ActionScript 3.0 :: Inactivity Timer For Auto-Hide?

Mar 30, 2010

I am trying out the inactivity timer technique and I am still trying to get it to work. This what I have so far [URL]As you can see I have it so when the mouse isnt moving the control bar goes down and vice versa. But when I move the mouse the control bar replays the up motion.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Inactivity Timer For Auto Hide Control Bar?

Mar 30, 2010

I am trying out the inactivity timer technique and I am still trying to get it to work. This what I have so far [URl]As you can see I have it so when the mouse isnt moving the control bar goes down and vice versa. But when I move the mouse the control bar replays the up motion.

Code: Select all//call tween
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
const BUFFER_TIME:Number = 8; /* stores the time to buffer for
the video in seconds. */


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Hide Cursor After A Few Seconds Of Inactivity?

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Anyone have any suggestions on how I could hide the mouse cursor after a few seconds of inactivity, and then when the user moves the mouse, the cursor will reappear?Making the cursor reappear seems easy, I'll just add a listener for the mouse move event. However, I just don't know what the best way to hide the cursor after 5 seconds of inactivity would be

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Professional :: Player Controls Won't Auto - Hide?

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I can't seem to get the Flash player controls to autohide.If you mouse out of the video very slowly the flash player controls that are over the video will autohide. But if you mouse out quickly the controls stay there.

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Flex :: Animated Auto-hide ApplicationControlBar?

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how to create animated auto-hide on ApplicationControlBar just like Windows's taskbar?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Movieclip Auto-hide?

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how do i make a movieclip autohide? I would like to make the movieclip rise up from below when i rollover it. And when idle, it would return to the bottom.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use An Auto-hide Control Panel?

May 11, 2010

I have a video player that has a clip on it, called sliderTarget. on ROLL_OVER, a thumbnailsSlider comes down from the top, showing thumbnails of other available videos to play...

Problem is, I'm having trouble with the layers, so that when I roll over the thumbnailsSlider, it doesn't register, since I'm really still on the sliderTarget. If I swap depths, then the thumbnailsSlider slides away since I've officially rolled out.[code]...

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Flash :: Flvplayback Auto-hide - Start Hidden

Feb 19, 2011

I have a flash project with an flvplayback component using a flash provided shin and I have it set to auto hide but It always starts the video with the control on and I don't want them to show unless the user hovers over the video.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Auto View - Hide Navigation - Dock ?

Aug 28, 2009

I Am trying to create a navigation system where the navigation(nav_mc) will slide into screen anytime the mouse is over the plash player and then slide out when the mouse is off the flash player.

I have achieved this quite easily using an invisible button(stage_btn) over the entire flash, with event handlers to initiate tweenlite tweens of the navigation in and out of screen on MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_OUT

Now i have buttons in nav_mc, that dont receive focus if nav_mc is below the main stage_btn and if i bring stage_btn above the nav_mc it means that when i rollover nav_mc, then stage_mc looses focus and slides out with all my navigation buttons...

Any ideas on the best way to handle this situation - or go about doing the the entire ting in a different way?

ActionScript Code:

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Auto-hide Player Controlbar When Video Fullscreen

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1. How to Auto hide player controlbar, when video fullscreen. 2. and also controlbar widh when player fullsize to monitor width.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flvplayback Component Buttons Don't Auto-Hide Sometimes In Some Browser?

Dec 21, 2008

I was wondering if anyone knew how to hide the skin in the flvplayback component on ROLL_OUT. SkinAutoHide seems to work whenever it feels like it and sometimes the button controls just stay over the video. This happens in Safari and IE I believe. I am used Actionscipt 3.0OR does anyone know how to get to the display list of the component, where all the names to all the buttons (and skin) is housed, using the instance names from the component fla file does not work. I looked at the documentation and the names of all the button sprites are there, but i need the name of the background that the buttons sit on top of.

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Flash :: Using Multiple Timer To Show / Hide Enemies?

