Actionscript 2.0 :: SWFAddress Management - Loading Multiple Swf?

Apr 17, 2009

I use SWFAddress like Lee's tuts, but so far all he do is just simple websites. I am now implementing SWFAddress to one of my quite larger projects, Ie Including loading swf that loads another, but still want the deeplinking.

I have main.swf that loads: About.swf, Fashion.swf, Contact.swf.The thing is with my fashion.swf, I still need to load: fashionClothes1.swf, fashionClothes2.swf,...etc


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing Multiple FLVs / Resource Management

Apr 9, 2007

I have 3 flvs, that are rather big in dimension, that I am using as backgrounds. When I use any of these flvs my movie works fine but when I switch to a new background my movie takes a big hit in performance. I am guessing this has something to do with the garbage collection in as3 because i explicitly get rid of the old background. What is the best way to cycle through multiple flvs without loosing performance?

Heres code I am using to switch backgrounds
theBackground = null;
theBackground = assetLoader.getBackground(level);
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SwfAddress Class Seems To Pick Up An OnChange Event From SwfAddress

Jun 22, 2009

The timeline swf itself (the core of the site) is being loaded into a wrapper swf, as one of the requirements is that this timeline can be used elsewhere, in other projects. This wrapper, however, will have some additional visuals that pertain to a stand-alone version of this timeline. As a result of never knowing exactly where this is going to be used (either a subchapter in another flash website, or as a stand-alone site by itself), I've decided to dump all of the swfAddress code into the wrapper, in a child class of it. To handle the navigation changes, I'm dispatching custom events (from the timeline) with parameters that describe the nav changes, which gets picked up by the parent wrapper, which then calls a function in the swfAddress child class for handling.

Also done in this swfAddress class is the parsing of the URL onChange event (when a browser back button button or history changes the nav, rather than a Flash button). This, too, dispatches an event with info about the parsed URL, which the wrapper is picking up and then calling a function in the timeline's API to make the necessary changes.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWFaddress & Loading External Swf Via XML?

May 11, 2009

on my site, each of the pages is its own swf loading onto the stage via an xml documentSimple enough.I've been pulling my hair trying to out how to get the linking and browser buttons working with this dynamic loadingrelevant code:XML code:

var xmlPath:String = "index.xml";
var settingsXML:XML;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWFAddress And Loading External SWF Via XML

May 10, 2009

On my site, each of the pages is its own swf loading onto the stage via an xml document. Simple enough. How to get the linking and browser buttons working with this dynamic loading site [URL].

Relevant code:
XML code:Code: Select allvar xmlPath:String = "index.xml";
var settingsXML:XML;
var loader = new URLLoader();
loader.load (new URLRequest(xmlPath));
loader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
function xmlLoaded (e:Event):void{
[Code] .....

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Flash 8 - Deeplinking - SwfAddress - Use SWFAddress Within MCs?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Publish & SWFAddress - Include The Swf With The Flash Method Swfaddress Doesn't Work?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm having a problem with the flash publish method and swfaddres.I've included the javascript of the flash pubblication in a new javascript file with the swfaddress in the same page.If i use swfobject for including my flash file in the swf, swfaddress works ok...if i include the swf with the flash method swfaddress doesn't work.Here the link: http:[url]......

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash For Loop Loading Multiple Images Into Multiple Movieclips

Feb 5, 2012


I have a group of 16 images that I would like to load 1 of each into each movieclip. I want image1 to be inside of visual1, image 2 inside of visual2, and so on. the images are named like, 1960s_(1).png where the 1960 (year) part is coming from the rangeNum variable. The above gives me this error: 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild through a reference with static type int.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple Images To Multiple Loaders With A Loop?

