ActionScript 2.0 :: Check If A Function Has Finished To Fire The Next Function?
May 22, 2011
I am currently trying my 5. workaround to get my menu done. . I want to move a series of 4 buttons up, after a click and when all buttons finished their movement I want the bottom 3 to move down again.
My big problem ist, that I dont get a check working to see if the function move() hast finished in order to fire the function open(). Is there any listener or so?
Here is my code:
//Setup and register with Zego Engine
import com.mosesSupposes.fuse.*;
ZigoEngine.simpleSetup( Shortcuts, PennerEasing, Fuse );
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_root.done = "a";
var myListener = new Object();
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switch (Key.getCode()) {
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ActionScript Code:
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
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ActionScript Code:
public function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void{
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my package is:
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package {
public class Templates {
public static var data:Object={};
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May 11, 2010
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Oct 11, 2010
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May 20, 2011
i have written one simple function, Now i want to do something like that:
if(function is called)
do something
so what will be the syntax for it?
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Oct 26, 2010
I'm trying to complete a check function for a input.textfield in AS3.In the textfield the user is allowed to type the whole alphabet (swedish alphabet) and after he/she has completed it he/she is supposed to click a correction button to check if it's right. If it is all the letters are supposed to turn green.If not the wrong ones are supposed to turn red and the correct ones green.I've already tried just simply turning all green if correct and all red if incorrect, but I didn't get this to work.
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Apr 17, 2009
I know you use the HitTest function to check for collisions, but how would I do that the moment a movie clip is dynamically created. So the moment the clip is created it would check if it is overlapping another clip. Also, does it matter if the clips are at different depths?
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