ActionScript 3.0 :: Xml Based Flash Gallery Including Thumbnails?

Sep 14, 2009

I've done some Action Script 2.0 before this, but never really moved outside of flash. meaning i can tween, animate, include buttons, so all the basics for a static website i can do, but now i'm currently doing some workplacement and am working on an xml based gallery.

I've gotten as far as being able to load a jpeg from a xml file into the swf. i also programmed a thumbnail panel. what it does so far is create as many thumbnails as there are nodes in the xml file. you can then scroll through them via mousemovement. what i can't figure out is how to load pictures into the thumbnails, seeing it is always the same movieclip but a different picture should be loaded in each one.

so here's some info on the code:

i create the thumbnails using the addChild Method. i add a movieclip called "thumbnail" from the library. like so:

for (var i:int = 1; i <= picamount; i++) {
function createThumb() {


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Professional :: Convert A JQuery Lightbox Style Gallery Into A Flash XML Based Image Gallery With Categories?

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This is a school project for my website. I would use jQuery and I have more experience with it but this project needs a flash component. I'm just not sure where to start and looking for some advice on how and where I could find resources. I want it to be minimal as I can make it;

- 8 thumbnails to a "page/section" with more flowed into page 2 or 3 etc. (or a srcoller)

- a few buttons for categories

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Esentially something like this > http:[url] which is using http:[url].... for the thumbnails. That might be ambitious but I'd suffice with a simple fade effect.I've downloaded some galleries out there but most of the code is messy or outdated.http:[url]... this is alright, but all the code is done in the FLA. I might break it into AS files but it depends.

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IDE :: Flash Photo Gallery With Thumbnails ?

May 7, 2009

I'm trying to use the flash gallery with thumbnails that was in one of the tutorials on this site. See here:

http:[url]....I wanted to make the flash player bigger, so I changed the doc size and then scaled the area mask that shows the image. I don't see why this would scale the image; it should just make the viewing window larger.But when I make an image the size I want it in photoshop, it is displaying the image far larger (blurry and cut off) than it is supposed to.Does it have to do with the action scripting, or the graphics in the document?

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AS2 :: CS3 : Flash And XML Gallery. How To Make Thumbnails Clickable

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var galleryXML:XML = new XML();
galleryXML.ignoreWhite = true;
this.createEmptyMovieClip("container_mc",this.getNextHighestDepth());//Container for the thumbs


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Flash Image Gallery - Thumbnails Not Showing Up Online

Jun 16, 2009

I've finally finished my flash xml gallery, and have tested it to my complete satisfaction using dreamweaver. When I do a preview from dreamweaver, or just open up the gallery html file from explorer the swf loads the xml file and all the images flawlessly, everything works. However when I move the site for testing on my mac laptop it loads the xml file but not the images. When I upload it to my test website it doesn't even load the xml file. I just copied the root folder over in all cases I dont understand why it wont work. You can see it here: [URL]

Could this be some export setting I am using incorrectly? Why would it work locally on a windows machine, and not locally on a mac or online on either. I tried re exporting the swf after saving it as CS3 from CS4 and changing the local playback security to only allow network. So now it loads the xml data online but not locally. Thumbnails still aren't showing up online though.

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I am new to AS3, I am creating a gallery and stuck on a place. [URL]. Requirements:
1.) Need a nice loop for loading all thumbs, most important it should be physically separated, should not be looped via code.
2.) When I click on 1st button I must load first 4 thumbnails (which is already loaded), and with 2nd button it must load next 4 thumbnails from xml file, similarly with 3rd.

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i've designed an xml driven photogallery using actionscript 3.0. First when the swf file is run, all the thumbnails load in, Then I have thumbnails below, when i click them the large image loads in. I wanted the thumbnails to be replaced with the numbers which form dynamically from the xml file. i.e I simply want the numbers, on clicking them loads respective images Please give a solution to this, or please suggest a good tutorial. here's the code i've worked on and im stuck replacing


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numbers = buttons linked to another set of external images that are related to the big image. the problem is i don't know what controls the thumbnail/main image when i click on the scroller (i'm kinda lost in the code). so right now i have only one set of numbers regardless of which big image opens up.

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this is my code so far:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Flash Gallery To Flash Based Website?

May 3, 2010

So I have a Flash CS3 based website and I am trying to add in a Flash Gallery.I designed the Flash Gallery as a seperate file and tried to copy the library items into my site file. I got it in, looked ok but when I ran the test it goes crazy and I get 7 actionsript

{Tweener.addTween(%2is is all the same on my errors: 1120: Acc0transition: "easeIn" } );
Tweener.add0mc, { alpha: 0.7, time: tween_duration,%2ion, transition: "easeOut" } );
TwTween( mc, { alpha: 1, time: tween_durat time: tween_duration, transition: "easeOut".ener.addTween( thumbnail_group, { alpha: 0.2, time: tween_duration, transition: "easeOut" } );[code]...........

