ActionScript 3.0 :: Swipe Gesture, Use Without Touchscreen?
Dec 14, 2010
I looking into developing an AIR application for carPC's.These pc's all have touchscreens, but usually not multitouch. Also Windows 7 will reconize them as a mouse, not as a touchscreen. Now I know AS 3 supports gestures
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Aug 19, 2011
I Have a swipe gesture to next frame event, but i also have a pan gesture event. I fear that the swipe wont cound it will just pan the image, is my theory correct? any guesses?
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Jun 21, 2011
I need to create an image gallery where the main image is centered, when you click down on it and "swipe" it to the left or right, the next/prev image will be center. It should kind of imitate the feel of the iphone page swipe motion. Here is an image link. Does anyone know any good tutorials or how I can get started with AS3?
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Jan 5, 2012
Want to make an Image gallery that responds to a swipe gesture. Found some tutorials but they were a bit vague. Someone an idea where I can find some good ones? How to test this on a windows pc? I do not have a certificate (I know that there are some illegal cert. on the internet), just want it to test it on a simulator?
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Jul 21, 2011
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Sep 5, 2010
We have created an interactive Touchscreen using flash CS4 - [URL]
The Touchscreen is already in the showroom. Every morning it is restarted. By midday the whole application slows down to the point were it becomes very slow. I presume this is a caching problem. In order to resolve this we close down IE and restart it (playing the SWF file through Internet Explore on full screen mode). Once it has restarted it plays at the correct speed.
I have thought about setting up windows 7 to reboot IE and have the flash file restart every few hours however a client may be navigating through the display when it reboots it self. I would prefer to avoid this if possible.
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Sep 11, 2010
Would anyone like to share iphone touchscreen code samples with the community? I would share mine, but I don't have a clue.
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Oct 14, 2011
I need to know all methods to exit from a fullscreen mode of a flash application on a touchscreen (because i want that people exit with my custom button).
I know that with a traditional desktop, ESC of the keyboard and double click with left button of the mouse allow to exit from fullscreen (like youtube).
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Jan 5, 2011
There is a known problem with swf's with nested mc's embedded in a director projector when used on a touchscreen (with dragmode enabled). Basically, the problem is that flash requires a mouseRollOver event to give the focus to the mc, before it registers an onPress. With a touchscreen, where the cursor is disabled, the first click and release on the swf (or nested mc's) reads as an onRollOver event, and the user must click again to register an onPress and onRelease. This leads to very confusing behaviours in my application where I have dots (embedded mc's) being created when an image is touched, then the dots can be clicked and dragged, or double tapped to be removed.
All works fine when the mouse and cursor is used, but I can't get it to work using a single tap on the touchscreen. In some cases I can get away with using onRollOver but when used with startDrag I can't think of a way of stopping the drag when the user lifts their finger. (which doesn't register as an event). What I need is an AS2 script that forces a click event (onPress) when the user taps the button once. Unfortunately I only know AS2 so can't use mouseEvents from AS3.
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Dec 22, 2009
i have created a program in flash to run on several touchscreen kiosks here in my city. its a simple flash presentation and uses basic actionscript 2.0 for navigation etc. and its all working fine. now, the organizers want me to create a hit counter that can track how many people are using the kisosk services. so basically, each time someone hits the home button, a "hit" should be generated.
now i know of some scripts that use flash and PHP that can do that, but unfortunately i dont know how i can use it. The program that runs on the kisosks is just a flash file rendered as an exe and installed on the machines. i know basic PHP but as far as i am aware of, u need to run PHP through some HTML pages to be able to use it. besides, you would also need a php server to be able to get the hit counter working.
so my question is, is there a way to have the hits generated and stored in some kind of file (text, or xml or anything)? it has to be generated from within the swf file and stored to the (text, XML?) file.
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Jan 3, 2011
Currently I am working on applying a pan gesture on the picture within a scroll pane component to allow the user to browse the whole picture by just touching the picture instead of using the horizontal and vertical scroll. However, it seems to be always moving the whole scroll pane and not the picture inside,below is part of the script,
spImage = new ScrollPane();
spImage.source = "Images/"+movieXML.title[_currentMovie].image+".jpg";
By using the above script, I can only move the whole scroll pane and not the picture inside, how do i apply pan gesture on the content?
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Oct 15, 2011
What I need to create a touchscreen restaurant ordering system?
I've got the touch UI understood and implemented 100%.
What I can't figure out is how to implement the "Send order to kitchen" and "Call waiter" functions.
Each table will have a "client" computer running an air app. Calling the "Send order to kitchen" and "Call waiter" functions from the "client" computer should make the "client" communicate with a different "kitchen" computer over wifi.
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Jan 12, 2011
I am working on a touch screen project right now. There is a chance that the touchscreen will never be turned off, so I have to be very aware of the memory issue with the pc. I don't want the memory to keep building up and eventually it just freezes up the pc. Basically, I have separated each section into a separate swf. The idea is to load only the swf that is needed in order to optimize memory usage. I tested the app on a pc, when looking at the "processes" in the window task manager, it seems the memory used will just keep increasing as I navigate through the application, it seems to me it just keeps piling up external swfs in the application, but sometimes the memory will just suddenly decrease. And when the touchscreen application is idle, the memory will drop too.
