ActionScript 3 :: Creating Flex / Flash Flipbook Using PDF File

Feb 3, 2012

I want to create Flipbook in flex/Flash. Normally its created via XML and XML has some image or swf list it is loading as page in flipbook. But I want to create this functionality directly from the PDF file. Just developer need to give only PDF file name/path flip book will generate automatically.

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Professional :: Flash Flipbook Links Not Working?

Dec 12, 2011

I am creating a flipbook application for a magazine. I am using Flash CS4(AS3) to build a navigation interface which contains a UILoader that loads magazine pages in SWF format created by InDesign CS5.Initially I was loading one large SWF file for the magazine pages. Internal links on the table of contents worked great but the load time was ridiculous.  Now I am loading individual SWF files for each spread (adjacent pages) and the load time is great, however the links on the table of contents no longer work, which I expected.
The links still appear to be on the page however they don't appear to do anything. I have managed to interrogate the display list objects within the SWF file and the links appear to be of SimpleButton type. Some are even recognized as having HTML significance, they are given an instance name of "Hlnk#" instead of just "Instance#".I think my problem is that I can't/don't know how to get to the event that is triggered by the link/SimpleButton object. If I could see what page it is referencing I could load it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Flipbook - Disable Movieclip After One Page-flip?

Aug 16, 2010

I've created a flipbook in Flash. It pretty much looks the way I want it to except for one thing. On the 3rd and 4th page I've created a spread where it has have a movieclip playing inside the pages. It plays fine but everytime you're about to flip to the next or previous page it keeps playing the animation inside the page. Obviously I only want it to play once. Even though I put a 'stop' function inside the movieclip it still loops the animation. It looks like I have to set a function at the top level so it disables the movieclip after the first page-flip. Is this possible? Or is there another way that I can make the animation stop looping when about to flip pages? I could only attach the actionscript in word doc as the fla and swf where too big to attach. If you're happy to look into it I can email it to you.

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Flex :: Buttons And Styles - Creating A SWF File Using A MXML File

Aug 11, 2009

I am creating a SWF file using a MXML file. The MXML file define several MX:Button and uses an external stylesheet to style them. There is a problem I am facing at the moment, I am aiming to style the buttons in a way that is similar to the way I can style HTML button elements. However, I could not achieve such look and feel. For example, I could not find a way to define the color and thickness of the borders for each side of the button (top, bottom, left, right), the background color, the margins, the padding, the width, and the height of the button. Also, selector such as hover, active, focus are not available. I was only able to change the size and the font color of the button successfully.

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Xml :: Flex - Creating Child Within Xml File

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I want to ask if someone can give me an example of creating child through xml. I mean creating custom components through xml (for every xml tag you create your own custom component and then add it as a child to the stage). I hope is it clear enough... :)

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Flex :: Creating One File Per Function With Same Name?

Apr 21, 2009

I am relatively new to Flex/ActionScript, but I have been using a pattern of creating one file per function in my util package - with the name of the file being the same as the name of the function.

Like if the file was
package util{
public function convertTime(s:String):Date{

This way I can import the function readily by doing:
import util.convertTime;

I like this way better than importing a class object and then calling the static methods hanging off of it, like this:
import util.Util;

But, the more I do this, the more files I'll end up with, and it also seems a bit wasteful/silly to put only one function into a file, especially when the function is small. Is there another alternative to this? Or are these two options the only ones I have?

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Mar 12, 2010

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Does anyone know of a method or strategy through which a shortcut can be created through Flex for the various platforms? I've been examining the various flash.filesystem.File methods but did not notice anything that seemed noteworthy.

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Mar 3, 2010

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AS2 :: Get Good Flipbook Component?

Apr 13, 2010

I am looking for a flipbook that I can use inside of flash, whether a component or not I suppose;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FlipBook - KeyListener Not Going Away

Apr 12, 2011

I have a flipbook that I'm making and I'm having some problems getting rid of a certain keyListener... Here's the dealio.. This is the trouble-maker script that's on frame 3:

keyListener_np = new Object();
var repeatTest;
keyListener_np.onKeyDown = function(){
[Code] .....

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Change The Dimensions Of This Flipbook?

Jun 3, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling An Imported Indesign Swf Flipbook?

Sep 3, 2011

In a "container" movie I have an imported swf flipbook from indesign that needs some buttons to move through pages. I can control it with a simple nextFrame() and prevFrame() but this is done without the page curling/turning effect. Does anybody know which as3 command(s) or function(s) calls the turning effect like when clicked at corner of pages?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling A Swf Within A Flipbook And Maintaining Its Usabitlity?

May 27, 2010

I have recently purchased Pageflip 3.6 ( for a project at work and what I am planning on doing is implementing a guest book which i have created in flash.The guest book I created consists of a file upload (for images) a comment entry and a signature section (where the user has a choice between a bunch of fonts and writes there name) which are located on the left page of the flip book and then on the right page it displays the post (using XML).