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I'm doing this:
tutorial but I want all the thumbnails behind the full-sized image to be hidden when one of the thumbnails is clicked to show the full-sized image and I want them to reappear when the full-sized image is clicked to make it disappear. I can't figure out what I have to add to the given actionscript code to do so.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Thumbnails For A Pic Gallery

Jan 24, 2003

This is question is a take off of my post in the Flash MX forum regarding creating thumbnails. I'm trying to create thumbnails for a pic gallery and would like to have an over-button state that will make my little thumbnail increase in size a little to indicate that this is the picture the viewer is going to view. I don't know how to go about making this button and I'm trying to figure out if there is a way through action script to do this. This way I don't have to make the over state a movie and increase the size manually...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Thumbnails In XML Photo Gallery?

Feb 6, 2007

how to use thumbnails to navigate to a specific photo within a series. The slideshow is set up to display photos from an XML file (starting with the first photo) and then you can click forward and back in the series. But I need to navigate via a thumbnail to any photo in the series and then play forward and back from there.

Action script:

function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Thumbnails To Gallery?

Apr 8, 2007

I am having a little trouble with some code:

xmlData = new XML();
xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;


The problem I think is on the bolded part. If I replace ref["thumb"+i] for say thumb0, it loads the first thumbnail into the first movieclip. I have on the stage ten movieclips with instance names of thumb0. thumb1, thumb2, etc. What I would like to do is to load a thumbnail in each movieclip without having to write the bolded line ten times.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Thumbnails To XML Gallery?

Jun 5, 2007

I was adding the thumbnail gallery to my website, but the rollover to scroll through the thumbnails must is offset somewhere. I would like to just add left and right buttons to scroll if possible.http:[url]......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Possible To Make XML Gallery With Thumbnails?

Jun 27, 2007

this is the main script that I'm using in my gallery :but I want to put description to every thumbnail, not only to show with the big picture. Like thumbnail [0] and at the bottom edge description [0], thumbnail [1] and at the bottom edge description [1], and etc.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Messed Up Gallery Thumbnails

Sep 26, 2007

I am following the XML/Flash Photo Gallery with Thumbnails [URL] Everything works great except the thumbnails. The first few thumbnails (the ones originally visible) are fine, but then the rest are all smashed up on top of one another. Is this a problem with my code? The pictures aren't all exactly the same width, so that might be the problem.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Get Same Sized Thumbnails In Gallery

Oct 3, 2007

I followed tutorial [URL] on making a gallery with thumbnails. However, each thumbnail has to be of same width....if not the order of the thumbs gets mixed up. I've been trying to alter the thumbnails_fn(k) function, or more precisely this line:
target_mc._x = hit_left._x+(target_mc._width+5)*k;

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IDE :: Multiple XML Photo Gallery Thumbnails?

Jan 30, 2009

I have it set up to load multiple XML files, but, when you select a new book/xml, i want it the thumbnails to refresh starting with thumbnail #1, instead of wherever it left off in the arraythis obviously has something to do with the variable k, but i am having a lot of trouble figuring out where to fix this at.

// Buttons to call each Gallery and reload data
bookone_btn.onRelease = function() {
xmlURL = "book1.xml"; // sets xml file


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add A Preloader To A Thumbnails Gallery (XML)?

Apr 12, 2009

I've been trying to add a preloader to my thumbnails, but it has been quite difficult (really considering the idea of buying an AS3 book).

Well, this is what I have First the code to call the Thumbs from the XML file.

function callThumbs():void {
for (var i:Number = 0; i < my_total; i++) {
var thumb_url = my_videos[i].@THUMB;


What I really need to know is how to add a MovieClip to container_mc and when the Thumb is loaded, remove this MovieClip from it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML Photo Gallery - How To See Next Set Of Thumbnails

May 14, 2009

I create a photo gallery from xml using AS3 and it loads fine. I want to limit 5 thumbnails on stage. To see more you have to click the next button to see the next set of 5. Click prev button to see the previous 5.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Distributing Thumbnails In Gallery?

Jun 4, 2009

I am using a slightly modified version of [URL]. The problem I am having is that my thumbs get arranged out of order because they aren't all the same width. The way the code from the tutorial works is it reads the width of the image onLoad, then multiplies it by the number image it is.

target_mc._x = 10 + (eval("thumbnail_mc.t" + k)._width + 5) * k;

This doesn't work, cuz some images are much thinner, so the thin images end up way too far left.

My method was to define a starting width (curWidth), then set the position of my thumb by using that value. once that is postioned, add the width of the image to curWidth plus a space. Reapeat for each image.

curWidth = 10;
function thumbnails_fn(k) {
thumbnail_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("t" + k, thumbnail_mc.getNextHighestDepth());
tlistener = new Object();


The problem with this is it puts the image out of order. In fact, it orders them based on the order they download. I understand why (cuz of onLoadInit) but I am not sure what to do about it.

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