ActionScript 3.0 :: Returning A Class Name?

Sep 11, 2009

Is there any method that returns the Class name of an instance as a String? I would like to then pass that String as the parameter into the getDefinitionByName() method to create a new instance of that Class (whatever it is).basically, whatever I have stored in the variable 'currentPage' (which could be any number of classes I haev written), I want to create a new instance of (therefore re-instantiating it). this will then act as the method for a 'reload' button which is designed to reload whatever the current page/activity is.

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Actionscript 3 :: Returning A Property Of A Class Rather Than The Class Itself

Nov 30, 2011

In ActionScript 3, there are some classes that will represent a value rather than the class itself. It's hard to explain properly what I mean, so take this example:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Returning A Value From A Class?

Aug 5, 2008

I decided to turn this util into a class because I use it in almost all of my projects. Basically what it is is I import an XML file and it has all these HTML characters like & or   and my function basically converts those strings of characters to its regular form ie: ['&' (&] or [' ' ( )]

so calling it in a FLA file would be something like this:

var entity:DeEntitizeHTML = new DeEntitizeHTML("bob & jim");
and here is my class file:
class com.dop.DeEntitizeHTML
function DeEntitizeHTML(my_str)


how to return that value back to the var entity in my FLA.

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Actionscript 3 :: Returning Array In A Class?

Nov 5, 2009

I built a class that parses JSON data, stores it in an array, and now I want to return that data so that it can be stores in an array in my root AS file. I'm eventually trying to pass the returned array to another class. My class looks like this:

package com.src
import flash.display.Sprite;


I keep getting the following error however:

1061: Call to a possibly undefined method payload through a reference with static type com.src.DataGrab.

Does anyone have advice on what might be wrong with my class, or a more logical way to write the getResults() function so that I can get retrieve the array being generated by this class?

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Actionscript 3 :: Returning A Property Rather Than The Class Itself?

Feb 15, 2012

I can use toString() to return any string desired when using trace(instance), is it possible to return other types of objects?For example, I may have this class:

public class List
private var _content:Array = [];
public function add():void{}
public function remove():void{}

I normally need to make a getter that returns the _content, eg:

public function get content():Array{ return _content; }

So that I can do things like:

for each(var i:Object in myList.content)

Can I make myList in the above case actually return the value of content automatically? So that I can do like:

trace(myList); // item, item, item (similar output as tracing an array)
for each(var i:Object in myList)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Class - Returning From Function?

Jun 28, 2010

I want to make class which will import picture into UILoader and then will show it. It looks like that:

ActionScript Code:
package mob.kopertownik
import fl.containers.UILoader;


And into the *.fla file I have got something like this:

ActionScript Code:
var myPicture:Picture = new Picture();

When I have got everything ready and the all requirements are fulfilled there is nothing happening.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Returning An Array From Within Class?

Feb 24, 2011

I have this class that basically reads a json file and then places it into an array, which I then want to pass back to the var set etc, how do i go about this:I have the following at present:Heres part of my list class:


... the normal import etc of stuff above then the following....
public function loadVideoList(_videoURL:String=""):void


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Flash :: ActionScript 3 - Returning / Inspecting Class Value On Declaration

Jul 26, 2010

I'm wondering if is there any way to mimic the same behaviour we have for top level classes in AS3 for example:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Returning A Variable To Another Class From A Loading Function?

Aug 5, 2009

However, on a bright note its coming!!!! So far, everything is going well and I am now seeing the light with AS3I do have a question on returning a variable from a function that loads an external CSS. This particular function is located inside a class along with another public function that sets text properties to fields when accessed. What I am looking for is accessing the stylesheet after its been loaded in another class. I know in AS2 I could use the Delegate method for something similar to this situation. Not sure what the next step is for AS3. Anyhow, function script is below.

ActionScript Code:
public function loadStyleSheetItem(loadStyleSheet_str:String):void {
var styleSheet_css = new StyleSheet;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Returning Values From An Event Listener Within A Class?

