ActionScript 3.0 :: Managing Multiple Instances - Assign The Bullet Speed And Check For The Collisions With Enemies?

Sep 17, 2011

I have been reading these forums for like 2 months, thus i never felt like being able to post something as a valuable answer to someone's problem, since i've been AS3ing for like 3 months now. I have a small problem here on a game that i am trying to create. I am trying to make a shooter game . Like the ones u kill enemies and then the the level advances ( imagine the pseydomovement depth feel of the background giving the player the taste of further movement of the field , yes like old airplane games ). Ok to the point.

1) created a main .as where all the code is running. The movement of the player is written there also. no problem with that. 2) created a bullet class where i assign the bullet speed and i check for the collisions with enemies. the problem occurs somewhere here i have created a statement where every some time ( like 0,5 secs ) an enemy appears and takes a random road till the stageHeight . here is the code .


So when all 5 mikros are out i start firing them . BUT only the last child of mikros seems to follow the hittestobject procedure of my code. Which means that if all of the 5 mikros are on stage the one with the smallest .y value will disappear when hit by "sfera". I know it is huge but this pains my head for like 1 week and i cannot think anything . Tried some staff. but i do not know if this is proper thinking or if my programming is proper for this and i must redo all.

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I'm using Adobe Flash CS4.The language is Action Script 3In my library I have 2 items:playerwallthe player object is already functioning correctly with moving him around.Now when I place multiple wall objects into the stage (wall = 32x32 px) I want to prevent the player from moving when he walks into a wall.I've tried giving all the walls the same instance name and just check for a collision with that object but when I do that the collision only works for 1 of the walls.I could give all the instances of wall a different collision script but this is way to time consuming, is there another way to globally define the wall as solid for the player?

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Flash :: Tower Defense - Detecting If The Bullet Hits The Enemies

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I am creating a tower defense game and I want to make a tower that shoots a bullet and every enemy that the bullet hits is damaged. The bullet can hurt multiple units. My problem is detecting if the bullet hits the enemies. Right now, I have the enemies in an array. With other towers, when an enemy is in range, the tower fires and when it hits its original target, it causes damage to that target.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Shooting Multiple Bullets - Press The Space Bar The First Bullet Disappears And The Bullet Animation Starts Again

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My issue is that if I press the space bar a bullet will fly out of the gun (great!) but if I press the space bar again, the first bullet disappears and the bullet animation starts again. I want to be able to shoot a new bullet every time I press the space bar without effecting the bullets that have already been shot.


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I am trying to apply code to all instances of the enemy that appear randomly but I've run into problems. Firstly the enemies appear when you press space and the collision doesn't seem to work. I kind of thought you have to push the enemies into an array and hitTest that array right?

Actionscript Code:
var ship_speed:Number = 10;var lazer_speed:Number = 20;
var enemy_speed:Number = 8;var lazertimer:Number = 0;
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[Code] .....

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Actionscript Code:
var enemies;var timer;
function onLoad(){
enemies = [];
timer = 0;}
function onEnterFrame(){timer++;
if (timer == 10) {
Timer = 0;
var enemy = _root.attachMovie("mc_1", "mc_1",

This works and places them on the screen, (and into the array) but by putting them into the array, I thought that each one would be a unique instance of the movieclip which doesn't always seem to be the case. If I shoot one of the enemies, sometimes another enemy will explode (or both of them) and other times I will knock into one enemy and another one will be the one who get's knocked.

For my collision code I'm using this:
Actionscript Code:
for(var i in _root.player.enemies){
if (some arguments..)
_root.player.enemies[i].health -= 10;
The explosion code also uses a similar for loop. Should I look at another method to place unique instances of the enemies on the screen?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Use The HitTest Function To Check For Collisions

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ActionScript Code:

import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.ui.Keyboard;


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if {_root.blah.hitTests(_root.enemy)){_root.enemy.nextFrame();}}
because the enemy is duplicated and its no longer "enemy" but enemy12 or ****.is there any way to ...create multiple enemies and be able to do hitTests against them somehow.Also im not really a fan of attachMC

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way to attach multiple movieclips from the library to the stage is and name them in an appropriate way, then refer to them as if they were an array: fielder[i]. I have tried a few approaches but the closest I have got is this: (this is attached to a movieclip already on the stage).

onClipEvent (load) {
for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
_root.attachMovie("fielder","fielder" + [i],this.getNextHighestDepth());


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Attaching And Managing Multiple Movieclips?

Nov 9, 2011

I have used AS2 for a long time, and have decided it is time to start working with AS3. When attaching multiple movieclips with instance names I would normally do this (AS2):

for (i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
_root.attachMovie("test_mc","test_mc" + i,(300 + i),{_x:fx[i], _y:fy[i]});
_root["test_mc" + i]._width = 26.1;

but I am struggling to get the same effect with AS3. here is what I have so far...

var mcWheel:MovieClip = new wheel();
function attachImages():void {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Managing Multiple External .swf Loads?

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Nov 22, 2010

I'm working on a game (my first) where objects touching is A-Ok, but I want to detect overlapping collisions ahead of time, prevent them, and react. This seems like a pretty basic and common thing, such as a character walking along a platform (even though by touching it it's 'colliding'), but of all the many many collision detection tutorials I've looked at, none of them have covered this case--they all assume that objects touching should be indistinguishable from overlapping. I've been using a workaround of a slightly smaller hitbox to use for collisions, but it has issues of it's own that make it not so good. So basically I'm looking to redo my CD from scratch.

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Flash :: Using Multiple Timer To Show / Hide Enemies?

