ActionScript 1/2 :: Use The HitTest Function To Check For Collisions

Apr 17, 2009

I know you use the HitTest function to check for collisions, but how would I do that the moment a movie clip is dynamically created. So the moment the clip is created it would check if it is overlapping another clip. Also, does it matter if the clips are at different depths?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Test Collisions Than HitTest?

Mar 15, 2007

Is there any faster way to test collisions than hitTest? I remember an example here on kirupa, but I can't find it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: HitTest - Detect Collisions Between Movie Clips And A Line

Nov 26, 2004

How do I detect collisions between movie clips and a line created through actionscript (with the lineStyle, lineTo, etc. commands). I tried making the line inside a movie clip and doing a hitTest with that movie clip, but it did nto work.

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Actionscript 3 :: Bitmapdata.hittest Collisions With Opaque/transparent Png Files Imported With Loaders

Aug 27, 2010

I have two png files. I import them using loaders. The images in the png files each have opaque (solid) and transparent parts. I want to use the bitmapdata.hittest method to detect when their opaque parts have collided.


I've been working on this for a couple of days now and nobody seems to know how to do this. Please don't post the examples on google, I've looked through at least the first five pages of results on google and haven't gotten any of them to work. The problem is that none of them provide an example of using this method with loaders, so I'm guessing the reason I can't get it to work is some gimmick associated with them.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Any Way To Check Collisions By Arrays?

Apr 16, 2010

I am trying to apply code to all instances of the enemy that appear randomly but I've run into problems. Firstly the enemies appear when you press space and the collision doesn't seem to work. I kind of thought you have to push the enemies into an array and hitTest that array right?

Actionscript Code:
var ship_speed:Number = 10;var lazer_speed:Number = 20;
var enemy_speed:Number = 8;var lazertimer:Number = 0;
var basicenemy:Number = 0;var enemytime:Number = 0; var enID:Number = 0;
var enemies:Array =[]onEnterFrame = function() {
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Classes, Collisions And Functions - Check If A Ball Is Hitting Another?

Oct 11, 2010

Im working in FlashDevelop on a 'breakout' game where you control a paddle with your mouse and a ball bounces around the screen and breaks blocks.Right now I have a Main, Paddle, and Ball class. In the main class I added a Paddle called player as a public static variable. In my Ball class I have a collisionCheck() function. This way I can access 'player' from within my Ball class for testing collisions.

At somepoint in the game there will be a powerup that adds mutiple balls to the stage. Right now I have a function in the main class call addBall() to add a new Ball to the stage.I am now running into trouble. Working on the collision check method in my Ball class, I dont know how to check if a ball is hitting another ball because as of right now, balls are being added with the addBall function, so they can't be declared as public static variables.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Managing Multiple Instances - Assign The Bullet Speed And Check For The Collisions With Enemies?

Sep 17, 2011

I have been reading these forums for like 2 months, thus i never felt like being able to post something as a valuable answer to someone's problem, since i've been AS3ing for like 3 months now. I have a small problem here on a game that i am trying to create. I am trying to make a shooter game . Like the ones u kill enemies and then the the level advances ( imagine the pseydomovement depth feel of the background giving the player the taste of further movement of the field , yes like old airplane games ). Ok to the point.

1) created a main .as where all the code is running. The movement of the player is written there also. no problem with that. 2) created a bullet class where i assign the bullet speed and i check for the collisions with enemies. the problem occurs somewhere here i have created a statement where every some time ( like 0,5 secs ) an enemy appears and takes a random road till the stageHeight . here is the code .


So when all 5 mikros are out i start firing them . BUT only the last child of mikros seems to follow the hittestobject procedure of my code. Which means that if all of the 5 mikros are on stage the one with the smallest .y value will disappear when hit by "sfera". I know it is huge but this pains my head for like 1 week and i cannot think anything . Tried some staff. but i do not know if this is proper thinking or if my programming is proper for this and i must redo all.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Separate Touching Collisions From Overlapping Collisions?

Nov 22, 2010

I'm working on a game (my first) where objects touching is A-Ok, but I want to detect overlapping collisions ahead of time, prevent them, and react. This seems like a pretty basic and common thing, such as a character walking along a platform (even though by touching it it's 'colliding'), but of all the many many collision detection tutorials I've looked at, none of them have covered this case--they all assume that objects touching should be indistinguishable from overlapping. I've been using a workaround of a slightly smaller hitbox to use for collisions, but it has issues of it's own that make it not so good. So basically I'm looking to redo my CD from scratch.

