ActionScript 3.0 :: Using URLLoader In Conjunction With A Php Uploader

Jul 17, 2009

What would be the best method to pass the name of a file that will be uploaded as the same page as the flash file I know I could have them upload it then manually type the name in a text input to load the image on button press but I need it to show up inside the flash without user typing. I attempted URLRequest/URLLoader to load the php and now im trying ExternalInterface.

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Adobe Flex File Uploader?

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PHP :: Multiple Image Uploader Not Working

Dec 30, 2011

I'm attempting to create a multiple image uploader (think Coppermine) where the user clicks a button in an SWF, selects a file or multiple files, and then these files are uploaded to a directory. I have a PHP script that handles the uploading a file, and my Flash file iterates over the files in the FileReferenceList and sends the file to this PHP script to upload. The directory path in the PHP script is correct, and permissions set to 777.

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package com.yourfightsite.imageupload {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: File Uploader Not Working?

Oct 6, 2010

I am making a file uploader but it is giving me this error: "Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2039: Invalid remote URL protocol. The remote URL protocol must be HTTP or HTTPS."

but on a server it seems to work (the progress listener shows the files are being loaded [use the scrollbuttons or scroll over the text area]), until all is done and the files dont appear on the server.

Below is all my code. I hope someone can help me through this, it is really important atm. I've tried some tutorials and sources but can't find the error.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Build An Uploader That Will Take Data Collected?

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Is there an open source Flash uploader that can handle files larger than 2 GB? implementations like SlickUpload are not an option, and SWFUpload (and others that I've seen) do not handle files larger than 2 GB. Nor is requiring the user to have Java installed to run applets. This would be for both IE and Firefox.

I've seen a couple "large file transfer" sites that have a Flash uploader and claim to go past the 2GB limit (which is the limit for http uploads for most browsers) so I know it is technically possible.

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Java :: Multiple File Uploader With Previews

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Oct 3, 2010

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Create A Multiple File Uploader Using FileReference?

Sep 27, 2009

i'm trying to create a multiple file uploader using FileReference. The user should be able to select more than one file but i don't want to use FileReferenceList for this. So instead the user opens the Browse dialog, picks a file then opens up the Browse dialog again, picks another file etc.
To make this work i'm trying to copy the FileReference object into an array, but this isn't really working. Here's how i do it:
class fileref { public var fileRef:FileReference;// = new FileReference();}

And how can i make it so, that i can add multiple files..??

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Java :: Open Source Image Resize And Uploader For A Web Application?

Apr 4, 2011

I would like look for an open source image resize and uploader for a web application. Preferably leveraging on W3C speficication and try avoid need client to install any application.

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Php :: Multiupload Of Files Using Flash Uploader And Php And Saving Into Mysql Database?

Mar 24, 2012

I want to develop a backend admin solution to save images for a post using some multiupload flash uploader. I mean that kind o f uploader, where when you click on browse and than in the open dialogue box you can choodse mulitple files using CTRL plus LEFT MOUSE CLICK).I would like to save every new image to the database. With saving I mean, creating a new row for every item(image) in my table called (automaticallyncreasing)2.file_name3.user_who_uploaded_that_bookI would like also to limit the number of files that can a user uplaod (e.g. max 20 files) somewhere in the config file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Uploader - File Not Appearing On Server Directory

Nov 16, 2009

When I upload file using a simple uploader the file does not appear on the servers directory..Everything is working, the preloader the status text etc, as if it is uploading the file but nothing appears on the server I am not very sound in php The code goes like this:-

//import the FileReference Object
//initial settings - since no upload file type selet yet user cannot upload a file
uploadButn.enabled = false;
//create a new FileReference object
var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference();
[Code] .....

I have given a folder called uploads on the server and that is where files are supposed to come. Also I have given the correct name of php file which is upload.php in the fileRef.upload But its not working.

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Javascript :: Looking For Html/flash/ajax Uploader Component With Specific Requirements

Oct 27, 2009

There is a number of Flash and AJAX based uploaders around. I need a file upload component for an existing form in an existinc application, so I have very specific requirements for it. Maybe somebody knows one off the top of their head and saves me a lot of research.

I need a file upload component that has a progress bar and "upload" button next to it (= standalone functionality, no connection to the submit event of a surrounding form).

It should be either Flash or Prototype based. No JQuery or Moo, as the app runs with prototype.

If server-side scripting is needed, it must be PHP. No Perl, no ASP.

On successful upload, I need a custom Javascript function triggered. (I need to update a file list that is displayed on the same page.)

The possibility of filtering file names before upload (no Umlauts, spaces..) would be a plus.

I will try to give this question a bounty in a minute if I'm allowed to.

Edit: I can't seem to open a bounty. Do I have to wait first?

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Jquery :: Create Ajax Based Multiple File Selector Uploader?

Apr 21, 2011

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Javascript :: Agile Uploader (resizes Image Before Upload On The Server): Doesn't Work If Image Name Has Cyrillic Letters

Jan 31, 2012

I'm using Agile Uploader in my project to resize image before upload on client side.And it works fine except one thing: if image name contains cyrillic letters it fails with server error 500.

How to avoid this or if needed how to rename file with english letters "on fly" (possibly with javascript).

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Php :: File Size Limitation Of Flex File Uploader?

Oct 20, 2011

Does anyone know the file size limitation of flex file uploader?

Currently I'm working on a project that uses flex and cake php. I heard that there is a 1GB of file size limitation in flex file uploader.

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