ActionScript 3.0 :: Webcam Motion Tracking?

Feb 24, 2011

i've been following a tutorial based on webcam motion tracking however the tracker only follows on an X axes basis and i want it to follow around the Y axes as well, so it tracks all around the screen.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Webcam Tracking + Generating Random Lines?

May 4, 2011

I'm trying to write code for webcam tracking + drawing generative lines. Main idea is that person passes the camera and it creates random size and colours lines. After lines fill screen up to 35%, screen become blank (as in the begining). So my questions are: 1. how to create random size and colours lines that appears by person tracked movement? (example could be that person is creating generative art by lines) 2. what functions should I use to count percents of filled screen? (I want that after 35% screen become blank as in the beginning. After that it just continue process from the beginning)

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Professional :: Motion Tracking Software?

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IDE :: Motion Tracking FLV Video: A Little Bit Sketchy?

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I've been fiddling around with After Effects and Flash, exporting tracking data from the former and using it to distort a bitmap in the latter:- [URL]The test works well locally; though online I run into problems where the tracked bitmap slips from the FLV on which it sits.What binds everything together is an FLVPlaybackComponent firing CUE_POINT events, which provide the location of the four corner points used by an instance of Flash Sandy's DistortImage class.

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Is there anything I can do, has anyone experienced anything similar, or am I reliant on the host being able to serve the FLV at sufficient speed (out of interest, the video is currently coming from a dedicated video streaming server?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Webcam Flash Motion Inverted?

Jun 23, 2010

I dont know why, my webcam gives me an inverted image from my Flash.btw, is it possible to see the webcam image with alpha?

ActionScript Code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Webcam Motion Detection

Jan 24, 2006

I'm currently trying to use flash8 and my webcam to do something similar to [URL] I've just started playing with camera scripts and therefore am stuck with quite alot of problems. But i decided to go on step by step. First problem i met, I am unable to display the snapshot of my webcam into a movieclip.. As in i want to take a frame of my webcam input and draw it into a movieclip.. (so i can compare with later frames to see if there is any motion.) Anyone can help me out here? What is wrong with my script? It's just supposed to take the webcam image on every enterframe and input it to my movieclip right beside my live input of my webcam.. But it appears as a blank MC..


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Flash - How Does Google Video Allow For Slow Motion And Fast Motion

Oct 10, 2010

I have been searching far and wide for a solution on how to offer slow motion and fast motion options for users that upload video to my webstie. There is an implementation on Google Video that has exactly what I am looking for: the option to speed up or slow down the video and continue to play the audio. The screenshot is below. I know that Flowplayer has an option to slow down or speed up video when implemented with Wowza server. However, when using that approach, there is no sound.

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Oct 27, 2010

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If I were to create each transition manually, I would end up with 5x4=20 scenes. Is there a way that I can just assign each shape to its own frame, and deploy actionscript to set in motion the transitions from one frame to the 4 other possible frames? I am very grateful to anyone to just point me in the right direction,

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Flash :: Recording Live From A Webcam / Recording From User's Webcam - PHP

May 23, 2011

I want my site's users to be able to record videos straight from their webcams into my site. Videowhisper is one such tool which seems to work fine - [URL] But I'm looking for opinions on better / more scalable / reliable solutions. Paid solutions are fine.

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Add Motion Blur To A Motion Tween?

Aug 21, 2009

How do I add motion blur to a motion tween?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Motion Without Fl.motion?

Dec 6, 2009

im writing AS3 under linux and as such do not have access to ANY of the fl.* packages, including tweens, motions, special animations and components. I can only use Math.* and XY Grid Coordinates to calculate motion manually.

I can make movement of sprites fairly easily on a coordinate system, but this restricts how the path can go. Usualy only an up,down,left,right movements for the simplest math. I suppose this could be expanded to move in more varied directions but its not quite what im looking for.

I would like to be able to draw an invisible line that a shape can follow. Then it can have curves or bends in it without problem. I want to then start the sprite at the 1st pixel of the line and set its next coorinate based on where the line is at, but at 10px down it (and so on) till it reaches the end of the line. Is it possible because I cant think of a way? Are there any other good PureAs3 motion tutorials around?

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Motion Tweening Error : Motion Tweening Will Not Occur On Layers With Ungrouped Shapes .....?

Jul 27, 2009

I'm getting the following error: Motion tweening will not occur on layers with ungrouped shapes or on layers with more than one group or symbol. I don't have any ungrouped shapes (it's all text), each layer has 5 instances of only one symbol (keyframes), no objects are grouped and text is all static text.

When watching the animation, the first word (web) looks fine, on the second word (design) the tween fails on the last couple of frames of that clip (the blur filter disappears), the third word (and) is OK, and on the forth word (development) the blur filter is not applied to the last 16 frames of that clip.I broke each animation into its own MC thinking that was causing the issue, but that didn't fix anything.