Now the guest book on its own works like a charm, but when it is called into Pageflip the buttons for the upload/submit stop working and nothing happens.The way Pageflip pulls in the swf/png/jpg to fill its content is through an XML file.Pageflip does have hot spots and controls to switch pages directly within the book but I have disabled them so that you can only switch pages through the control bar, as I thought the hot spots were conflicting with the input for the guest book but it didn't do anything it still will not allow me to use the controls for the guest book.

I know this might be kind of confusing I hope i described my problem clearly enough and any help or input at all would be fantastic. I'm fairly green with actionscript but i'm the only one at my agency that knows how to use it so its tough on me to do these advanced things without anyone to bounce ideas off of

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flipbook Which Turns Page Automatically

Sep 12, 2003

I'm interested in coming up with a flipbook which turn to another page, with a "turn page" animation. Exacly like what they did for Fullerton, at this URL...I got a great reply from JCS (thanx again dude!), who passed me a fla where they came out with a flip book, but you'll have to manually drag the page frm one page to another. Technically this flip book is more superior, as the user can flip the book manually, and it looks very very cool, but the thing is, there doens't seem to be a way to flip all the way to the last page withouth going through all the pages in between, and that sucks, as imagine that the document has like 50 pages!. BTW, the file in JCS sent can be downloaded here.URL...So basically, I want to modify the script to enable the the page to turn automatically when clicked, instead of having to drag the page.

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Make Simple Cartoon / Flipbook Like Moving Image

Feb 20, 2012

You know those paper flipbooks you would have as a kid where you would flip the pages and it would like like a moving image? How cartoons are made? I need to make that on the computer. I have a series of jpeg that I want to cycle one after another every second or so.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A .txt File From Flash?

Aug 7, 2006

I have a swf gallery that I created in flash MX which accesses images in folder using an XML file. This XML file has a header and a footer, and a standard image node for each image where the information of the exact name of each image... ie image01.jpg and the description of it ... and their locations .... is gallery01/image01.jpg etc, where gallery01 would be the folder. Currently all of this information about the images is entered by hand in the XML file and this task starts to become very tedious when there are many images per gallery. What I would like to konw.... and like to do... is create an swf or flash application that would create a the xml file... Ideally I would like the user to have a sort of gui in which each image from a folder to which he or she browses to displayed... one at a time... and with the display of each image .. there is a text field where the user can name and type the description of the image.... and all of this data should somehow be recorded and stored in an XML file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Pop Up Window In A Flash File

Mar 23, 2009

how to create a pop up window to load some images. Basically I have a button in my flash file(website) and I want the user to be able to click on the button and have the content displayed in a separate window. the separate window will be a simple swf file with some images. how can I link this external file?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Preloader Within The Same Flash File?

May 30, 2010

I am working on school project for a beginner Flash class. The code I was given in class for the preloader does not for my particular flash movie. Q #1: can you create the pre-loader within the same file as the movie (ie separate scenes)?Q #2: if yes, why wouldn't it wouldn't work for me? i was told that it doesn't for all files, but i would like to know why?Q #3: is there a way to do it through two different files with coding (the preloader file pulling up the movie file)?

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Error Creating Flash Movie File

May 22, 2007

Since I started using CS3 I sometimes get the following error: Error creating Flash movie file. Be sure the destination file is not locked or on a locked drive. Also, check that the file name is not too long. It doesn't happen all the time, and I haven't been able to figure out what causes it. I have been able to confirm that it's not anything to do with locked files/drives, permissions, or file name length.

It happens with files created elsewhere (by other developers) that I've modified, and it happens with files I start from scratch - I can create a new FLA on my desktop and it won't publish. Sometimes (but not always), publishing to a different directory than the one the FLA is in will work. This is becoming a big problem. I'm on OS X 10.4.9, 2.33 GHz Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro 17", running CS3 Web Premium package.

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Professional :: Flash CS4 Crashing When Creating A New AS2 Or AS3 Fla File

Aug 22, 2010

I am having an issue with a freshly installed copy of Flash CS4 Upon trying to create a new fla file or opening an fla file flash crashes. I have checked for corrupt fonts and even removed all non system fonts yet it still happens.Below is my crash report. I have emailed Adobe but was hoping that someone here may have a solution for this problem.I am running Windows 7 64 bit.[code]

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Flash :: Not Creating Swf File When Testing Movie

Jan 13, 2012

I have created a small flash project with 6 Scenes(two scenes contain flv clips 2 minutes each(1560 frames)). If I test each scene separately it runs perfectly, but when I try to run the whole movie it runs for 10 minutes "Exporting SWF Movie" and then stops without any errors or warning and without running project or creating swf file. I am using Adobe Flash Professional cs5.5.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating XML File From Flash Movie

Jan 26, 2007

I have a movie which loads quiz questions from an XML file. This works perfectly, although editing the questions is a bit tricky. Whether it is possible to create an XML file from a flash movie.

