ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Presentation On Xoom Tablet With Touchscreen Functionality

Mar 23, 2011

putting a Flash application on the Xoom tablet or another Android device w/ touchscreen?

I have a Flash presentation that is built in Papervision 3D and I want to put it on the Xoom tablet. Are there different event handlers to make the touchscreen work or will normal button events port correctly?

I have exported the application into an Air Android application.. I'm waiting for my Xoom tablet to test it out.

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What I can't figure out is how to implement the "Send order to kitchen" and "Call waiter" functions.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Touchscreen Project - Memory Usage Optimization

Jan 12, 2011

I am working on a touch screen project right now. There is a chance that the touchscreen will never be turned off, so I have to be very aware of the memory issue with the pc. I don't want the memory to keep building up and eventually it just freezes up the pc. Basically, I have separated each section into a separate swf. The idea is to load only the swf that is needed in order to optimize memory usage. I tested the app on a pc, when looking at the "processes" in the window task manager, it seems the memory used will just keep increasing as I navigate through the application, it seems to me it just keeps piling up external swfs in the application, but sometimes the memory will just suddenly decrease. And when the touchscreen application is idle, the memory will drop too.

The following code is what I used to load and unload the external swf. Did I do it right? Is there anything that may have left unnoticed that is still staying in the memory? Is there any other way to optimize the memory usage too?
ActionScript Code:
var prevLevel:* = this.parent;
var currentPage:MovieClip;
var oldPage:MovieClip;
var bgID:String;
[Code] .....

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Dec 2, 2011

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Jul 23, 2010

im creating a simple mobile application for a nokia 5230 touchscreen phone in flash. Im just trying to create some code to tell it to jump to the main menu when the user presses
on the screen. I have a key catcher in which i have the following code:


Im not sure if this will work for touchscreen phone because i got it from a sample program from my lecturer in college but i dont know what i should do as it wont recognise a press on the screen.

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Tablet PC And Brush Tool Options

May 6, 2009

I have a Tablet PC laptop. In Flash the pressure and tilt icons do not come up when I use the brush tool.

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Replace Desktop Replacement With A Tablet PC?

May 31, 2009

I wish to replace my desktop replacement with a tablet PC I have visions of Cintique-like functionality yet portable majesty...

But the graphics cards on these machines are total crap.  However, some graphics card models claim to steal memory from the RAM, so in theory if I soup up the RAM I have a really powerful graphics card?
Anybody out there author on a tablet PC?  I'm running Flash CS3, and must make my decision soon![URL]..

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Feb 3, 2012

I'm trying deploy a test Air app (Authored Flash CS5.5 IDE) onto a Sony Andriod Tablet. Running Andriod 3.1.I'm not having much luck. My only way of connecting to the tablet is through an SD Card. I've tried opening the files directly of the SD card, no joy.I've also tried opening the SWF through the web browser but that didn't work either.URL...

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Flash :: Presentation.fla To Add Audio?

Nov 13, 2010

I have a presentation .fla from a client which is published to an .exe projector file. this is my first tome working on a file published for this so I'm a bit confused. Within the fla folder is another fla which is titled player. That file calls background music thru an xml file which I can figure later but my problem is this.
if I add the mp3 voiceover to the xml list when the published file plays it of course starts at 001.00 the voiceover needs to be edited to fit within the presentation. How can I drop the swf of the riginal presentation inside an app then add the voiceover on another layer and be able to edit to match sort of what I would do in IMovie. I have the CS5 master Suite so I'm sure one of the apps does this/

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Professional :: Looking For A Small Tablet To Play SWF Video File Offline?

May 8, 2011

I created a flash video with interactive menus using Encore.The .swf file played fine from my laptop computer.I copied the .swf file and its associated files to a micro SD card and tried to play it from a Samsung Galaxy Tab (7 inch tablet, Wifi only version) but it would not play.I searched the web and it appears that the Galaxy Tab will play flash videos off the web, but will not play them off-line (that is, stored on the device locally). I want to preserve the interactive menus.My goal is to be able to play videos with menus, off a small 7" tablet with a bright and contrasty display  Overall, I liked to Samsung Galaxy Tab, but I returned it when I could not figure out how to play .swf videos stored on its local memory.

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