Xml :: Flex - Manipulate Elements Inside A XML?

Mar 17, 2011

What are the inbuilt functions available in flex,actionscript that I can use to find a node with a specific name inside xml variable and what functions could help me manipulate it? Something like Xquery in SQL! I dont want to use for loop everytime I want to manipulate a xml variable. For example, if I want to "cut" node inside this xml and add another attribute to it named enabled pro grammatically. Or how could I find "Find Next" node and delete it?

<menuitem label="Edit">
<m label="Cut"/>
<m label="Copy"/>
<m label="Paste"/>


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import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
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[Code] .....

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XML :: Flex Sorting Of ListCollection Sub Elements

Aug 13, 2009

In a Flex webapp, is there an easy way to go about applying a sort to the children of an XML element, based on the children's attributes? Example follows below:

<a anotherProp="ABCDE">
<e prop="AB">1</element>
<e prop="BC">2</element>
</a><a anotherProp="FGEH">
<e prop="HF">3</element>
<e prop="AD">4</element>
<e prop="AC">5</element></a>

I would like to sort the <e> elements, within each <a> element separately, according to their "prop" attribute. My code for generating the array containing the <a> elements is along the lines of:
for each(var node:XML in initialInput:XMLListCollection){
//I was hoping to be able to sort the <e> children of the node variable here

At the end I would like the <a>'s to remain in their defined order, but their <e> children to be sorted based on the "prop" attribute. So far if I try:
Where someSortVar has its fields set to:
I get an exception about a null value. Any way to convert the children list to XMLListCollection, sort it and integrate it back into the node variable?

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Iterating through the array, calling pop or shift on each element
Setting the array length to 0
Setting the member variable to a "new Array()" or "[]"

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Feb 17, 2010

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