Sep 2, 2010

i have been building a library that has thumbnails which you click to view the full image. i have built the application it works but i want to change the way the image on the actual thumbnail loads using code instead of manually adding the value to the url loader component.

var myX;var instanceN:String;trace(instanceN);var currentLoad:uint = 0;// current loader and image loadingvar thumbnailURL:String;//Thumbnail URLvar thumbReq:URLRequest;// Thumbnail url requestfor(var k:uint = 0;k < iL_btn.length; k++)[code].....

the loop runs fine without the last line of code which i've commented out.the make up of these thumbnails are a uiLoader component which are each inside there own movieClip.what i wanted this to do was every time the loop runs it currentLoad adds 1 to its value then that value is subbed into instanceN:String and thumbnailURL address that bit works the trace statements read correctly.but my issue is using the instanceN value as the instance name path which then loads the current thumbnailURL value which is the URL address for the thumbnail picture.when i try to load the url address using the commented out code above i got the error .TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.the trace statements correct values below

the first value is the currentLoad value.

the second value is the instance name path.

the third is is the URL address for the thumbnail.[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple Images On To Multiple Movieclips?

Sep 16, 2009

I have 50 images that need to be on stage, which will be embedded into 50 different movie clips. I named the movie clips image1-image50 and the images are in an external folder named 1-50. Every freaking article or tutorial I have found clearly explains how to upload one image, or just one at a time. I can do that, and spend 2 days renaming all the functions, but I do not want to do that. Is there a better way to just load all 50 images, place them accordingly?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: More Memory Management Headaches

Aug 29, 2008

I previously asked about some FLV files that I was loading externally, and having trouble with memory being released. Having sort of solved this, I am having the same problem with loading external resources and then getting them to be cleared out of memory when I'm done with them. I have seen kglad mention more than once that GC in flash is broken, but where does that leave us? I have also tried my project in FP 10, and the memory still continues to go up and up. If I load an external resource - in this case I have a class that builds a VR room with papervision - and then close it, set it's instance to null, my memory never goes down.

This is a total guess, but could it have anything to do with using Tweener in my project? Is there any way that the Tweener class could be keeping some of my objects in memory and keep them from being GC'd? I am using weak references in my listeners, setting any variable I can find to null... I can get over how frustrating this is to just see memory go up and up but find no reason. The class I am using also uses a few subclasses to build itself, but I end up with one instance of my VR on the stage. If I have set that instance to a name - myVR - and then removeChild(myVR) from the stage and set the name to null - that should do it right? Boy, this is frustrating.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Management System Put Together?

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[URL]... How is this video management system put together? This is not a job for me, I am just curous.

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Easy Depth Management In Flash?

Mar 2, 2009

I've recently created a game in which the logic and programming all runs perfectly, however the graphics are lackluster. I'm currently having a hard time managing the depth of movieclips on the screen.Basically the game is tile based and each frame of the movieclip holds a different type of tile. All the tiles are 50x50 with the exception of one type of tile which is 60x60 and therein needs to overlap the tiles around it which are 50x50.In AS2 I could of set the depth manually, however I'm told (as is this is my first time dealing with depth in AS3) that I cannot do this anymore. Is there any suggestions on how I can make sure that a tile of one type is automatically set beneath tiles of another type - I've thought about simply coding a function to check this but it somehow seems inefficient (considering larger maps will have a lot of tiles, meaning hundreds of movieclips attached to the stage, each movieclip with multiple frames).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Containers For Object Management?

Jun 6, 2010

Does flash supply 'invisible' containers, to make object management a little easier ? eg. add some objects to the container, then add the container to the stage, then later on remove the container (i.e removing also the objects) ?

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Mar 17, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Depth Management?

Apr 24, 2010

I started with some AS2 pageflip code that I've been modifying because I needed the code in AS3, and I wanted to make some changes to it. At anyrate, I'm having a problem with the depth of two movieclips created. The code first creates a page using the makePage function, and then creates a shade for that page (makeShade function).When running the code, the page appears on top of the shade. When using getChildIndex, the page's index = 11, and the shade's index = 14.

The complete code is super long so I've attached the code that has the shade and page below:

//create left-aligned page-sized solid fill
function makePage(targ, xQuadrant) {
//trace ("in make page");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWFAddress In Ie6?

