Actionscript 2.0 :: Creating And Controlling Arrays Of Movieclips At Runtime?

Apr 14, 2011

here's my code:

Code: Select allvar arrThumb:Array = new Array();
arrThumb[i] = "thumb_mc"+i;


THE CODE ABOVE DOES NOT WORK ,I want to create 10 moveiclips each with unique name, which I can move around or maybe load things into later. At the moment the trace returns 'undefined' so the movieclips aren't even being created.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Movieclips And Displaying Them At Runtime?

Jun 17, 2009

I'm trying to create a container movie clip, then inside that, create several other movieclips with an image in each and display them with an offset x.It does the offsetting but only displays the last one at the last x.When i dont put the clips in a container it works fine. but i want them in the container so that i can movie the container around on a press.

Heres the code:

var itemsArray = new Array("pic1.jpg", "pic2.jpg", "pic3.jpg", "pic4.jpg");
var clipArray = new Array();
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("carousel", this.getNextHighestDepth());


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//define variables
var _buttons:Buttons;
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//define variables
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[Code] ......

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling MovieClips Using Other MovieClips

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Using Flash CS4 - AS 3.0

how to control a movie clip using a separate movie clip.

on scene 1 (2 frames long), i have 2 movie clips.

-bFind (24 frames long)

-textEffects (14 frames long)

i want to jump to frame 7 of the textEffect movieClip when i hover over bFind

i have my AS code in the first frame of the movieClip called "Bfind"



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MX04 With Movieclips Controlling Other Movieclips

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I'm using flash MX 2004 Professional. What im trying to is the following: I have 9 movie clips, each has a "closed" and "open" state. Basically, when I click no.1 I want it to animate open, and then, when I click no.2, it must first check if any of the other clips are in their "open" state and if so, close them. I've worked with the following, but it doesnt seem to be working:


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IDE :: Controlling Brightness Within Movieclips?

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function RotateDisplayOrDrag(whichPiece) {
if (Key.isDown(18)) {
_root[whichPiece]._rotation += 22.5;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Instances At Runtime?

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function below
function makePlayer ():void {
my_player = new FLVPlayback();[code].........

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Make Arrays Of MovieClips

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I'm trying to create something (which has probably been created a 1000 times before) that will fade in and out a series of images. I load the images into my movie and then I want to make some action script to loop through them to fadeIn/Out.So to begin with I want to store all the image names in an array and then loop through this. But I'm having problems accessing the movie clips from the array. Where am I going wrong?

var images:Array = new Array();
images = [wine_mc, sunset_mc, poppies_mc, pool_mc, eastView_mc]


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Arrays And Library Movieclips?

Feb 17, 2009

i have an array of movieclips that are only in the libray:

var aeropuertosInfo:Array=new Array (iacapulco,iaguascalientes,icampeche,icancun,idf,i carmen,ijuarez,iobregon,ivictoria,
ichetumal,ichihuahua,icozumel,iculiacan,idurango,i guadalajara,iguanajuato,iguaymas,
ihermosillo,ihuatulco,iixtapa,ilapaz,iloreto,imoch is,imanzanillo,imatamoros,imazatlan,


when i try to place them in the scene, for example: addChild (aeropuertosInfo[2]) , an error pops up telling me that it can't convert icampeche$ in flash.display.DisplayObject.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Different MovieClips In Different Levels?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a movieclip on the main timeline with instance name "rpm_display". Inside that movieclip I have another movieclip with instance name "dial_graphics". My actionscript is on this timeline. The tween that uses "dial_graphics" drives "rpm_digital.rpm_counter.text" to compute a value based on the tween position of "dial_graphics".
I need to move the movieclip "rpm_digital.rpm_counter.text" outside of movieclip "rpm_display", but it will not work when its on the main timeline. I have tried having it on the main timeline and putting the actionscript there too using "rpm_display.dialgraphics", but this did not work...
should i use _parent? Not too familiar with AS3.
import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.*;import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling MovieClips On Screen Via XML

Jul 15, 2009

I am trying to figure out how to control 3 movieClips on the screen via XML. I can successfully control one, but I want to control all 3 if the XML has the values.

Here is my code:
var ducks:Array;
var myLoader:URLLoader;
var i:uint;
var xPos:int;
var yPos:int;
var myXML:XML;
[Code] .....

I think I would need to create some sort of list for each specific node (arrayPos, xPos, yPos, isvis) and then run a for loop so that each movieClips values get assigned properly. I have uploaded the .fla and XML for anyone who wishes to view it.

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Jan 14, 2009

I have a beginner question, apologies for rusty language and incorrect references.I have 3 movie clips on the stage. Their identifiers are 'dim', 'bright' and 'source'. What I want to happen is when the user clicks on the 'dim' movie clip, the alpha of the movieclip 'source' is set to 20. So I tried to write the following:



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May 14, 2010

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function openMenu(evt:Event):void{


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Nested Movieclips?

May 18, 2011

I have an animation of a spinning globe made from 2 maps placed back-to-back and a circular mask over them. The animation loops endlessly to simulate a spinning globe. This animation was made into a movieclip (globeSpin) which is nested inside another movieclip ontainer_mc). I want to stop the spinning effect when a user mouses over and start it up again when they mouse out. Code is below:

container_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, stopSpin);
container_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, startSpin);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Movieclips With An IF Function?

