Actionscript 3.0 :: Check Multiple XML Parameters?
Dec 8, 2009
I am trying to read a XML file and check a parameter for duplicates of that parameter in the file. There could be up to 200 entries with this parameter which is a number. How can I check to see if there are any duplicates?
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"DELETE FROM mylist WHERE tdId IN (tdId1, tdId2, tdId3, ...)";
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//delete statement text
"DELETE FROM mylist WHERE tdId IN :tdId";
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so how can I check for multiple same listeners? what if I have few same type listeners registered with different functions and I wan to do different actions?
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import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
[Code] .....
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1) created a main .as where all the code is running. The movement of the player is written there also. no problem with that. 2) created a bullet class where i assign the bullet speed and i check for the collisions with enemies. the problem occurs somewhere here i have created a statement where every some time ( like 0,5 secs ) an enemy appears and takes a random road till the stageHeight . here is the code .
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Jan 27, 2011
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Dec 14, 2006
if my code like this
<object classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,19,0"
width="434" id="FlashVars" height="69">
<param name="movie" value="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/newWeb/images/dlyjcl_scfbxx.swf" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
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Feb 7, 2008
I have a script that loads a movie clip at a different location every time on the stage:
photo1._x = Math.random() * 600;
photo1._y = Math.random() * 600;
This works fine. All I would like to do now is add a minimum and maximum of some kind so that my clip never load hanging half off of the stage. I tried this among other things:
photo1 = Math.min(stage.width - 100, stage.width - 100);
photo1 = Math.max(stage.width - 100, stage.width - 100);
I tried a number of other ways to add x and y parameters but never got the result I wanted.
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Aug 31, 2010
when I use the following code:
Actionscript Code:
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,mousePressed);stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE,mouseMoved);function mousePressed(e:MouseEvent) { if(editMode != null){
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Dec 3, 2008
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May 27, 2009
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I need to know if this way of passing variables should even work. And if not can some recommend a better way.
var uv:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
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Jun 12, 2009
want to make a sfw that receives parameters from the html tag. for example, when you embed youtube videos, in the <object> thingy you set the video you want to show. i want to do exactly the same, have a 'projector' (though not exactly videos), the swf knows what to do from the html tag params, and displays the right content. how do i red html params from the sfw (and how do i test it?).
also, is there any doumentation/examples on how to connect php/mysql to a flash movie?
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Jul 16, 2009
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Aug 28, 2009
I have a flashGallery.swf file that I am loading into my flash site. I need to set the parameters for the xml, content, and php script paths as well as set the width and height for the swf. The parameters were originally set in the HTML file like so:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">var so = new SWFObject("flashgallery.swf", "gallery", "425", "320", "8"); // Location of swf file. You can change gallery width and height here (using pixels or percents).so.addParam("quality", "high");so.addParam("allowFullScreen", "true");so.addVariable("content_path",""); //
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Nov 9, 2010
I need to dynamically pass 2 parameter to an swf movie to make it work properly, they are a number and a boolean. To do this I've changed the html page which contains the movie to php, I pass to the page the parameters' values through GET. The values are correctly passed to the page, I've tried to print them.
I build the call to the swf in this way collpreloader.swf?connid=<?php echo $_GET['connid'] ?>&animazione=<?php echo $_GET['animazione'] ?>
collpreloader.swf correctly reads the connid parameter, but animazione results always true.
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Dec 31, 2010
I want to use a convolutionfilter on a bitmap and i copied the following code:[code]but i get an embossed gray image and i have not the colors of my image.What can i do; i don't understand the use of parameters:in convolutionfilter ,there are 9 parametersin the function;how can i manage if i want use only 5 parameters.[code]
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Jan 17, 2011
I'm looking for the best methods to pass variables to a MySQL and receive variables from that database as well.
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Sep 16, 2011
I've somewhat decided n Anvsoft flv player for a flash website project. There seem to be many of these players free and otherwise, but they seem to all publish for HTML, not from anothe SWF.. The published html is below, and my question is how to call the SWF from Actionscript 2 rather than HTML? I believe I can figure out the rest of the mechanics to a recent education .
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