ActionScript 3.0 :: Target Html Iframes Within A Flash Movie?

Mar 12, 2009

How do you target html iframes with actionscript within a flash movie? I have several buttons I wish to have target a single frame. I know that in Actionscript 2.0 and 1.0 it only requires a small amount of code, so I assume 3.0 also only requires a small amount of code.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Buttons - Making IFrames To Change HTML Page

Oct 18, 2010

What im trying to do is to link my Flash buttons using as3 to make an iframe change the html page its showing every time i click on a different button. The web page is as follow: An html page containing a Flash menu and one iframe. I was using this code with no result:

Code inside Flash SWF File
var bt1:URLRequest = new URLRequest("MY WEB PAGE");
function Fbt1(e:MouseEvent) : void{navigateToURL(bt1,"body");}
bt1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Fbt1);

Code inside HTML Frame:
<iframe src="MY WEB PAGE" name="body" align="center" width="1010" height="500" margenwidth="1010" margenheigth="260" frameborder="0">Browser dont suport iframes</iframe></TD>

I get this error:
1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addEventListener through a reference with static type

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Flex :: Setting Busy Cursor For The Html Page With Iframes Having Applications?

Apr 28, 2010

I have a html page with 4 iframes out of these 4 one is a static html page and other 3 are html generated by flex. I have a button and list in one of the flex applications and the list will be populated on click of the button. Now what I want is to have a custom busy cursor to appear on the top of the whole html page until the list gets populated.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Target Flash From HTML?

May 19, 2011

I want to be able to click and HTML Link such as:
<a href="gotoFrame" target="flashID">TEXT</a>
And have the Flash read that you clicked the link and then go to the specified place depnending on the HREF.
Basically, I just need to know how to get Flash to read that you clicked the HTML Link.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Target HTML Iframe With FLASH?

Jul 16, 2008

Im doing a site where the menu is in flash, and the rest of the site is in HTML.
I was wondering if it's possible to target an Iframe with Actionscript or flash?

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IDE :: Target A Flash Frame Number From Html?

Jun 17, 2009

Is it possible to create a link on an html page that when clicked will load a new page, which has a flash movie on it, but make the flash file jump to, say frame 50, or a frame label?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Html Target Not Work?

Jan 18, 2004

I have a text field that has an html link in it with target='display'. So what i want to happen is when the link is clicked, flash opens a new window called display, then when another link(with same taget) is clicked, it will use the existing open window.

The problem is that it keeps opening new windows.

I know that this works in html, but for some reason Flash is not using the same window.

Here is the code i have for the text field:

[AS]resInfo_mc.link_txt.htmlText = "<a href='"+GetterL.OutputLink+"' target='Display'>"+GetterL.OutputLink+"</a>";[/AS]

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Flash :: IE History Tracking / IFRAMES And Cross Domain Error

Jun 2, 2010

We have a Flash application that is running within an HTML file.For one page we call a legacy reporting system in ASP.NET that is within an IFRAME. This page then communicates back to the Flash application using cross-domain scripting (document.domain = "domain" is set in both pages. Now the kicker. Flash has history tracking enabled.This loads the history.js file that created a div tag to store page changes so the back and forward buttons work in the browser.Which works for Firefox and Chrome as they create a div tag.In Internet Explorer, history.js creates another IFRAME (instead of a DIV) called ie_historyFrame.When the ScriptResource.axd code attempts to access this with:[code]At my wit's end on this one.We have users who need to use IE to access this site. They are big clients who we cannot tell to just use Firefox.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Flash To Target A Certain Frame In HTML Doesn't Work Any More

Oct 9, 2006

Kirupa's tutorial on how to use Flash to target a certain frame in HTML doesn't work any more. The page opens up in a new window instead of in the targetted frame. This is the code that is used: on (release)


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Mar 18, 2007

Note: I rarely join forums or post threads, however, given the living hell i went through to figure this problem out I thought i would go ahead and post this for all others having my problem (in hope that you find this link and it solves your problem). Aim: using frames, I want to create a flash menu in the left frame, the buttons in the left frame should open up the target page into the (main) right frame. [in other words a normal frame based website that has a flash menu as the navigation for the site] Problem: When using getURL to open the page in the frame i.e. on (release) {


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Dec 4, 2007

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Html :: Flash Movie That Reads Html Values And Rotates Them Every 10 Seconds?

Mar 5, 2010

I was wondering if it is possible to create a flash movie that rotates values that are stored in HTML. For example if i have these 3 containers:

<div style="display:none">
<img src="someimage1" />
<span class="text1">text1</span>[code].....

I want to have some flash movie rotate these values every 10 seconds. I don't want to program it hard into flash, it has to be variable. It has to display the first set, then after 10 sec the second, and so on.Maybe if it is possible something that stops the toggle, and skip to just the second, or just the third.I also don't want to use javascript to do this (jQuery etc.), because this conflicts with another timer on the website.Is there a way of doing this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Movie Clip Into A Target In Flash 8?

Aug 6, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 - Using A Variable To Target A Movie Clip

Apr 15, 2012

It doesn't really seem to say anywhere which version of Actionscript he uses, but at least it seems to show that what I'm trying to do is possible for someone, which is a start.

I'm trying to do exactly what he describes--I have several squares on a grid that are numbered, eg. grid_0101, grid_0102, grid_0103, and so on, for about 100 squares altogether, and I want to be able to target a given square dynamically.

