ActionScript 3.0 :: Website Extracts Data From An Xml File?

Jul 14, 2009

my flash website extracts data from an xml file. is there a way that i can somehow link to images in the xml file or embed some html code in it so that when the flash file extracts the content, it also follows the links and imports the images from the server onto itself?

get what i mean? im stuck in a REAL bad situation and i cant find a way out of it =/
its like as if the actionscript i put, into this one place where i want to, is completely ignored =S so im trying ways around it

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var reserved = new LoadVars();
reserved.load("" );
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var pathVars= new LoadVars();
pathVars.onLoad=function(ok) {


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//load the required data from the VoucherNumbers XML file
var VoucherNumbers:XML = new XML();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Saving Data And Loading Data From A .txt File?

Sep 24, 2006

I have read through Shared Objects but i couldn't get it work...

I just have to save my data, maybe array into .txt file and later on
retrieve from the same .txt file...

Anyone here have an example or some source code so i can have reference on it?

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IDE :: Reading Data From A Text File But Can't Use The Data Outside Of The Function?

Mar 26, 2009

I am trying to load a variable from data in a text file.I can read the text file fine but the variable data seems only to be available with in the function that reads it. I need to use the variable data outside of the function.

This is the actionscript code i'm using.

var pathVars= new LoadVars();
pathVars.onLoad=function(ok) {


This is where the path_var becomes undefined

trace("This is outside the function... "+path_var);
pathVar1="This is outside the function... "+path_var;

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Data Integration :: Loading Data From Xml File?

Jan 26, 2008

I am attempting to get data from an xml file load in flash. I followed a tutorial in a new fla and it seemed to work fine, I then tried to adapt it to my own needs which worked fine. But then when trying to implement this into my news section it doesn't seem to work. I am trying to make a news section, that displays the date and news article. This is in within a movie clip, I even tried putting it in the timeline of the scene but still nothing.

- I have 2 dynamic text boxes, date_txt and news_txt

- The xml file is named news.xml,

- both the fla and the xml are in the same folder

This is the actionscript I am using:

function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
_root.thedate =


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Who can tell me how to import the char " &" from a text file?

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Modify A Flash Website For Which There Is No Fla File Available?

Dec 16, 2010

have a website that I have to modify. It is entirely built with flash. The problem is that I do not have the fla files. So I have two options: either using a special program which converts the swf into a fla file or build the website with the changes from scratch.

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Dreamweaver Is Stretching .swf File (Website)

Mar 1, 2011

i'm trying to publish my website that I made entirely in flash CS5. Everything works perfectly when I publish the site in Flash, then upload the files to my server. I created the site on my 23' monitor, and when I view it on that computer, everything looks perfect, and works. However, I viewed the site from my laptop, and the site gets cutoff and the browser doesn't create a scroll bar so you cannot see everything.

To remedy this, I tried to use Dreamweaver to publish my site. Once again, it worked great on my 23' monitor, no problems what so ever. Viewed on my laptop once again, and now the browser creates the scroll bar. GREAT! However, now the entire site is stretched for some reason (but only when viewing it on the laptop). It seems to be a problem in Dreamweaver since when I viewed the Flash Plublished file, it didn't stretch the site.

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No Sound From Its File After Uploading To Website

Mar 29, 2011

After building a flash using one of the players provided by KoolMoves in the interface, I checked to make sure the sound played properly and it did. I checked to be sure it was still in the contents file and it was. I uploaded it to my website and all plays great but I have no sound. I've checked to make sure my sound is not muted and speakers connected and all other sound plays fine. The progress bar for the player does not show when it is clicked eiither, as if there is no sound file in the player.

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.swf File Doesn't Display On Website?

Jul 16, 2009

I have done this quite a bit and have had no problem.  Then all of a sudden one of my .swf file is not displaying on the index page.
I have a simple image transition .swf file and have added it to the index page:
<script type="text/javascript">AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',' rsion=9,0,28,0','width','588','height','300','title','image_slide','sr c','/flash

I actually have another .swf file that also isn't working but I figured I would tackle one first.

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Cannot Get Flash File To Play On Website?

Sep 20, 2009

If you go to the website: [URL]. The white square is my embedded flash swf file, but as you can see it isn't playing. In Flash, when I test the movie, it plays beautifully. When I put it on my webpage, it's just blank. What bothers me is that I embed Flash swf files frequently with zero problems. The only difference is that this is a video. The swf file is properly uploaded to my server. I've attached the swf file for reference.

The html is:
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="320" height="240" id="FlashID" title="TDR">
<param name="movie" value="intro2.swf" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
[Code] .....
Attachments: intro2.swf (49.6 K)

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Nov 18, 2009

I'm having trouble with publish my flash file. I have uploaded my flash file (flash.html) and (flash.swf) to my ftp. Then I copy and paste the html code onto the page of my website which is (without the star)
<*html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />


But when I view it on my website this pop-up comes up What am I doing wrong =/?

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Loading A Swf File In A Flash Website?

Jan 4, 2010

I am an interactive design student working on a flash portfiolio and . I can't figure out how to load a game I made in flash into my porfolio so that it loads after clicking on a button, becomes playable, then have a button to leave the game and go back to my portfolio. I'm working in Actionscript 2.0 because that's all my teachers will show me and I have minimal actionscript knowledge.

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