ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Won't Work - Load A Swf Into Location / Target
Nov 28, 2003
I'm just learning to load a swf into location/target and on my swf to be loaded in i made a preloader bar. It works in test but when it is loaded through the original swf file the bar doesnt move, though the swf loads ok. I've looked at this a lot but cant see what's
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May 23, 2002
i tried the tutorial that teaches you how to create a preloader....i followed the instructions and it still doesnt work! what's wrg?[code]on my first frame actions....i put the "gotoAndPlay (36)" cause i tried a previous preloader that took more than 1 frame and didnt want to change my button's "goTo" frames...but i figured it wont change anything..anyways, i put that line of code as my first frame double clicking the timeline..then i create a symbol for that frame 1 and created an animation.
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Apr 17, 2003
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Aug 25, 2009
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However, when we move the same set of files (same html page, same directory layout, same text file, same swf, same images) to another site, it doesn't work -- the swf runs, but it fails to load the images.
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Mar 6, 2005
in my main movie I load dynamically swf
var sCale:Number = 100;
var mcMyClip:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var myListener:Object = new Object();
when the preloader load everything it goes to 10 frame, and all content will show, so it works very fine, but.but except the "TITLE.swf" and it will show up after while, because it was still downloading.I have found out in Flash in "Test Movie", when I test the preloader.How do I target the Title.swf into the preloader?, so it preloads together with main movie. It doesn't look good when everything shows up and the title after few seconds later.
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Mar 22, 2011
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Jan 1, 2004
I have a looped sound and some components in my main movie (scroll bar) which for some reason is really bogging down my swf and causing the preloader bar not to show up until like 46% or something ridiculous.So I am trying to solve the problem by having a preloader swf as suggested by Kode in this thread. However, now all my targeting is messed up in my main movie. Everything that was _root has to change but I can't tell what to load it into. I tried using _parent, _parent._parent, _root.container_mc (which is a blank movie clip created in the preloader swf that main is loaded into after the preloader is 100%) and others but nothing works. Even the simple looped sound which was originally just _root.backsound.start(0,999) can't be to target things on my main stage based on the preloader swf?
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[IMG]file:///C:/Users/Majken/AppData/Local/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpg[/IMG]I?m trying something perhaps a little above my level, as I have just recently begun using flash (like a week ago), but I hatred doing this code ,but it does not work.
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Jan 18, 2004
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The problem is that it keeps opening new windows.
I know that this works in html, but for some reason Flash is not using the same window.
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[AS]resInfo_mc.link_txt.htmlText = "<a href='"+GetterL.OutputLink+"' target='Display'>"+GetterL.OutputLink+"</a>";[/AS]
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var holder:Loader = new Loader() holder.load(new URLRequest("animation.swf")) addChild(holder)
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Here's the problem, I can load a swf into my main stage or into an MC , but I cannot find out anywhere how to set parameters or load into a level so it doesn't replace the current material or fix to a size that doesn't block my other material.[code]...
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Aug 21, 2011
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Feb 26, 2007
I have loaded a jpg into the target, but I would like it to be centered. I will be switching out the image frequently and I want the jpg to always be centered. But when loading it into the target it loads from the top left corner as most of you probably know. I have also loaded the jpg into an empty movie clip but I'm not sure what AS needs to be there to center that either. Here is my as for both of those:
//load Graphic Behavior"logo/logo.jpg");
//End Behavior
View 4 Replies
Aug 14, 2010
I'm trying to create a preloader for a site I am creating. Originally I was going to make it an internal preloader, but I ran into that issue where the preloader doesn't start until 50% (or more). After searching these forums for a solution to "that" issue, I found it suggested that the best way to fix it is simply do an external preloader instead.
When testing the preloader using the bandwidth editor, I see that the preloader animation isn't starting now until it's at 100%, instead I simply get a white screen. Once it reaches 100% the preloader animation runs through and then...nothing. My main.swf doesn't load. It just stops.
Here is my code:
var fileToLoad:Loader = new Loader();
var fileURL:String = "testmovie.swf";
var fileRequest: URLRequest = new URLRequest(fileURL);
preloader is my movieclip with the animation, and preloader.loading_txt is a textbox inside that mc which displays the % loaded. I wanted to make it so that once the preloader (and its animation) reach 100%, the preloader mc then plays frames 101 - 124 (which are a small transition animation into the main site). Once it reaches 124 it's supposed to call the main.swf to load.
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Sep 2, 2010
I am trying to get a preloader to work properly. I have it setup so that when the movie gets to frame 19, it returns to frame 1 unless frame 20 is loaded.
I used this same preloader previously and it worked fine.
Here is the error message: 1087 Syntax Error: extra character found after the end of program.
Here is the file location: [URL]
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Mar 5, 2003
if (_framesloaded= "totalframes" ) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {[code]....
Thsi script is on the first frame( in the first frame is the movie clip i want for my preloader, second frame is a tween which has no stop at the end, so it goes to the main scene. Is there any thing wrong with this script? When this site was online, the preloader took a long time to come up, and it is only 28 kbs large... what can i do for this?
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Apr 12, 2006
I have finally managed to get my automated slideshow to work using alpha tweens and a setInterval function, my next problem is that my preloader won't work, in fact I can't even get a static text box to display in the preloading frames. I have followed 2 tutorials on the preloader and have made a few before with no problem but this time its just not working at all.Here's the fla.
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Jun 17, 2007
I read a transition tutorial i got from this website but cant get the preloader bar to work. here is the link to the kirupa tutorial:[URL]...
i tried everything under the sun. can anyone aid with a preloader bar to work with this specific tutorial? I dont need different for this. I need some code that will make a preloader bar work with this specific code.
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Sep 16, 2009
I have a preloader that works, but I made this website and when I loaded it online I realized I need preloaders in it. But how do I do that? The website is completed, but I guess now I have to go back and put in preloaders on all the pages? I have pages where you click and they load a picture(from an external page) or they load a video clip. How do I put preloaders in there, is there a simple way?
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