ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Html Target Not Work?

Jan 18, 2004

I have a text field that has an html link in it with target='display'. So what i want to happen is when the link is clicked, flash opens a new window called display, then when another link(with same taget) is clicked, it will use the existing open window.

The problem is that it keeps opening new windows.

I know that this works in html, but for some reason Flash is not using the same window.

Here is the code i have for the text field:

[AS]resInfo_mc.link_txt.htmlText = "<a href='"+GetterL.OutputLink+"' target='Display'>"+GetterL.OutputLink+"</a>";[/AS]

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//LINKING TITLES AND LEAVESvar btn0URL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");var btn1URL:URLRequest = new


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Html Tags Won't Work

Aug 9, 2005

I'm creating a new website, and it has to be fairly dynamic. So, I load everything through one XML document. Now, depending on the content of a certain child in each menu, it loads a new page. There are going to be about 10 pages, to choose between.

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[AS]// defines the variable model1_spacing
var model1_spacing = 0;
// defines the variable model1_count
var model1_count = 0;


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