ActionScript 3.0 :: Returning More Than One Value?
Jul 14, 2009
ActionScript Code:
var temp = 1
function change(out){
out = 2
return "something"
(I would do this if I had a function that returned a value already and I needed it to output more information - I'd pass it an output variable which it would fill for me)but in AS3 that doesn't seem to work - it seems changes I make to a function argument apply only within the function.
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function createJPG(mc:MovieClip, n:Number, fileName:String) {
var jpgSource:BitmapData = new BitmapData(mc.width,mc.height);
I want to close the swf when the upload is complete., I would like to know how to return a value(may be a number which I intend to use to indicate completion of file transfer) from the php script to the swf and how to receive that value in the swf?
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backbutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backclick);
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// FLV Completion
ns.onStatus = function(info){
if(info.code == "Netstream.Play.Stop"){
Is not returning anything at the end of my flv. I have also tried: Netstream.Play.Complete to no avail.
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on (release) {
_root.colnum = Math.round(Math.random()*100);
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trace("The movie has ended keptain!");
if(info.code == "Netstream.Play.Stop"){
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var sLang:String = language;
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Dec 14, 2007
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vidNetStream.onMetaData = function(myMeta){
_root.totalDuration = myMeta.duration;
//trace(_root.totalDuration + "!");
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function DeEntitizeHTML(my_str)
how to return that value back to the var entity in my FLA.
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Jun 30, 2009
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However when i call the trace(mc) it fails as undefined [code]...
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var aaa:Sound = new Sound (new URLRequest ("awd awd.mp3")); ();trace (aaa.id3.artist);
The song plays but when I try to get the song's artist / album it returns null. I also tried copying the format from live adobe help website but it still returns null.
Also I have 3 songs named 1, 2, and 3 in a folder. I made a playlist type thing and it works fine, the only problem I see is that I would have to rename 30 songs.
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Mar 24, 2010
Is there a way that I can obtain the name of a clip's children just like I can obtain the name of it's parent by using _parent?
Basically, I have a whole bunch of MovieClips that I have created through a function that parses an XML file. Basically, it's a custom-made Tree.
I have them all set up in their proper horizontal and vertical positions, but the one thing I'm having trouble doing is closing a branch on it. I've tried storing values in arrays to help me sort all the MovieClips on the Stage, but I must confess that I'm not good with arrays at all, so is there some sort of obscure function somewhere that can return the child clips, so I can do something like:
myMC.onRelease = function():Void {
if (myMC.hasChildMovies() == true)
for (var i:Number = 0; i < myMC.childMoviesArray.length; i++){
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Feb 27, 2012
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Jan 16, 2010
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Dec 10, 2010
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xml.parameter[0] = Menu.ColorPicker.selectedColor; xml.parameter[0].@name = "color1"; xml.parameter[1] = Menu.ColorPicker2.selectedColor;
xml.parameter[1].@name = "color2";
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Nov 5, 2009
I built a class that parses JSON data, stores it in an array, and now I want to return that data so that it can be stores in an array in my root AS file. I'm eventually trying to pass the returned array to another class. My class looks like this:
package com.src
import flash.display.Sprite;
I keep getting the following error however:
1061: Call to a possibly undefined method payload through a reference with static type com.src.DataGrab.
Does anyone have advice on what might be wrong with my class, or a more logical way to write the getResults() function so that I can get retrieve the array being generated by this class?
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Dec 21, 2009
Say I have four sub-classes of 'Car'. One for each color. I want to have one function that can build and return a 'color-car' sub-class based on the passed value. This is a dumb example, I know, but it is precisely what I am trying to do only on a smaller scale.
public class Car
public class BlueCar extends Car
Ok. You get it. This doesn't work for a reason unknown to me. I get 1118 errors which complain about conversion of BlueCar into Car, etc...
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Sep 3, 2010
I think this is just a matter of fine tuning some different elements, but I'd like to know your take. I've got a Flex app, using the Flex 4 data services, communicating with Zend AMF services. One of the services returns all the results in a database using SELECT * FROM table there are ~1200 rows (140KB package size).
My problem is the response time, it's rage inducing. Total duration is always between 7-8 seconds. All but about 150ms of that is latency. I broke up the PHP to figure out exactly where the latency was and turns out return $rows is eating up ~6.8sec latency. I can deal with 1-2sec, but when I start waiting around for 8sec I feel kinda dumb. I cross checked the query response speed directly from the database, and just like I was expecting the total query time is 45-60ms.
PHP, this is basically just the generated Flex data service code, although in production it isn't the same:
public function getAllProject_entries() {
$stmt = mysqli_prepare($this->connection, "SELECT u.*
FROM $this->tablename u");
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Sep 4, 2010
in AS3 I'm trying to load a URL (a Yahoo address) into the application so I can process the source code and pull things out of it.However, when I load it, or any other page, I get 0 bytes back.Here's my current code.
private function doSearch():void {
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
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Aug 24, 2011
Im trying to fetch some data from PHP and use it in a link in flash AS3. flash code:
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Feb 15, 2012
I can use toString() to return any string desired when using trace(instance), is it possible to return other types of objects?For example, I may have this class:
public class List
private var _content:Array = [];
public function add():void{}
public function remove():void{}
I normally need to make a getter that returns the _content, eg:
public function get content():Array{ return _content; }
So that I can do things like:
for each(var i:Object in myList.content)
Can I make myList in the above case actually return the value of content automatically? So that I can do like:
trace(myList); // item, item, item (similar output as tracing an array)
for each(var i:Object in myList)
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