ActionScript :: How To Display Picker With One Item Using Playbook QNX
Mar 16, 2011
I've got a QNX Picker control that isn't displaying the selected values when there's only one item in the picker. For example:
import qnx.ui.picker.Picker;
var pick:Picker = new Picker();
var arr:Array = [{label: "hi!"}];
pick.dataProvider = new DataProvider([new DataProvider(arr)]);
pick.selectedIndices = [0];
The result is a blank picker. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. When there are 2 items in the arr Array, the picker actually shows the selected Indices. How do I get the picker to display the selected item when there is only 1 item to choose from? I'm using Burrito, with Playbook SDK 0.9.3.
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UPDATE: I've found this page today: [URL] And also I've found out that the QNX AIR components work on Android as well, wonder if it is legal to use them there? Nothing is mentioned in Playbook SDK Legal Notice.
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<s:DataGroup dataProvider="{news}"
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<s:Label text="{data.??/}"/>
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super ();
[Code] .....
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