Jul 13, 2011

i have a shooting game that works with some sort of rounds, for instance, this round is gonna show 4 enemies on the screen that the user has to shoot. I show the 4 enemies at a half seconds interval of each one so it doesnt all appear on the same time. Using something like:

enemiesShowTimer = new Timer(0.5 * 1000, 1);
enemiesShowTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, showEnemyAtTime);

The player has 2 seconds to kill each enemy after they appear, so i also use this:

enemiesCleanTimer = new Timer(roundConfig.getSecondsPerEnemy() * 1000, 1);
enemiesCleanTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, cleanEnemies);

The problem is, after the player dies i change scene and if i still have like 3 alive, enemies, the threads will try to run the methods and it will crash. I'm using always the same variable to the start the timer whenever i need it. How can i solve this? Will i have to store each "thread" (timer) on a list and then stop each one separately? Because the way it is, the other threads are in some sort of "limbo" and i cant stop then, just the last one.

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Actionscript :: Adobe Flash Builder 4 : Fade Effect With Auto-Hide After Countdown?

Nov 7, 2010

In a Flex Project, whenever there's an error, I fill in the error data into a hidden TextInput then show the control to the user. I want to make it so that after showing the TextInput, it will automatically hide itself after some time with a fade effect.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: RSS Update Auto-checking (timer)

Sep 23, 2009

I'm building a flash application (actually four of them) that pull a simple RSS feed from a site, display's the contents and gives the user options on what it wants to do with the updates. However, currently the refreshing is manual (e.g. client does it on their own digression). I like making modules / widgets mostly for myself at the moment to learn more. I had previous experience making a C# XMLSocket server for a flash application that ripped information off of windows media player in my home network which ran on my old archos 7 device. I could control my music on my desktop PC from anywhere in my apartment! Pretty cool stuff and it really got me reeled in.

I understand on making flash auto-check for the latest rss items, and could possibly do away with the manual "refresh" button. What I'd love to figure out, is there a way to have flash automatically update displayed contents out of a feed the second the RSS feed updates, or will it only be on a timer? Secondly, let's say I get some new items in my RSS feed, how would one kick back a) the amount of updated items b) the time in which the rss update was caught and c) kick some sort of message back to the user e.g. => "5 new entries, updated x minutes ago". Lastly some sort of caching locally would be awesome to store older xml entries. I have many questions to understand this fully but this is the ice breaker. Essentially this is my holy grail of questions on things I'd like to do with my flash project. My last step in this understanding process will be getting this into adobe AIR and having actionscript fire off a Toast notification. However, I'm taking the baby steps (Yes, I know I posted this in the Actionscript 2 forum) however this will allow me to better understand this on how to do it. Later on I will learn by myself how to port this over to AS3 and get that jiving with AIR.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Looping Banners With Auto-play And Timer?

Jan 14, 2011

HI've created a loader/container that houses 5 banner SWFs. The first banner loads as a default and using preview thumbnails which appear after hoving over the lower section of the container, you can jump to the banner of your choosing. ie. after banner 1 loads you hover over the bottom of the container, 5 previews appear, you click on let's say the second preview and the container unloads banner 1 and then loads banner 2 etc. See link below for the banner I created.The container is empty and loads the banner SWFs from an external server to save file size.My issue is I would like, for the banners to automatically loop 1-5 until you choose a preview which pauses the looping. To see the rest of the banners you would either continue clicking on the previews or press play.

Code attached for the container FLA file. 
container codeimport com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Auto-Redirect Timer With Mouse Interrupt?

Jan 28, 2009

Does someone know a script to redirect to a different swf from another one after a certain amount of time without action?

The setting is: overview.swf links 1.swf until 13.swf via LoadMovieNum(link, 0). After 5 minutes without click (the applications runs on a touch screen). I'd like to redirect to 1.swf from whereever the user went inthe meantime. It's no big deal putting a script into each of the files.

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Professional :: Auto-Hide On Mouse Movement Rather Than Mouse Over?

Apr 12, 2010

Im looking for a quick solution (if its out there) using the autohide feature using the FLV Playback Component. 

Current situation: Using ActionScript 2. The FLV component fills the stage. Autohide is set to true.

It looks to me that since the video fills the stage, the skin will not hide. What I would like to do is have the skin fade out if the mouse doesnt move for a certain period of time.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Flv After 10 Seconds Of Inactivity?

