ActionScript 3.0 :: Set A Keyboard Handler On The Frame?

Feb 13, 2009

In frame 1 I set a keyboard handler on the frame:

stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, moveRusty);

moveRusty() moves an icon back and forth when the arrow keys are pressed - very simple. From frame 1 Flash proceeds to frame 2 where the main action takes place - rusty moves just fine. When he reaches a certain point I gotoAndPlay frame 3 which sets rusty's visibility to false. A button in frame 3 has gotoAndPlay frame 2 where everything is reset and Rusty is free to move.

The problem is, Rusty stops moving when we go back to frame 2 from frame 3. I put in a trace statement into the keyboard handler and it never gets hit. Now the REALLY weird part is that if I move the focus from the flash window to any other window and back again, things start working. From then on, everything works fine until I go to frame 3 and then back to frame 2 via the button in frame 3.

What kind of behavior would Adobe build in so that keyboard handlers only worked after change focus away and then back?

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public function onKeyPress( keyboardEvent:KeyboardEvent ):void {
if (keyboardEvent.keyCode == Keyboard.A) {

1119: Access of the possibly undefined property A through a reference with static type class.
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private var moveRightArray:Array = new Array(Keyboard.RIGHT, Keyboard.D);
^ Spalte: 73 Fehler: Access of possibly undefined property D through a reference with static type Class.
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xTargetOSM = 30;
OSM.onEnterFrame = function() {


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The above code is on a blank keyframe. Changepage1 is the start of the animation and Changepage2 is the end of the animation.

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//some code

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country = "uk"
on (rollOver){    gotoAndPlay(country)}
on (release){    getURL("/"+country+"/", "_self");}

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
styleName = "plain"


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// get the operation


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<mx:Form id="menu5" label="Prueba" width="100%" height="100%" backgroundColor="#707070" icon="{roadIcon}">


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Statement Must Appear Within On/onClipEvent Handler?

Jan 4, 2009

I am just learning Flash. I'm using Flash CS4, However I am using Actionscript 1.0/2.0. I have a main page with just simple buttons, and such. My question is, I need to load a swf within my main page. I have a sqaure in the center of my page that I want to load a swf in. I made a rectangle using the rectangle tool, and converted the rectangle into a symbol so that actions may be placed within it. I want to load a file called News.swf within the rectangle. I can't find any code to do this that doesnt have compiler errors.

I found one code: News.loadMovie("News.swf"); when I put just that in the Actions field, and I export the movie I get the error: Statement must appear within on/onClipEvent handler

I just want to load News.swf in the actions tab within a symbol.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Access 'i' In Movieclip Handler?

Jan 29, 2009

ActionScript [code]...

the trace function in the onEnterFrame only return i to 5,why?

and how can i access i as 1,2,3,4...?

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