I would like to create a simple template in which:
- the user enters the question and answer data
- the user chooses a filename for their data
- this data is saved to the hard drive in the form of an XML file
- this data can be accessed by a serarate quiz movie
Is this possible?

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IDE :: Error Creating Flash Projector File?

Mar 26, 2009

Here is the exact error I receive: Error creating Flash projector file. Be sure that Flash is installed correctly and that the destination file is not locked or on a locked drive.I am able to produce an exe but not the app.

I have:

Flash Player 10 debugger version
Flash CS3

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Creating Flash File With Randomly Rotating Layers

Feb 28, 2012

I am doing a project for class and I am trying to see how i can make a certain action script in flash.I wanted to see if I can stack a few hundred (very small) images on top of one another with very low opacities.These stacked images will randomly change their order in the layers and create a unique composition everytime.Is there a way to do this in flash? if so, how would I go about it?

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Professional :: Creating Chapter Marks In Flash File

Aug 2, 2010

In the past I have used PPro CS4 and Encore to create a DVD of clips which I show to clients. Each clip has a chapter mark so that I can jump quickly to the start of each clip. I now want to make a big Flash file of all the clips, with chapter marks which I can quickly jump to. But when I create the file from PPro, I get all the clips in one nice big file, but with no chapter marks. If I create it from Encore, it cuts the file into lots of little Flash files, the cutting points being the chapter marks. How can I create one big Flash file consisting of all the little clips, but with chapter marks which I can jump to?

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Professional :: Creating 'packaged' SWF File With Flash Prof?

Feb 15, 2011

Firstly, I've created with Adobe Captivate an SWF file which I have been able to reference in an aspx page and when I view the website, it runs fine (no other file is referenced to run this).  Example of the below code in the aspx page I have created:

object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"codebase=" version=8,0,0,0"width="500" height="400" id="Untitled-1" align="middle"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /><param name="movie" value="progressive2.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#aaaaaa" /><embed src="MY_VIDEO.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff"width="500" height="400" name="Untitled-1" align="middle"allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"pluginspage="" /></object>

My objective is this. I have a final edited FLV video file. I also have Flash Professional. What I want to do is create a single SWF file (like with the Adobe Captivate example), which will include the video and the skin for the progress bar, volume etc and then reference this in another aspx page for the website.

I want to be able to have the same 'packaged' SWF file, as in the captivate, created from this FLV video. In Flash Proffessional, I've imported the FLV into the 'stage' and added a skin through the wizard.  But trying to publish or other options, I've not been able to get this single 'packaged' SWF file to run correctly in the website, via the same apsx code as above.Am I missing a trick here?  I would presume it would be fairly simple as I don't want to edit the video, more I want to embedded it with a skin in the one SWF file.

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Flash :: Creating A Custom File Format For Adobe Air?

Feb 16, 2010

I'm just starting out with my first Adobe Air project (I'm a pure AS3 developer by trade).I'm planning to build an image editor which supports layers. I'm wondering what the best way would be to store an entire project including layer data (images) to a users hard disk.I'm wondering if there is any pros/cons in creating a custom file format for my application. The idea is I will be able to store an entire project in a single file. This will be done by writing meta data to the file's header such as the image dimensions, layer names, layer data offsets etc...I'm trying to be mindful of the issues which might arrise such as maintaining backwards compatibility after adding new project features/meta etc.I guess I'm asking whether people have any advice or experience with creating a custom file format for Adobe Air and if there are any other 'out-of-the-box' solutions to saving 'complex' data to a users hard disk.

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Flash 10 :: Creating Demo Where Each Scene Has Own Sound File?

Dec 13, 2010

I am new to CS5 and I want to create a demo where each scene has it owns sound file. So going from scene 1 to scene 2, the sound from scene 1 should stop and the sound of scene 2 should begin then after the sound file from scene 2 finish it will automatically go to scene 3 then the sound file from scene 3 will begin. Each scene has a jpg file in it to show the user what I am talking about.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Creating A Search For Information In A XML File?

Jun 17, 2010

I'm trying to figure out the best way to create a search box that searches an XML document and returns the results. So far I know how to do a search that returns exact matches but I want to make it so if someone typed in say "Manager" it would return results that Also had "Sales Manager" or "Account Manager".

Currently I have

PHP Code:

var  authorList:XMLList  =  xmlData.job.(title  == citySearch.text); 

Which only works with exact results. What is the best way to get around this? Do I just need to bring in everything from the XML file and then compare it using .search()?

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