Replace Desktop Replacement With A Tablet PC?

May 31, 2009

I wish to replace my desktop replacement with a tablet PC I have visions of Cintique-like functionality yet portable majesty...

But the graphics cards on these machines are total crap.  However, some graphics card models claim to steal memory from the RAM, so in theory if I soup up the RAM I have a really powerful graphics card?
Anybody out there author on a tablet PC?  I'm running Flash CS3, and must make my decision soon![URL]..

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<-- skip the colored thing if its unclear
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Select allfor(i=0;i<points_num;i++) {
// three more for loops
// and than calculate the distance between all five points and compare if it is larger than previous...

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though I expect it to show undefined as the tag does not exist in the XML file.

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Dec 27, 2010

Inherited some flash widgets that are developed in .fla format and exported to .swf apps, using Flash Pro CS5. I have only limited understanding of AS3 or 4, flex and flash in general, but I'm quickly becoming dangerous.

My bottom line problem is I need to find a command line tool to 'build' the .fla source into .swf entities.
q1: are there any cmd line tools with the Flash Pro CS5 for such purpose? I cant seem to find any, but I may not be looking at the right places.

I know there's such a thing as the Flex SDK, but what's under Flash CS5 at "Adobe Flash CS5CommonConfigurationActionScript 3.0flex_sdk", doesn't seem to have anything useful in it, only a general flex library.

Another requirement I need to solve is to create customer specific, purpose built versions of the widget.
From the Flash IDE, I can figure out how to replace the background images, etc., but.q2: how can I do this at export/build time and later on, via the command line tool?
Basically, a build/compile directive in source would allow the swf builder to replace a given image asset with the version I intend to build with.

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AS3 :: Php - BBcode Or Replacement-technique - Get Plain Text With AMFPHP?

Jan 2, 2011

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Html :: What Could Be A Replacement For .swf Movie To Present A Video On Browser

Sep 19, 2011

I have a flash (.swf) movie on the homepage of a website which runs automatically after been downloaded to browser. However this is creates problems since the swf soon crashes(with message :The Adobe Flash plugin has crashed) and gives error messages like "A script is becoming unresponsive...." Since rest of my site is pure html and js but flash content makes the site very sucking and I want to replace it with a simple better alternate. What options exist for me to replace flash content?

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Professional :: Looking For A Small Tablet To Play SWF Video File Offline?

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I created a flash video with interactive menus using Encore.The .swf file played fine from my laptop computer.I copied the .swf file and its associated files to a micro SD card and tried to play it from a Samsung Galaxy Tab (7 inch tablet, Wifi only version) but it would not play.I searched the web and it appears that the Galaxy Tab will play flash videos off the web, but will not play them off-line (that is, stored on the device locally). I want to preserve the interactive menus.My goal is to be able to play videos with menus, off a small 7" tablet with a bright and contrasty display  Overall, I liked to Samsung Galaxy Tab, but I returned it when I could not figure out how to play .swf videos stored on its local memory.

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