and thus I use a startDrag on the mapWindow upon detection of a mouse press. The problem is, I don't want the start drag to start if the mouse is detected over any of the child movieclips inside mapWindow.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Elements Inside The Movie Don't Respond?

Feb 14, 2003

From one main movie, I'm calling a movie, put it into a target (everything goes fine here), then when I call the movie everithing goes fine but the elements inside the movie don't respond I'll tell you how it works. The loaded movie, has a movie clip that plays a few others clips in the main time line. When this movie get loaded into the main movie I mentioned above these few clips don't work, I see the movie getting loaded but these few clips don't work.

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Html :: Clickable SIFR Inside Linked Elements

Dec 28, 2009

My site in progress has some large graphical buttons that uses sIFR to display their headings. The structure looks like this:


I'm replacing the <h2> element with sIFR 3, revision 436. Everything works great until I activate sIFR. The font is replaced just fine, but the heading can no longer be clicked even though the rest of the button can. I tried to add another <a> inside the <h2> heading but that broke the whole layout since multiple <a> tags can't be nested. Is there a "correct" way to fix this or should I work around it with something ugly like a z-indexed clickable blank.gif on top of the whole thing? Or is there something else wrong that I've missed?

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Isn't there a way to loop over each image in the hgroup and add the eventhandler? Something like this:


My teacher told me this isn't possible but in case of 10+ images, I can't imagine doing it for every image separately. There has to be a better way to do this, no?

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Flash :: Reference Array Elements Of Class Inside For Loop?

Nov 13, 2011

I'm working with Flash Builder 4.5 on an Actionscript project. I've created the following classes:

public class ComplexNumber


but the code inside this loop generates the following run time error: "ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property 0 on ComplexArray." Thus, my code for "BXFN_complex[ii] = ~" is incorrect. Anyone know how to achieve what I'm trying to do? Basically, ComplexDivide.v1p0 returns two numbers, and BXFN_complex is an object containing two number arrays, and I want to assign the ComplexDivide two numbers into the ii'th element of arrays in BXFN_complex.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping Randomly Moving Elements Inside Frame?

May 30, 2005

I have gone through the tutorial on this site regarding random movement. But I need it to be kept in a frame. This is the code(from this site)

function getdistance(x, y, x1, y1) {
var run, rise;
run = x1-x;
rise = y1-y;
return (_root.hyp(run, rise));
} function hyp(a, b) {
[Code] .....

Lets say I make an physical border for the element. A "box" 200x100 and this box is centered. How do I keep my random moved element inside this "box" or frame you may call it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Elements Created Inside Movie Clips From Custom Class

Feb 24, 2009

I have a custom class I am working on, one of the methods is:[code]Inside that function a dynamic TextField is created called txtLoaded, it is declared with [code]mcProg is added to the stage, I see the txtLoaded txt field drawn as well and I can trace properties of mcProg from elsewhere in the class but I cannot access mcProg.txtLoaded from anywhere else in the class.I imagine this must be a scoping issue, with txtLoaded only existing inside the createProgress method, but is there any way for me to be able to access txtLoaded from elsewhere in the class?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: "stop" Inside Frame Doesn't Work When Loaded Inside Swf?

Mar 1, 2011

I have a flash code where i am loading an AS 2 SWF inside AS 3. The thing is if i put the AS 2 SWF on same domain its working fine but if i put AS 2 SWF on different domain it loads the SWF properly but the "stop()" written inside the AS 2 frame doesnt work... and it keeps on playing all the frames continuously...
Here is the loading code..

var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(); 
if(Security.sandboxType == Security.REMOTE){ context.securityDomain = SecurityDomain.currentDomain };
var objLoader:Loader = new Loader();var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("SomeURL.swf");objLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event .COMPLETE, onSWFLoadComplete);objLoader.load(mRequest, context);


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Variables Within Movieclips That Control Main Timeline?

Aug 26, 2009

I built my website on the main timeline with a fade in animation...stop(on the page) and a fade out animation. At the end of this fade out animation i would like it to call upon a variable to know what page to go to next.I am trying to tell my main timeline to gotoAndPlay a frame based off of a variable within a movieclip(about_mc this movieclip contains another movieclip which acts like a button(factsheet_mc)) that i have set in my main timeline.I set the variable with:

var buttonFrame; in the first frame of the main timeline

then within my movieclip i have another movieclip which tells my main timeline to play the out fade and remember a variable:

this.onRelease = function(){ --------"this" meaning the movieclip factsheet_mc------------ [code]........

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Professional :: Call Movieclips From The Main Timeline?

Jul 24, 2011

how to create .as file and how to link it with flash? another question is can anyone teach me on how to create main timeline and also how to call movieclips from the main timeline?

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Play/Stop Flv From Main Timeline?

Sep 30, 2008

[URL]about 30 seconds into this flash, there is an FLV of a computer screen. The problem is, when I pause the swf, the flv keeps going. How do I get around this?1. Is it possible to convert the flv to swf?OR2. Is it possible to control the flv from the main timeline?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swf And From There Start Or Stop A Mc In The Main-swf?

Aug 29, 2009

Is it possible to play mc's in one swf with code in another swf?

So, for example, load a swf in another swf and from there start or stop a mc in the main-swf.

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IDE :: Get The Main Tween To Stop On Rollover?

Feb 9, 2010

I have 4 buttons that are part of the main tween (they are scrolling across the screen).When you hover over one they do a small animation.When you click it you get sent to a web page in a new window.Up to here everything is working fine.I'm trying / need to get the whole scrolling animation to stop when hovering over one of the buttons, i tried adding "onrollover" to each button with referance to the main movie - nothing.Tried adding a code in my action frame that applies to every button..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Different Buttons Load Different Movieclips In A Main Area?

Feb 17, 2010

how to make buttons play movie clips in a particular area when I press a button however I'm trying to make the jump up higher.

I have 3 menu items with 3 movie clips loaded just beneath the menu Items. However my first problem is, how do I hide content or even better, only play certain movies when a button is released?

At the moment the code for a button I use is:


But all the movie clips are overlayed!!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Targeting MovieClips As Vars From Main Frame?

Nov 4, 2011

I have the MovieClip named dessin, which loads another MovieClip named dessin (dessin.dessin). Now, there is a MovieClip named displayPlane, in the new MovieClip (dessin.dessin), in the MovieClip named displayPlane, there is a variable, which goes as follows:

Actionscript Code:
var _loc3 = displayPlane.attachMovie("displayNode", "displayNode_" + projectCount, projectCount);

inside that clip, there are multiple MovieClips in vars, I am trying to specifically target one var, the following:

Actionscript Code:
var _loc8 = this.attachMovie("closeBtn", "closeBtn", 5);

I have tried this code to target that specific MovieClip with no success.

Actionscript Code:

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Five MovieClips In Main Timeline - Sound Sync

Sep 26, 2008

Is it possible to add 5 movieClip in the main timeline, and add for each movieClip a Sound object at frame 5, so that when I play the main timeline, all sound are played simultaneously. Because if I store all Sound object in array, and I do for example (see attach code). That's correct ? Because the play method of Sound class have may latency.

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