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Flash 10 :: Tracking Down Every Where That A Mc Is Being Used?

Apr 12, 2011

does flash have a way of tracking down every where that an mc is being used?

in my library I have an mc that says it is being used 3 times ... but I can only find two of them ... the mc has a sound in it that i need to get rid of.

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Tracking An Objects Y Position?

Jan 23, 2010

I did have previous help with screen movement from Vincent, unfortunately how to get a Variable that tracks an objects Y position on movemnt is eluding me

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Using Tracking Pixels In Flash?

Nov 19, 2009

Got a question from a fellow designer about the use of Tracking Pixels in Flash. Does anyone use tracking pixels in their Flash creatives? If so, how/where do you embed them?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Tracking Of Movieclip?

Feb 6, 2011

im doing a FlashLite 2.1, now have following code.
stop();fscommand2 ("SetSoftKeys", "", "Quit Game");
Key.removeListener (myListener);
var myListener:Object = new Object ();myListener.onKeyDown = function (){    var keyCode = Key.getCode ();    if (keyCode ==

but i cant be doing this for all 12 movieclips so have source for help and did this:
var bowlList:Array = [ball1,ball2,ball3,ball4,ball5,ball6,ball7,                      ball8,ball9,ball10,ball11,ball12];function movestones(bowlIndex) {    var numStones = bowlList[bowlIndex]._currentframe-1;    for (;numStones>0;numStones--)    {        //place stone    }}s_1.onPress = function(){    movestones(0); }

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Flex :: Cannot Use Mouse Tracking

Dec 7, 2010

Trying to create a banner ad as a one-off project for a client. I am using Flash Builder / AS 3 and with my simple hello world example. Google Adwords rejects the add with: Encountered flash error - ad cannot use mouse tracking.

I Have not been able to figure out what I am doing that signals to Adwords that I am mouse tracking. Follows is my simple mxml file: (the handleClick is to adhear to their clickTAG specification)[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Tracking When Opening CD?

Jan 3, 2005

Is there any way to track when a SWF file has been run on a CD? I've been sending out portfolios on CD and would like to keep track of when they are being viewed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tracking By An Increment Of 3

Sep 3, 2006

there will be a simple solution to my problem. I have an onEnterFrame event that happens when I am dragging a wheel. At a certain point during dragging, a boolean statement is set to true, and a mc with 120 (120*3=360) frames is targeted, so that when the user drags a wheel, if rotation is incremented +/-3, the mc._currentframe is +/- one frame.

the mc is 120 slices serving as a mask of a circular bar, which is hidden or exposed depending on the rotation of the wheel by the user. The problem I have is tracking when the rotation has incremented by +/- 3, since Im using onEnterFrame I cant find out how to store the rotation variable somewhere when it hits the +/-3 mark, and then continuly check for the next increment. Here is the code :


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Tracking When Opening CD

Jan 3, 2005

Is there any way to track when a SWF file has been run on a CD? I've been sending out portfolios on CD and would like to keep track of when they are being viewed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add A Tracking Action To A RollOver?

Apr 27, 2009

I'm trying to add a tracking action to a rollOver, but I can't seem to figure it out.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS4] : Tracking Down Bugs Without Trace();?

Oct 17, 2009

I was wondering if there is a way in CS4, some option that you could turn on that when your program runs it'd walk you line by line through every code before it's executed and only execute it when you pressed a key such as Enter. There's gotta be a way to debug rather than constantly using the trace() command.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Google Analytics Tracking?

May 7, 2010

I've integrated Google Analytics with Flash before using the previous tracker:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">[code]...........

PS - Google Analytics is installed properly, as it is registering the index page.

PPS - THis was set up over a week ago, so should be good to go.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tracking Codes Within Flash?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm making a Flash piece consisting of a few different pages and clicks to take you to different chapters. The company I'm making it for have sent me URL's of pages that will track the person on it - what page they're on, what chapters they view etc.

So, where do I put these url's?If I put them in a getURL won't that just redirect the person away from the page with the SWF in it?

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Flash :: As3 Tracking Number Value Of Variables

Mar 11, 2010

I have a bunch an as3 game going. In my game when newCrag hits egg_mc the score gets added.


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Flash :: C++ - Tracking Application Packets

Dec 23, 2010

I have this flash application that opens a socket connection with a server. What I need to do is to read packets sent and received byt he application to write a sort of "history" ( in WIndows). Now, questions are: How is the simplest way to do it? Application hooking? Load the flash application in my application and take control over it? No packet sniffing allowed. Is it possible to do it in C++, or you think it's better to use another programming language? My first choice was java, but it seems that do it is troublesome...

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