Flash :: Using Multiple Timer To Show / Hide Enemies?

Jul 13, 2011

i have a shooting game that works with some sort of rounds, for instance, this round is gonna show 4 enemies on the screen that the user has to shoot. I show the 4 enemies at a half seconds interval of each one so it doesnt all appear on the same time. Using something like:

enemiesShowTimer = new Timer(0.5 * 1000, 1);
enemiesShowTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, showEnemyAtTime);

The player has 2 seconds to kill each enemy after they appear, so i also use this:

enemiesCleanTimer = new Timer(roundConfig.getSecondsPerEnemy() * 1000, 1);
enemiesCleanTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, cleanEnemies);

The problem is, after the player dies i change scene and if i still have like 3 alive, enemies, the threads will try to run the methods and it will crash. I'm using always the same variable to the start the timer whenever i need it. How can i solve this? Will i have to store each "thread" (timer) on a list and then stop each one separately? Because the way it is, the other threads are in some sort of "limbo" and i cant stop then, just the last one.

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Feb 14, 2012

I use AS3 which I keep separate from my fla project.

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The Code:
This is all I have with regards to hiding or showing the "txtScroller" mc.

if (messageText.numLines <= 5) {
txtScroller.visible = false;


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Display Html In Flash Movie And Interact With Hide / Show Divs

Apr 13, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Managing Multiple Instances - Assign The Bullet Speed And Check For The Collisions With Enemies?

Sep 17, 2011

I have been reading these forums for like 2 months, thus i never felt like being able to post something as a valuable answer to someone's problem, since i've been AS3ing for like 3 months now. I have a small problem here on a game that i am trying to create. I am trying to make a shooter game . Like the ones u kill enemies and then the the level advances ( imagine the pseydomovement depth feel of the background giving the player the taste of further movement of the field , yes like old airplane games ). Ok to the point.

1) created a main .as where all the code is running. The movement of the player is written there also. no problem with that. 2) created a bullet class where i assign the bullet speed and i check for the collisions with enemies. the problem occurs somewhere here i have created a statement where every some time ( like 0,5 secs ) an enemy appears and takes a random road till the stageHeight . here is the code .


So when all 5 mikros are out i start firing them . BUT only the last child of mikros seems to follow the hittestobject procedure of my code. Which means that if all of the 5 mikros are on stage the one with the smallest .y value will disappear when hit by "sfera". I know it is huge but this pains my head for like 1 week and i cannot think anything . Tried some staff. but i do not know if this is proper thinking or if my programming is proper for this and i must redo all.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Inactivity Timer For Auto-Hide?

Mar 30, 2010

I am trying out the inactivity timer technique and I am still trying to get it to work. This what I have so far [URL]As you can see I have it so when the mouse isnt moving the control bar goes down and vice versa. But when I move the mouse the control bar replays the up motion.

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May 2, 2011

I am new to using Flash, but with some helpful YouTube tutorials and various Google searches, I was able to create a slide show that automatically transitions to the next after 6 seconds. I also thought it would be neat if I could give users the ability to go back or forward or jump specifically to a certain slide. But my problem is that after I click a button, the timer seems to be off.


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Inactivity Timer For Auto Hide Control Bar?

Mar 30, 2010

I am trying out the inactivity timer technique and I am still trying to get it to work. This what I have so far [URl]As you can see I have it so when the mouse isnt moving the control bar goes down and vice versa. But when I move the mouse the control bar replays the up motion.

Code: Select all//call tween
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
const BUFFER_TIME:Number = 8; /* stores the time to buffer for
the video in seconds. */


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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Show/Hide Mc's In Array?

Oct 13, 2009

Several arrays are created by passing a number (k) from a different array,for every item in the array I need to have a little dot.I have a movieclip on the timeline with a maximum of 15 dots.So if the array has only 6 items, the last 9 dots should dissapear.

PHP Code:

function fill_items(k:Number) {
var item = josXML.firstChild.childNodes[2].childNodes[k];


But the dots_total[t]._visible = false; part isn't working...Maybe it's the wrong way to achive this, but i can't seem to figure out why it's not working.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Hide And Show Datagrid?

Aug 7, 2011

How do I hide a datagrid and then show it?I have a button to select. The button when clicked should show the datagrid. Once the user clicks a cell on the datagrid, it should hide again.

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