ActionScript 3.0 :: Verify Files Uploaded Via Filereference?
Feb 2, 2011
I am uploading files, jpgs, pngs, gifs, using filereference ... no problems.
my concern is the validity of the files that a user might upload.
for instance, I took a .txt file, changed it's extension to .jpg, and filereference was able to upload it to my server ( furthermore my php script was able to create a copy of it, resize the copy, and save it also ).
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private var filer:FileReference;
protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
var fd:String = "Files (*)";
And my file looks like this:
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The better ways if have behavior like URLLoader on complete event.
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var progressBar:MovieClip;
var reference:FileReference = new FileReference();
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Jan 7, 2009
Once the first file is successfully uploaded and the data is returned from server (onUploadCompleteData), I begin to upload the second file from FileList. Here comes the funny - listeners onOpen, onProgress, onComplete are successfully invoked in Flash, the filereference is indeed the filereference of the second file, size matches. But the onUploadCompleteData is never invoked. I checked in IE HTTP Analyzer and there is a simply no outgoing data (0 bytes), even tho the request is made. So the file "finishes" uploading like nothing would have happened but actually it didn't upload at all.
I tried to add a 30 seconds delay between uploads and that works flawless till now. So I tried, 1 sec, 3, 5, 10... didn't work. I simply cannot let a 30 seconds delay between uploads.
ActionScript Code:
public function upload(file:FileReference){
//IntervalManager.clearInterval(this, "uploadInterval"); <- added interval for testing, works with 30 secs
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Nov 13, 2009
Adobe documentation says this should work:
ActionScript Code:
var fileRef = new FileReference();
fileRef.browse([{description: "Image files", extension: "*.jpg;*.gif;*.png", macType:
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ActionScript Code:
[Code] .....
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Oct 6, 2010
I am working on a CD project in flash. I have a main Projector(.exe) file which call other swf files. I compile all these files(.exe and swf) to installable CD which copy all the files on the local hard disk and make a shortcut on the desktop.
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Sep 3, 2009
What I want to do is what parseInt and parseFloat does..basically I want to take ANY string and a radix value from 2->36, and then cut the leading part of the string that makes it a value in that radix.Let's call this method "cutValueFrom( str:String, radix:uint ):String".[code]and yes I could technically bang this out in some long ugly loop... but I want it faster then that. parseInt does it speedy like, I'm looking for something comparable, hence my desire for a good RegularExpressio.
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Oct 6, 2010
I am working on a CD project in flash. I have a main Projector(.exe) file which call other swf files. I compile all these files(.exe and swf) to installable CD which copy all the files on the local hard disk and make a shortcut on the desktop.
Now the problem is that I want to run my .exe file only if CD is in CDROM otherwise it loads another swf(from the local hard disk) which shows the message "please insert the CD and restart the application".
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Dec 16, 2011
var data:SampleDataEvent = new SampleDataEvent(SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA);
compile it with Flex 3.6 and run local works, then run in browser, works. compile it with Flex 4.5.1 and run local works, then run in browser, throws exception:
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Nov 4, 2009
I am a total newbie and just learning from resources available here.. Today i was trying If statements to verify if the password entered in input box named "pass" . I code is as following..
on (release){
if (pass =="acc"){
Even if I enter the correct password it displays the content in frame 15.
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