This is the basis of the code I started with:

var digsquare_x:String = "01";
var digsquare_y:String = "03";
var digthis:String = "grid_" + digsquare_x + digsquare_y;
this[digthis]._alpha = 50;

I don't need to change the alpha specifically, I was just trying to see if I could get it to affect a given square in any way, and apparently the answer is no. I know that the value of "digthis" is accurate, but even blatantly telling it to refer to _level10[digthis] still gives me no results. Neither does _root.level10[digthis] which I tried just to see if it would work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Navigate To URL For IFrames

Oct 7, 2007

fellow action script programmers, I'm new to this forum and new to AS3, But I'm not not new to Flash. Anyways, I'm having an issue with my AS3 code and its ability to cooperate with an iFrame... I use to do this all the time in FP7 and FP8 but Adobe has changed how this works by making it all dependent code in AS3. Below is my code for AS to communicate to the iFrame, however it still goes to a new window. What is being done wrong here and what do I do to fix it?


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Google Analytics On Flex IFrames?

Sep 29, 2009

So I would like to include pageTracker code in the iFrames that is being called.However the iFrames in this case are called from Flex. We are building a pop up and calling the iframes within the pop up.

In this scenario, what is the best way to include the pageTracker code to track and trasnfer the visitor and campaign cookies from one domain to the next?

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Javascript :: Use Flex's ExternalInterface With IFrames?

Jan 20, 2010

I have a simple html doc with a flex app and an iframe side-by-side (using a 1x2 table).There is a button in the flex app that, when clicked, sets the "src" property of the iframe to a URL by using the method to call a javascript function "doNavClick(url)".Or that's the idea.When I comment out the iframe object declaration in the html, the call to doNavClick works (I pop up an alert to test)....yet when the iframe declaration is present, it doesn't even receive the call. It's as if the iframe has somehow broken the call dispatching mechanism.Is there a workaraound for this?The problematic code is as follows:

--- Main.mxml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""


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<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
<flexiframe:IFrame id="googleIFrame"


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Display A Target Html Page In An Inline Frame?

Aug 31, 2009

I am using a flash template with a _urls.txt file. I would like to change the code so I can display a target html page in an inline frame. My goal is to change the page content when a nav item is choosen without reloading the swf.Here is the original code in the template.

on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {


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Apr 14, 2004

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Flex :: Swf - HTML Templates Disappearing In Builder When Target Fp10?

May 19, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Txt File To Dynamic Text, Link To Multiple Iframes?

Feb 13, 2007

i'm attempting to resolve a problem with targeting. i would like to target multiple iframes from a link that has been pulled into a flash document. basically, the link needs to load a title and an mov file. the mov file has to be loaded into an iframe, but the title could be loaded into another dynamic text field.. i'm using a text file that is loaded into a dynamic text field. the link within the text file currently looks like this:

<a href="video/" target="videowindow" onClick="parent.titles.location.href = 'alzy.html'; return true;">Alzy Gramps</a>

but it doesn't work. is there a problem with flash htmltext reading javascript? i even installed the flashjavascript gateway.

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Put A Flash Movie Into A Html Page?

Apr 2, 2009

how can i put a flash movie into a html page which will be compatible with most browsers?

whats the commonly used html?

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Embed A Flash Movie Into HTML?

Oct 4, 2010

What would be the best way to embed a Flash movie into HTML? I have read that HTML5 lets you use <embed>, but obviously not all browsers will recognize this yet.

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Flash :: HTML Overlay On A Swf Movie

Jul 27, 2010

I'm having trouble displaying a overlay div saying "Please wait..." on top of a flash movie, even with absolute positioning and z-index highier than the flash movie itself. But the overlay div is still behing the flash movie. Why is that? I think it's something to do with embed/param tags but I'm not sure? Here's the code:


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Html :: Flash Movie Transparent?

Nov 27, 2011

I've added a flash movie to my website, and set it's background to transparent, with wmode=transparent. This works flawlessly on Firefox, but on chrome, the background is just black. the website is http:[url].....

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AS3 :: IDE - Target One Movie Clip From Another?

Apr 16, 2009

I have two movie clips on my main time line. There is a button in movie clip 1 that I want to target to movie clip 2... and it's not working for me. I'm assuming that when I'm in movie clip 1, I need to tell it to go back up to the main time line, and into the movie clip 2.The site that does the same exact thing I'm trying to do is this tutorial:The buttons and the page area are two seperate movie clips, but the buttons in the button movie clip target to the page area movie clip.This is the code that I'm thinking I'm getting an error with:Code:MovieClip(root).eyecarePage.gotoAndPlay(10);- where eyecarePage is the Instance Name of the movie clip where I want the button to target to, and once it's in that movie clip, I want it to go and play frame 10 and on... but instead I get a #1009 error.

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Professional :: Load/display HTML Content In A Flash Box From Flash Movie?

Mar 24, 2012

I'm editing a flash web template in Flash pro (cs5.5 master collection) . I have a horz scrolling calendar with event and direction links in each day. The calendar is Html/css/ and jQuery.  If I Build a single Html page that loads the CSS and jQuery and contains all the calls and Content text and I call/display this in a flash box in my "movie"

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add HTML Code To Flash Movie?

Sep 28, 2009

I am creating a website for a client and am using google checkout for their selling of their products.... The button thos, is a HTML code, SO, how do I create this button? Can I add HTML code to my flash movie? Can I add it somewhere to add the "Checkout" and "buy now" buttons?

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