So, like I said, I'd like to know how to differentiate between 'touching' collisions and overlapping collisions, but even a way to keep touching collisions from triggering entirely would work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Check Hittest In AS3

Jun 11, 2011

Is it possible to send data(level,money,username,email,pw,id..) to my computer into a text document ? or send it to my website where it will save it ? and read the saved data.How to check hittest in AS3 ?(i know that this question is silly, but i have been in as3 only for 3 days)How to make a pause/play button ?

View 8 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: HitTest To Check If Cursor Is On Navigation

May 10, 2006

I have written a little script for a navigation menu and basically all I want to do is to use hitTest to check if the cursor is on the navigation, and if so I want to play a simple shape tween opening animation, and if the cursor is out of the navigation I want to play a shape tween closing animation sounds simple enough right? But for some reason it doesn't run through the animation it just going there and stops, well here's the code..

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var Mousex = _root._xmouse;
var Mousey = _root._ymouse;
if (this.hitTest(Mousex,Mousey)) {
} else {

I've included a screen capture of the animation as well.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check When Flash8 HitTest Whilst Dragging?

Jul 29, 2009

Is there a way to check if a movieclip I am currently dragging, has hit another movieclip?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check If A Function Has Finished To Fire The Next Function?

May 22, 2011

I am currently trying my 5. workaround to get my menu done. . I want to move a series of 4 buttons up, after a click and when all buttons finished their movement I want the bottom 3 to move down again.

My big problem ist, that I dont get a check working to see if the function move() hast finished in order to fire the function open(). Is there any listener or so?

Here is my code:

//Setup and register with Zego Engine
import com.mosesSupposes.fuse.*;
ZigoEngine.simpleSetup( Shortcuts, PennerEasing, Fuse );


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HitTest Function Not Working With Attachmovie?

Oct 5, 2009

I can't seem to get the hitTest to work for my script shown below. I have tested using movieclips created on stage during design time and made to collide during run-time. hitTest works fine in this situation.
But if I use the attachmovie command and create a movie on stage during run-time, that clip cannot hitTest with other movieclips. The hitTest simply doesn't work.

The script below is basically, to create instances of enemymc, and it will fall vertically, hitting a movieclip target_mc which is placed during design-time.

var enemyTime:Number = 0;
var enemyLimit:Number = 20;
onEnterFrame = function()


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using HitTest Function With Several Objects?

Apr 16, 2007

I want to make a hitTest functions that detects if a object is hitting any of several objects. Is there a way to do this? I thought I could do this with a array and for loop. But I think that will use to much CPU when this is loaded every frame. Is there any other way?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make E To HitTest F To Get Something Else Function But They Won't Work?

Sep 6, 2011

Lets say that I got movieclips A,B,C,D in my scene and E,F which only come into scene when A hitTest B and C hitTest D.I was able to make the A+B and C+D hitTest functioning properly. But when E,F came into the scene, I tried to make E to hitTest F to get something else function but they won't work.# note that there is some short animation before E & F come into scene.I am pretty sure all the instance names are named properly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: HitTest Function Only Working On Y Axis

Oct 14, 2003

Go to [URL]. My hitTest function only works on the y-axis. This is the code....
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
// _root.speed = speed;
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
speed += 3;
} if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error Accessing Function After HitTest

Oct 4, 2010

I've been using asGamer's excellent set of game design tutorials to put together a basic 'ship and enemies' shoot 'em style game - my first proper venture into using AS3 and external class files - and I've hit a problem with executing hit test results. To explain: The game uses Engine (the document class), Ship and Enemy classes. Enemies (new instances of the Enemy class) are added to the stage in the Engine class, where they are also stored in an array, enemyList. The Ship fires a Laser, and the Laser class is where we test for a hit on Enemies.

Now, in asGamer's original version he uses the hitTestObject to test for hits, and if a hit is registered, this line
PHP Code:
Calls a function in the Enemy class to remove the relevany clip. However, as the hitTestObject includes the bounding box of a clip in its hit test, I decided to use Corey O'Neil's Collision Detection Kit for greater accuracy. The CDK CollisionList class returns an array, the each element of which is a clip with which the target object has collided.

The problem this presents is that rather than using
PHP Code:
To deal with a collision, I now use
PHP Code:
Where 'collisions[n].object1' are the movie clips hit.