Jun 5, 2011

I am developing in Flash Builder 4.5 using as3.

I have created a class to connect, write and read to a TCP Socket using 'import;'

Within this class is an event listener which reads the incomming data:

socket.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, readSocketData);
private function readSocketData(progressEvent:ProgressEvent):void {var response:String = socket.readUTFBytes(socket.bytesAvailable);
trace response;}

My problem is how to output this data back to my main application. Ultimately I want to process the data and output it in a text box.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Putting Loader In A Custom Class: Events, Returning To Main ... Asynch Challenges

Sep 14, 2009

I'm creating a custom class to retrieve some data using URLoader.My code is below, doing this from memory, plz ignore any minor typos.The challenge I'm encountering: when my custom class calls the loader, the event handler takes over.  At which point the context of my code leaves the function and it's not clear to me how I then return the data retrieved by the loader.  I sense that I'm breaking the rules of how ActionScript really runs by putting a loader in a separate class; at least, that's my primitive understanding based upon the reading I've done on this.So can I do this?  I am trying to create a clean separation of concerns in my program so that my main program doesn't get clogged up with code concerned with retrieving remote data.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Returning The SWF Url?

May 19, 2010

In as 2.0 there was a simple code like trace(_root._url) that would return the url of the actual swf file. What is the equivalent in AS3? The samples I found were all realted to window.location and other things, is there no simple code for this like in as 2?

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Actionscript :: Returning A Value From Php To Swf?

Jul 4, 2011

I am trying to transfer a movie-clip staged in a swf(on local machine) to a remote server. Below is a part of the action-script code concerned with it;

function createJPG(mc:MovieClip, n:Number, fileName:String) {
var jpgSource:BitmapData = new BitmapData(mc.width,mc.height);


I want to close the swf when the upload is complete., I would like to know how to return a value(may be a number which I intend to use to indicate completion of file transfer) from the php script to the swf and how to receive that value in the swf?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Returning More Than One Value?

Jul 14, 2009

ActionScript Code:

var temp = 1
function change(out){
out = 2
return "something"


(I would do this if I had a function that returned a value already and I needed it to output more information - I'd pass it an output variable which it would fill for me)but in AS3 that doesn't seem to work - it seems changes I make to a function argument apply only within the function.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Returning A Value From A Function

Apr 6, 2010

I have an external function that needs to return a customerID value. However, it seems to be returning the initial value instead of the value that I believe is being set within the function.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mc Not Returning To State?

May 5, 2011

only issue i'm having is that if i drop the item in the zone requiring a change, and pick the item back up, it combines the shapes. I'm thinking I need to have the if statement more universal. I've uploaded my fla to rapid,I'll put my coding below as well.

backbutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backclick);
helpbutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, helpclick);
answerbutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, answerclick);


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Flex :: Returning The Value Of A New CheckBox In Air?

Oct 31, 2009

I am trying to save settings to an XML File and setting the relevant data if the check box is checked or not.

private static function createXMLData():void
prefsXML = <preferences/>;
prefsXML.application.@windowsstart =


well i assume that is what the error means, it cannot get details of something that is not set yet.. so how would i get it to check and if nothing then it is obviously a "false".

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Returning Errors From AMFPHP?

Mar 19, 2010

When using flash remoting with amfphp, what can I write in php that will trigger the 'status' method that I set up in my Responder in Flash? Or more generally, how can I determine if the service call has failed? The ideal solution for me would be to throw some exception in php serverside, and catch that exception in flash clientside... How do other people handle server errors with flash remoting?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Ns.onStatus Not Returning A Value?

Jan 22, 2009

The following snippit:

// FLV Completion
ns.onStatus = function(info){
if(info.code == "Netstream.Play.Stop"){


Is not returning anything at the end of my flv. I have also tried: Netstream.Play.Complete to no avail.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Else Always Returning A 'true' Value?