Oct 5, 2010

For some really dumb reasons, I must support IE6 in the project I'm currently working on (think multi-paged microsite). I have SWFaddress, now, worked into my navigation system, and it is working as expected in chrome and FF.

When I get into IE6 I am having the following problem:

The "browser URL Update" phase of the SWFAddress.setValue -> SWFaddressEvent.Change

cycle fails to function, except when the mouse cursor leaves the SWF frame. When the mouse leaves the frame, SWFaddress history gets updated as expected and the browser navigation buttons function as expected.

But if the mouse cursor stays within the swf, none of this happens, and any stateChanges are skipped by the browser buttons.

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Apr 28, 2010

Hello all.
Having a hard time getting info on SWFADDRESS so I thought I'd try here as Kirupa has saved my butt in the past.
So my question is this.
I am trying to attach a variable to the end of my SWFADDRESS url but can't get it to register. I can get it working fine using SWFOBJECT like so

but once I add the deeplinking I can't get any results.

My code in the html is :

<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
var so = new SWFObject('Example', 'website', '800px', '600px', '8');
so.addVariable("Var", getQueryParamValue("Var"));
so.addVariable("Var2", getQueryParamValue("Var2"));

// ]]>
Anyone have a way around this or a good source for SWFADDRESS help?
Would really help me out!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Memory Management / Garbage Collection?

Nov 7, 2008

I have done a lot of searching / reading to find out how to clear my memory. But I still can't really work out how to clear the memory, it just never seems to come down. I have a few MovieClips that contain other MovieClips with pngs inside them being added to the stage.

As fare as I can tell all Event listeners are removed and refrences I remove the clip, with removeChild I "null" the variable I am using the "LocalConnection()" hack to try and force a clean up, but no movement on the memory count. Are there any examples of a *.png being added and removed from the memory?

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Flash :: Professional - How Many Database Management Systems Available Like Xml

Mar 17, 2010

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Flash :: Professional - Activate Colour Management In CS4?

Apr 10, 2010

I am struggling to find clear guidance on how to switch on colour management in Flash CS4. My attempts to search online have tended to give me far too many irrelevent results and it is not even mentioned in the index of my 700 page Flash CS4 textbook.

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Media Server :: FMS With Universal Content Management (UCM)?

Dec 27, 2010

I need some advice integrating our content management system with FMS. We are currently using Oracle's Universal Content Management 10g and FMS 3.5.

I am able to get the test video to stream by creating a VOD streaming application in Flash (drag/drop FLVPlayback component and setting the content path to rtmp://serveraddress/vod/TestVideo). However, when I try to incorporate it into UCM the video doesn't load. I have tried checking the .swf skin, .swf video, AC_RunActiveContent .js file, and even the .html file (I have edited the .html file to reflect the new path for the uploaded .swf and .js files) and I still get nothing. I suspect that the .swf video file that creates the connection to the FMS server has something encoded into it that can't be called correctly once it's uploaded to UCM. If this was a traditional website where I could simply drag and drop the files generated by flash into the site's hierarchy, there would be no problem.

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Digital Rights Management In Adobe Flex?

Jun 16, 2009

I have a NetStream set up and it's supposed to listen for DRMAuthenticateEvent.DRM_Authenticate. When I give it an encrypted file (encrypted using software from, no DRMAuthenticateEvenet seems to be dispatched. The code looks like this:


I have both proxy and drm authentication types in there because drm was not working for me so I decided to try proxy. Am I doing something wrong? I got this stuff off of the Adobe reference pages, is there an easier/smarter way of going about DRM in Flex?

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Flex - Degrafa States Memory Management?

Nov 10, 2009

I was recently profiling my application that uses Degrafa States in the skins and noticed that doing so uses more memory than I expected. Between the SetProperty and State, they were using about 10% of the total used application memory.

Would it be better to use css for the state changes and a new skin for each state? or Are there some simple tips to reducing the memory footprint of degrafa?

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Javascript - Jquery And SIFR Link Management?

Feb 5, 2010

Ok, I'm using Jquery to build a dynamic menu, and sIFR to change the text to TrajanPro font.