When I test the game it throws an error
PHP Code:
ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property takeHit not found on com.asgamer.basics1.Laser and there is no default value.
at com.asgamer.basics1::Laser/loop()
Although the movie does not break, and continues to remove destroyed enemies as if there was no problem.

What the problem is with calling the takeHit function via the collisions array rather than the Engine.enemyList array? And perhaps suggest a way to prevent it? I should point out that the 'laser' is in fact a blast that can take out any number of enemies intersecting with the blast radius, which is why I'm using CollisionList to detect hits.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: HitTest Function Only Works On Y Axis

Oct 14, 2003

My hitTest function only works on the y-axis
This is the code....
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
// _root.speed = speed;
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
speed += 3;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The HitTest() Function To Test If A Certain Symbol Is Hitting Another?

Mar 31, 2010

How do i get the hitTest() function to test if a certain symbol is hitting another symbol, but, only if drawn parts of the symbol are touching, not thier outer bounds.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [AS2] Looping Function - Using HitTest(); With Movieclips Within Arrays

Apr 28, 2007


NOTE: The following text is my problem and observations, if you afraid to read it all, my problem is easily guessable within the code go ahead and crack at it without my explanation :-p I'm having some trouble with using hitTest(); with movieclips within arrays. I wanted to build a function that checks the hitTest of Movieclips in arrays because the array is dynamic and it would run more efficient and faster this way.

As you may notice it doesn't check just the movieClip in the array, but a movieclip 2 scopes within it. I feel that this is my problem. I noticed in my debugger that that mc doesn't show up, but i put an onLoad event on it to trace its existence when loaded and it shows up fine. I wonder what I'm doing wrong.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create HitTest Function That When Two Mcs From MovieC Array Hits Eachother

Mar 30, 2010

I want ask u how can i create hitTest function that when two mcs from movieC array hits eachother they can change their colour. Both of them.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Activating The HitTest - Passing The Objects Name As A Parameter Through A Global Function

Jun 16, 2004

I'm having troubles activating the HitTest, passing the objects name as a parameter through a global function. Let's say there is the following function on the main timeline:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check If Function Exists ?

Nov 13, 2007

Is there a way in flash to check to see if a function/method exists before calling it?

I tried something like if(typeof object.methodname == "function") and it didn't like it.

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Professional :: If / Else Check Performing Function

May 11, 2010

This is the source of my woes:[code]With just this code active (I've set up a test file), the movie clip "images" gets repositioned to x=630 at runtime. Why is it doing that? I wanted this function only to change the value of the "check1" variable, not to actually perform any translation on "images".

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AS3 :: Buttons- Assign Function By Check Box

Oct 11, 2010

One of the things that I love about AS 1/2 is with scrpt assist on, the ability to click a box and assign an action to a button (over, rollout, rollover, click, etc.). With action script 3, at least in CS4 that interaction isn't there and you have to write the code.I'm wondering if in CS5 there is that ability with AS3? Am I the only designer who misses this function.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check Function Is Called Or Not?

May 20, 2011

i have written one simple function, Now i want to do something like that:

if(function is called)
do something

so what will be the syntax for it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check If Function Is Finished

Mar 26, 2005

i've got this code:


what i want is that when you press the left or right key the back or further function is only processed when _root.done = "a" (or true something else)... but now it doesn't work... _root.done is always "a".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check Function For Textfields ?

Oct 26, 2010

I'm trying to complete a check function for a input.textfield in AS3.In the textfield the user is allowed to type the whole alphabet (swedish alphabet) and after he/she has completed it he/she is supposed to click a correction button to check if it's right. If it is all the letters are supposed to turn green.If not the wrong ones are supposed to turn red and the correct ones green.I've already tried just simply turning all green if correct and all red if incorrect, but I didn't get this to work.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check If Function Is Finished?

Mar 26, 2005

i've got this code:

_root.done = "a";
var myListener = new Object();
myListener.onKeyDown = function() {
switch (Key.getCode()) {


what i want is that when you press the left or right key the back or further function is only processed when _root.done = "a" (or true something else)... but now it doesn't work... _root.done is always "a"...

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Flash :: Check Function For Unlimited Arguments?

Jan 17, 2012

if i have function :

function a( param:* , ... args ):void ;
a.length // 1
//return me informations only about first parameter , nothing about '... args'.

edit: avmplus.describeTypeJSON didnt too. So , is there any other way to check for unlimited arguments than try{} block and push lot of params ?

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