Mar 7, 2010

I am makign something which generates a random number, then proceeds to check it against a range of fields loaded from an XML file. I have checked and the fields are loading the correct numbers in, but the "if" statement is always returning 'true'. The only time I have been able to get it to properly execute is when I use numbers instead of variables. I have tried using Number(variable), but that doesn't seem to fix anything. here is my code.

ActionScript Code:
on (release) {
_root.colnum = Math.round(Math.random()*100); 
if ((_root.colnum<=_root.wballmax) && (_root.colnum>=_root.wballmin)) {


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Getter Not Returning Value

Jan 14, 2009

I have a setter and getter method , the getter method should return an array collection but it's always returning an empty array collection even when I've run trace to check on it.[code]...

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Ns.onStatus Is Not Returning A Value?

Jan 22, 2009

The following snippit...

ns.onStatus = function(info){
trace("The movie has ended keptain!");
if(info.code == "Netstream.Play.Stop"){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Returning The INSTANCE Name?

Sep 10, 2004

i have a MC, that contains a button, and when i press that button i need it to send the instance name of _parent.MC (instance name is "kala") to the variable "_root.eelmine".result must be: _root.eelmine = kala;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Returning A Value From A Function?

Nov 2, 2005

well I have a function in my index.swf that goes like this

function getLanguage(language):String {
var sLang:String = language;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Returning Value From Function?

Dec 14, 2007

I have the following function defined in a class:

vidNetStream.onMetaData = function(myMeta){
_root.totalDuration = myMeta.duration;
//trace(_root.totalDuration + "!");

totalDuration is a private variable defined in my class.... how can I get that function to effectively save totalDuration?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Not Returning From Function

Jun 30, 2009

I am trying to return a movieClip to a project variable, so it can be retrieved outside of a function. However it fails.

I tried to simply set up a variable so when the function returns, it has a storage variable.

Then i tried for a function to retrieve the variable content

However when i call the trace(mc) it fails as undefined [code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SWF Hangs In I.E. When Returning To Page

Jul 31, 2009

A SWF (published as AS2 for player version 9) sits on a page called home.aspx with other textual content. The SWF is a wrapper that loads in various other SWFs based on flash cookie data. Here is the problem: In I.E. (and not Firefox), sometimes the wrapper SWF hangs and fails to load the external SWFs.

The only time this happens is when returning back to this home page via another link that ends in a hash mark (home.aspx#) or to (default.aspx) which is supposed to act the same as home.aspx Also, this doesn't happen every time. Only sometimes. Anyone have any clues? I'd love to provide a link but this is on a beta server at the moment and I don't think I'm allowed to.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Function Returning A Variable?

Aug 9, 2009

I have a variable which needs to be updated upon user input. It works inside the function, the trace function returns the correct type, but for a reason it wont pass it on the variable on the main timeline.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Song ID3 Is Returning Null

Nov 30, 2009

PHP Code:

var aaa:Sound = new Sound (new URLRequest ("awd awd.mp3")); ();trace (aaa.id3.artist);

The song plays but when I try to get the song's artist / album it returns null. I also tried copying the format from live adobe help website but it still returns null.

Also I have 3 songs named 1, 2, and 3 in a folder. I made a playlist type thing and it works fine, the only problem I see is that I would have to rename 30 songs.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Returning The Value Of A MovieClip's Children?

Mar 24, 2010

Is there a way that I can obtain the name of a clip's children just like I can obtain the name of it's parent by using _parent?

Basically, I have a whole bunch of MovieClips that I have created through a function that parses an XML file. Basically, it's a custom-made Tree.

I have them all set up in their proper horizontal and vertical positions, but the one thing I'm having trouble doing is closing a branch on it. I've tried storing values in arrays to help me sort all the MovieClips on the Stage, but I must confess that I'm not good with arrays at all, so is there some sort of obscure function somewhere that can return the child clips, so I can do something like:

myMC.onRelease = function():Void {
if (myMC.hasChildMovies() == true)
for (var i:Number = 0; i < myMC.childMoviesArray.length; i++){


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