Dec 6, 2003

I have created 3 movieclip buttons which have a total of 3 states eachUP, OVER and Pressed.What i am wanting to do is create a fuction that will change the state of an already pressed button back to its UP state. For exampleButton one is press and will stay in its state untill button 2 or 3 are presses then it will revert back to its up state.My way of tackling the problem was to target a frame in the movie clip that I wanted to change such as this:

on (rollOut) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Arrays In A For Loop?

Jun 15, 2005

creating multiple arrays in a for loop? This doesn't work :

for (i=0; i<catNum; i++) {
var arr(i):Array = new Array ()


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating The Multidimensional Arrays?

Sep 13, 2006

what i owuld like to do is ceate flash collections


similar to collection in cfml and hash tables in is this possible or do i have to create multi dimensional arrays?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Arrays With Loadvars?

Jan 20, 2007

I am trying to create an array from data in a text file.The text file data is like so:&track1=Paradise Lake&track2=Somewhere Else&track3=Another Placeetc..What I am trying to do is take all tracks and put them into an array so that i can attachmovies to the stage referencing them. So far if I try a:

for instance, it spits out the correct variable into the output window.


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Removing Movieclips Created At Runtime?

Mar 9, 2009

I'm trying to remove movieclips created at run time using "createEmptyMovieClip" but I'm having a problem calling the "removeMovieClip" function. The difficulty seems to be that the string that I assign as the instance name of the new movie clip doesn't actually refer to the created clip when I try to call"removeMovieClip".

So the "removeMovieClip" function doesn't work if the target name is pulled from the array. My guess is that this has something to do with the values of the array being strings...and it does when I manually type Apple.removeMovieClip(); in because Apple is the movieclip object name. How do call the "removeMovieClip"function using a var as the target?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Connect Movieclips In 3D Space At Runtime?

Jul 27, 2010

I have various instances of a movieclip spread across 3D space. The user is able to navigate across the 3D space using the mouse or the arrow keys - I've used a style similar to the old school first person shooter games. Some of the objects on the stage are related so I want to connect them with a line to show their relationship. As all my objects are dynamically created through AS at runtime the relationships also need to be dynamically generated. As the user navigates around the 3D space the line between the objects needs to get redrawn.
In a 2D world I'd use the drawpath or moveTo/LineTo methods to join the movieclips and have a function on the onEnterFrame command of the 3D space to keep redrawing the line.However since this is a 3D world I need to take into account the z location of the movieclips as well as the x and y I could do this or even point me in the right direction to get started?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Space Evenly MovieClips In Runtime?

Aug 16, 2009

How to "space evenly" movieclips in runtime usin actionscript?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use The Same Movieclips But Be Able To Have A Function Lay Them Out At Runtime In Two (or More) Layouts?

May 18, 2003

I want to use the same movieclips (some are button movieclips) but be able to have a function lay them out at runtime in two (or more) layouts. Just the _x and _y position like in this example:I'd like to layout the mcs with just actionscript. So it can be hardwired into the movie's script with parameters A yielding layout A, et cetera.

something like this:

boxOne_mc._x = 100;
boxOne_mc._y = 100;
boxTwo_mc._x = 200;


but all wrapped up in one function.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Dynamic Textboxes At Runtime?

May 14, 2010

I'm loading a set of images and text from an XML file.I have the images loading into empty MovieClips created dynamically using 'createEmptyMovieClip', and I can get the text into dynamic textboxes that already exist on the timeline, but this isn't exactly what I want.

What I wan't to do, is to pull the text from the XML directly into dynamic textboxes at runtime, in the same way as the images.I've read today about 'createEmptyTextField', but I can't get it to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Stack Of Buttons At Runtime

Apr 25, 2005

Any way to take the contents of an array, which is full of texttype, and use them to create a stack of buttons. Now the actual text I have in the array will change every time the program is run. For example, let's say my array is ["apples","oranges","pears"]. I want to create three buttons (in this example) so that it appears
And when you click on "apples", it takes you to the corresponding "apples" webpage ("_blank").

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Functions At Runtime Without So Many Ifs/elses?

Nov 3, 2005

I am writing some code that needs to be very efficient, yet flexible. This is in a class and when the class gets initialized a function is setup. I want this function to run straight through without doing any time-consuming things such as calling other functions or routines, or doing any if/else logic/branching. Now I know that you can setup a function at anytime during runtime such as:

var myFunction:Function = function() {trace('HELLO!')}

But what I am trying to do is to try and append code to a function based on logic, yet I don't want the function to be deciding this logic when it is running as it will only need deciding when the function is created.... imagine if it were a string it would be something like myFunction+="do somethingelse;" which would be the same as having initially setup myFunction as such:

var myFunction = function() {do something; do somethingelse;}

With this I seem to be having no luck Here's an example where I setup the most compact/efficient function at runtime depending on what I want the function to do. Now this was fairly simple because when we create the function there are only a few possible variations, but I need someway of doing a function+= as my real code has quite a few variations and it would be a nightmare have a zillion if/else branches. REMEMBER I do not want any logic/decisions in the function itself as it to be the most efficient the function must be as compact as possible and run straight-through.

var dynamicFunction:Function;
// Setup the dynamic function & call it
// In this example outputs "Hello Jim" & "Goodbye Jim"
dynamicFunction = CrapSetupRoutine(true, true, "Jim");


P.S. I knew the += would never work as this is a function and not a string. But at least if you think of the function as a string you'll get what I'm trying to do....

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