The following code is what I used to load and unload the external swf. Did I do it right? Is there anything that may have left unnoticed that is still staying in the memory? Is there any other way to optimize the memory usage too?
ActionScript Code:
var prevLevel:* = this.parent;
var currentPage:MovieClip;
var oldPage:MovieClip;
var bgID:String;
[Code] .....
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Oct 15, 2011
I have searched the internet and i can not find anything,I would like to use the zoom event listener to scale a image but I don't want it to scale from the registration point I want it to scale from where the gesture was made. I thought this would be a common request or even built into the zoom gesture class.
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Mar 23, 2011
putting a Flash application on the Xoom tablet or another Android device w/ touchscreen?
I have a Flash presentation that is built in Papervision 3D and I want to put it on the Xoom tablet. Are there different event handlers to make the touchscreen work or will normal button events port correctly?
I have exported the application into an Air Android application.. I'm waiting for my Xoom tablet to test it out.
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May 24, 2011
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Jun 17, 2010
Has anyone worked on gesture recognition? I want to know how to proceed on comparing two similar gestures. E.g. : If A draws a circle on the screen, B should draw the same and the program should compare both the circles.
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Jan 6, 2011
I am basically developing an application for Android which allow user to zoom in on a certain page and use pan gesture to move around the stage, however, I am just wondering is it possible to replace that pan gesture with touch move input so the user can actually move around the page just using a single touch point?I've tried doing it but the single touch will always overwrite the zoom gesture.Zoom and pan gestures working properly
private function onZoom(event:TransformGestureEvent):void
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Jan 18, 2010
So I need an open-source Video Gesture actionscript library/api. So we have a web cam... we move a hand and it causes some events...
So i need motion detection for navigation API/Lib
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May 2, 2011
I'm using flash builder burrito and i'm having a mobile application.Is it possible to drag an UIComponent using pan gesture event?
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Apr 23, 2011
I have made an animation in Flash, that would be ported to the iPhone/iPad; I want the animation to play when you rotate your finger on the screen and to stop immediately when the finger is lifted (Without starting the animation over), When the user would continue rotating their finger, the animation would continue to play.
How would I approach this in ActionScript 3.0?
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Jun 30, 2011
I want to implement an flex application using actionscript 3: with the camera and the virture buttons(like a image) in the camera, one can move his hand to pass over the virture button field in order to fire the button. Now my solution is following this way: capture the button field in every frame to get a bitmapdata, and calculate the gray-scale summation of the bitmapdata, if the difference between the two frames is greater than a given value, then fire the button. Actually, it could work, but it is very sensible to the lighting condition of the background, worse, when there are more than one buttons, people often fire the button by mistake.
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Jan 13, 2012
I got the multitouch touchpoint works, but can't manage to make the multi gesture works
ActionScript Code:
Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.GESTURE;
bigleft.addEventListener(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE, swipeleft)
bigright.addEventListener(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE, swiperight)
upon swiping at the same time, it does nothing but when it's one after another it works.
anyone know workaround for this?
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Jul 23, 2010
im creating a simple mobile application for a nokia 5230 touchscreen phone in flash. Im just trying to create some code to tell it to jump to the main menu when the user presses
on the screen. I have a key catcher in which i have the following code:
Im not sure if this will work for touchscreen phone because i got it from a sample program from my lecturer in college but i dont know what i should do as it wont recognise a press on the screen.
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Aug 3, 2010
We have create a flash file for both Touchscreen TV and Website.The document frame is is 1920x1080 however we would like to export the project so it can be seen on the website at the correct compression.Is there a way to export the SWF to the required 945x532.I know how to export it in the HTML however this reads the same SWF that is still too large in file size (not web friendly).I could pull the compression down to say 10% before exporting the SWF however there must be a better method.
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Aug 2, 2011
I'm (still) working on my xml phone book. I need to cycle through the data in the array on mouse click. (The mouse click will be a swipe on a mobile device.)
var nameArray:Array = new Array();
var countryArray:Array = new Array();
View 12 Replies
Mar 14, 2012
I have a list component in my app which shows some tiles and one can navigate through them horizontally and i was wondering how can i add the swipe functionality in it to the left or to the right,is this supported by default when the app is on a touch device? the list is like:
<s:List id="list2" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{ recordingsShown }"
selectedIndex="0" visible="false">[code]............
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Mar 28, 2012
Is there a way to expand this code to swipe to more than just the 3 views in this code?
private function handleSwipe(event:TransformGestureEvent):void
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Aug 11, 2011
]I am trying to create a swipe event where it will filter through 20 pictures but displays only 4, covering the rest up with masks. Also these pictures need to be able to be clicked on as well something like thisif i were to swipe up
| pic1 |
| pic2 |
| pic3 |
and if i click on pic 6 it ill take me to [URL]
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Feb 14, 2010
Is it possible to create a swipe dissolve between two images? I'm looking to do a basic swipe for the most part but without have a hard edge. I tried playing with a blurred mask, but that isn't quite what I'm looking for, since it seems to only be able to work with a colored edge and not fade into the other pic.
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