This does not mix. I want to find a way to make it mix, though.

sIFR has automatic parsing of links, so that Flash sends you to the link location. What it doesn't do is pass on javascript triggers. I'm trying to make my menu as accessible as possible, by using hard links and then rewriting them with Jquery into managing the visibility of submenus, like this ~


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Memory Management - Make Flash 'play Well With Others'?

Apr 21, 2010

the Flash Virtual Machine relies on garbage collection by using reference counting and mark and sweep (for good coverage of these topics, check out Grant Skinner's article and presentation). And yes, Flash also provides the "delete" operator, which can (unfortunately only) be used to remove the properties of dynamic objects.

What I want to know is how to make it so that Flash programs don't continue to consume CPU and memory while running in the background (save loading content or communicating remotely, for example). The motivation for this question comes in part from Apple's ban on cross compiled applications (in its SDK 4) on the grounds that they do not behave as predicted with the multitasking feature central to iPhone OS 4. My intention is not only to make Flash programs that will 'pass muster' as far as multitasking in iPhone OS 4, but also to simply make better (behaving) Flash programs.

Put another way, how might a Flash application mimic the multitasking feature of iPhone OS 4? Does the Flash API provide the means for a developer to put their applications to 'sleep' while other programs run, and then to 'awaken' them just as quickly?

In our own program, we might do something as crude as detecting when the user has been idle (no mouse motion or key press) for (say) four seconds:

var idle_id:uint = setInterval(4000, pause_program);
var current_movie_clip:MovieClip;
var current_frame:uint;


what's the best way to detect that an application should be shelved? And, more importantly, is it possible for Flash Player to detect that some of its running programs are idle, and to similarly shelve them until the user performs an action to resume them?

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Flash - Asset Management In Adobe Air For 2D Game

Jun 1, 2011

I'm building an Adobe AIR application (2d platformer adventure game), utilizing the Flash Builder 4 IDE, which will be packaged on a CD for installation. I've embed the majority of the game assets into a static class to keep it simple and organized. This way I can reuse assets and swap them without much digging.

[Embed(source = "../data/gfx/spritesheets/boyHero.png")] public static var boyHero:Class;

In the early days of the projects, everything went to plan. However as the project has grown to be over 28MB, I've started to run into Out Of Memory errors. These occur when I add new assets, refactor for a while, or add new classes. Once I get this error, I can restart FB and then work for another 15-20 minutes. I've modified my .ini file bump up Flash Builder 4's memory allocation. It's currently set at:

While I'm at it, here are the specs/plug-ins that I've got installed:
Flash Builder v 4.0 (build 272416)
JNA Library 3.2.7
subclipse plugin 1.6.17
subversion client adapter 1.6.12
subversion JavaHL Native Lib 1.6.15
SVNKit lib

Mac OSx v 10.6.7
2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

My Questions:
1) Is the issue with the path that I've chosen for the way I'm handling in-game assets? I am streaming in some assets such as tutorial swfs which are loaded via the SWFLoader. I could go this route for all assets... but, should I? Is this the right way to handle a disk game? (The game runs without a hitch when installed on QA machines...)
2) Provided the embedding of static assets isn't an issue, Is this a FB4 bug? Where should I head for more information?

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Flash - Memory Management In Flex Programs?

Nov 24, 2011

I am a flex programmer but i had nothing to do for handle manage memory in my projects. I think lack of memory management is reason for loading lag of swf file. Can any one help me to how to handle manage memory in flex/ as3 codes.

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Remoting / Messaging And Data Management In Flex?

Jun 8, 2009

Can anyone explain me the difference of all and also an another question does Zend AMF support all these.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linkage Classes Under Hood Management?

Jan 20, 2009

I'm kind of messy and I ussually change the class linkage name a lot .

What happens with unused anymore linkage classes ? Are they automatically deleted by flash CS3 IDE ?

Edit:Long time no answer What I mean is not if they are still available (haven't tested but probably aren't) , what I mean is will those linkage classes be compiled into swf increasing the size or not ?

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