ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling An Obj Based On Distance From Center?

Jan 26, 2011

I have been looking to scale an object up if it's less than 70-px from the center of the object. I started to use the below and at least the distance was working but when combined with the conditional it all falls apart as the object mousePoint changes rapidly.This works fine when tracing:

ActionScript Code:
var mousePoint:Point = new Point(this.mouseX,this.mouseY);
var mcPoint:Point = new Point(0,0);


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var numOfBalls:Number = 365;
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on frame 1, but they don't seem to work. I'm going to be putting this project on a CD and the client wants to make sure it will open centered on the user's screen, which has not been the case so far. It seems to open at different spots on different computers. They also want the title bar changed from "Adobe Flash Player 10" to their own title.

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level=1; //starting scale level
public function scaleOut(level:int) // scale to a level 1-4{
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// scale radius
Main.ballArray[r].bRadius *= (oldLevel / level);
[Code] .....

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if(Vector3D.distance(model.position,model2.position) < 100)
// do something

>>You can use it directly as a method of the Vector3D class to get the Euclidean distance between two three-dimensional points.
Which point does this method pick? Is it the closest point to the other object ?
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May 20, 2010

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Instead of scaling with the window, it seems to repeat such as the image is displaying. this is the main section of the code that is doing the scaling
var br:mc_bottomright = new mc_bottomright();
//proportional scale
if ((stage.stageWidth / stage.stageHeight)> (owidth/oheight))


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Keep Center Of The Movie In The Center Of The Scree Regardless Of Browser Size?

Mar 23, 2009

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[URL] is an example of exactly what i am trying to achieve.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Non Scaling In Scaling Part

Apr 18, 2004

really sorry to bring this one up again. I've managed to create quite good working gallery. What I'm trying to now is create a menu that is attached to the scaling part but does not scale it self - in other words just changes position. here's an example of what I mean: galleru #1

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Apr 18, 2004

What I'm trying to now is create a menu that is attached to the scaling part but does not scale it self - in other words just changes position. here's an example of what I mean: galleru #1

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Nov 4, 2011

I just discovered and was very impressed by what can be achieved in terms of visualizing data using their workspace. Although the platform is free to use, but not open source yet. This causes a few problems because the API section works with .com sites for eg. for ebay, so I cannot visualize ebay listings for regional sites such as because the link to is hardcoded.I searched around, but didn't find other projects that offer a similar way to work with site APIs and other data sources with the kind of user interface and detail that does in a realtime way within a browser window.This brings me to the questions:

-What technologies would be involved in creating a similar kind of project

-What are the open source tools that can help develop a fullscreen UI to render the workspace. Are there any alternatives to flash for this, and how do they compare

The goal would be to use standard python data structures, python scripts to do some processing on these data structures, scripts to gather data from csv, json and API sources such as google yahoo, wikipedia and flickr, and scripts to render graphs, tag clouds, network visualizations etc. Then bring them all together into a visual interface that supports drag drop and simple type checking.How would the python backend integrate with the UI.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tile Based Game - Creating Multiple Sprites Based On Frames

Nov 17, 2009

I'm relatively new to AS3. There's one thing that I don't quite understand about Sprites. I'm making a tile based game, and all the tile graphics for a level are inside one movie clip in each frame. Would I be able to go about creating multiple sprites based on the frames in said movieclip's timeline I would I have to go through and make a separate library graphic for each.

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Flash :: Event Based Based Video Player?

Jul 15, 2010

I need a flash based video player that is able to trigger events I can listen to via JavaScript. The events I need to listen to are:

The play button is pressed The pause button is pressed The video stops (is finished)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Distance To A Line?

Jun 19, 2011

Can't figure out this. I have 3 points A(305,108),B(311,119) and C(348,172), to find out the distance from B to AC, i use a method found here [URL]..
I then got the distance equals to 131. When I draw AC and B, it appears B is almost on the line (distance <= 1). Am i doing wrong? what does 131 mean?

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Actionscript 3 :: Distance Between Two Points

Apr 19, 2011

Is there any difference between: distance = point1.subtract(point2).length; and distance = Point.distance(point1, point2);

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Apr 6, 2011

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