Jul 13, 2011

i have a shooting game that works with some sort of rounds, for instance, this round is gonna show 4 enemies on the screen that the user has to shoot. I show the 4 enemies at a half seconds interval of each one so it doesnt all appear on the same time. Using something like:

enemiesShowTimer = new Timer(0.5 * 1000, 1);
enemiesShowTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, showEnemyAtTime);

The player has 2 seconds to kill each enemy after they appear, so i also use this:

enemiesCleanTimer = new Timer(roundConfig.getSecondsPerEnemy() * 1000, 1);
enemiesCleanTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, cleanEnemies);

The problem is, after the player dies i change scene and if i still have like 3 alive, enemies, the threads will try to run the methods and it will crash. I'm using always the same variable to the start the timer whenever i need it. How can i solve this? Will i have to store each "thread" (timer) on a list and then stop each one separately? Because the way it is, the other threads are in some sort of "limbo" and i cant stop then, just the last one.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Multiple Movie Clips And Managing Them?

Dec 4, 2009

What I am looking to do is add a fire button (added) which for the entire duriation it is held down it fires bullets (functions added), i'm stuck with what codes to use for the bullets.I want to create the bullets at certain points on the x, y axis and use a function to move ALL of the bullets accross the screen at the same speed at the same time.I'm fairly sure I need a Array of the bullets but I do not know how to do this.Also I do not know how to use AS to add clips to the page.I also do not know how to remove the clips from the stage and array once they hit the 'destructor' bar out of the screen area. (I know how to use the hittest in AS3).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Collisions - Create An Array For The Rock?

Sep 22, 2011

its me again I posted destroying MovieClips a few days ago now I'm working on the same project (you can probably tell I'm a beginner) and a new problem occurred I need a way to test if the EvilSlingFuzit collides with a rock, but there is more than one rock. I tried to create an array for the rock, but the rocks are created by the SlingFuzit so the Sling fuzit would have to do something like this:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Managing Multiple External Jpgs For Use In Virtual Tour?

Apr 29, 2010

I'm creating an interactive tour (pretty much a controllable slideshow) and I have multiple pictures now that, if in the correct order, will walk you around my school. You can turn left or right at doors (the picture that you're stopped at will wait for input from either the up, left, or right button and when clicked will take you to the corrisponding picture) and will eventually lead you out another entrance of the school and take you back to the main map.
My problem lies in the pictures... I have hundreds of pictures each one needing to be referanced. The only thing I have figured out is that I need to use arrays to organize these pictures and make them easier to access. I have considered using XML to organize the lists of pictures but I cannot spend hours typing out all the names of the pictures.access my pictures from outside my flash AS3 project.

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Jan 8, 2011

Aside from the API differences (including the QoS info you can get when using a NetGroup),what are the main differences between using a NetGoup and manually managing a group of peers using NetStream.DIRECT_CONNECTIONS?  Are there performance differences?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setup Bullet Factory/bullet Switch For The Same Player Object?

Mar 25, 2011

I'm currently making my own shoot'em up game where the player can switch  between two player types which will fire their own bullet type in this  case, squares and circles. I've setup the player switch function via  pressing "space" button (switching between the two player types) and the  default bullet type is "squares" and I'm not sure to approach the  coding with changing the bullet type to "circles".I've written 2 classes for the bullet and player setup:Player Class: Creates instance of bullet on screen and enables the switch player type function

Bullet Class: Enables bullet properies and bullet types Player Class: Code:function onKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void {if (event.keyCode == 32) //// pressing/holding "space bar" to function


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Managing Multiple Collision Detection Between Objects (not Necessarily Circles)

Jun 20, 2011

a way, to manage a multiple collision detection with pixel level detection, for objects, not necessarily circles, irregular objects.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Handling Multiple Frequent Collisions Between The Player And Level / Environment

Apr 10, 2009

I've decided to make a start on a new platformer and I was wondering specifically how each of you programmers would go about handling multiple frequent collisions between the player and level/environment. At the moment I'm quite proud of this [URL] Here the player is using a single if statement as follows to check for hit detection.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Handling Multiple Frequent Collisions Between The Player And Level/environment?

Mar 17, 2011

handling multiple frequent collisions between the player and level/environment. At the moment I'm quite proud of this [URL]. Here the player is using a single if statement as follows to check for hit detection.

if(player.area.hitTestObject(g1) || player.area.hitTestObject(g2) || player.area.hitTestObject(g3)){
player.y = g1.y;


(This has a slight problem as the player can only be touching one ground at any time and this loops through all of them it ends up making the player fall through the ground anyway.)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign A Script To Several MovieClip Instances?

Aug 4, 2009

What i'm trying to do is assign a script to several movieClip instances, and make that bounce when it hits another movieClip on satge.I guess basic collision really.But its not working, mainly as, i think, i have no idea how to make the script read things from the stage.This is what i have so far:

package{import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set The Bullet.x To Ship.x In The Bullet Class?

Oct 4, 2009

i have 2 classes, one for ship one for bullet.i was trying to set the bullet.x to ship.x in the bullet class but it keeps telling me undefined. but clearly it is in my ship class.

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AS3 :: Buttons- Assign Function By Check Box

Oct 11, 2010

One of the things that I love about AS 1/2 is with scrpt assist on, the ability to click a box and assign an action to a button (over, rollout, rollover, click, etc.). With action script 3, at least in CS4 that interaction isn't there and you have to write the code.I'm wondering if in CS5 there is that ability with AS3? Am I the only designer who misses this function.

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Flex :: Should I Do A == Check Before I Assign A Boolean?

Jul 17, 2011

Should I do it like this:

if (DeviceDisplay.IsSpeedAvailable == false){
DeviceDisplay.IsSpeedAvailable = true;


DeviceDisplay.IsSpeedAvailable = true;

I thought I saw that flex/as3 does an internal check on booleans before they are assigned to make sure you are re-assigning stuff but I can't find it to confirm.

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