Mar 24, 2011

I have 3 flv videos that I want to play if the user doesn't move the mouse in 10 seconds.. (I don't want all of them to play, I want to select a random flv video to play each time) at the moment I am just playing the video without any of the above happening:

var video:Video = new Video();
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();


Would it be best to stream the video or import it into a movieclip?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Inactivity Of Mouse

Dec 23, 2011

I have one principal menu with six buttons, each button open (in a loader) new menues flash movies, one of them flash movie, for example, has 20 buttons each button open in a loader a  new movie. I need to detect inactivity for ten minutes for example and come back to the principal menu. Do I have tu put the code in all movies or there is a way tu put only in the movie with 20 buttons?

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Media Server :: NetStream Time NaN After A Period Of Inactivity

Jun 25, 2009

I am developing a video player for FMS 3.0 and my client complains that when he leaves the player running overnight or after computer goes to sleep when he comes back the elapsed time displayed as NaN and when he tries to play, nothing happens. Why is this happening? Does it mean that the connection with the FMS dropped and I have to reconnect? How can test for the dropped connection?

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Media Server :: Can't Resume Video Stream After 5 Minutes Inactivity

Jul 10, 2011

I originally posted this question on Flash Player forum but I've got a feeling it needs configuring at the server end, so I thought I'd ask you more technical guys.
When viewing streamed videos on a guitar tutorial website, if I pause for 5 minutes or more (to practice) I can't continue playing the video. When I click play it says 'loading' but just stays like that continually, or until the window is refreshed. The site uses real time streaming, not progressive downloading.
So I guess the connections timed out and been dropped after 5 minutes of inactivity, is this right? If so, has it been dropped by the server or by the player? Can it be configured at either end to stop this, or to lengthen the time before it happens?

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Java :: Tomcat Closes Connection After A Month Of Inactivity - How To Avoid?

Jan 6, 2011

I have a Flex/Java/MySQL/Hibernate application running on tomcat/BlazeDS which have very LOW activity, the user can even not visit it for months.The problem that after a month of inactivity the connections between tomcat and mysql are closed and then I need to restart both the mysql and tomcat servers, is there a way to avoid that and maintain the connection always open?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse.hide() Error 1061: Call To A Possibly Undefined Method Hide Through A Reference With Static Type Class

Sep 12, 2011

I am using AS 3 Flash CS4, WIndows XP SP3. I am unable to use the Mouse.hide(); method in many of my scripts. If I add Mouse.hide() to a preexisting script, I get the following error; line1 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method hide through a reference with static type Class. If I add Mouse.hide():void; to a preexisting script, I get the following error: line1 Label must be a simple identifier Once this has happened, if I then remove ALL lines of script from the file...but leave the Mouse.hide(); [or Mouse.hide():void;], and also remove all objects from the stage, when I run the file, I still get those same errors.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making An Auto-play/an Auto-resume?

Jan 2, 2009

I'm making an interactive film. At certain points within the film, the viewer has the ability to select from a few options that will direct them to an external video clip (they are flashback scenes). The main story pauses when the user selects a flashback scene and I'm clear on how to achieve this.

However, my issue is that once the flashback scene ends and the external video closes, I'm not sure how the main story will resume. Is it possible for it to auto-play (resume) in some way? My last resort would be to have the viewer select a play button - this is only because I do not want a break in the narrative and want to limit the amount of clicks the viewer has to make.

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Flash - Timer Object With TimerEvent.TIMER Event Globally Accessible To All Objects?

Feb 16, 2012

I am working on a very simple game in Flash. I want to make all the animations framerate agnostic, so that I can change the framerate without affecting the flow and speed of the game.I read somewhere that if you want to do that, you simply create a Timer object and attach an event listener to this timer.

What if I have many objects that have to listen to the same timer? See the code to understand what I am trying to do. At this stage nothing breaks, but the event does not fire.Here is the Main class, the one that runs on swf execution:

public class Main extends MovieClip {
private static var _stage:Stage;
private static var _timer:Timer;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Difference Between Timer.stop() And Timer.reset()?

Aug 27, 2008

What is the difference between Timer.stop() and Timer.reset() functions because it seems that the 2 functions do the same thing? I image Timer.stop() to stop the timer and when Timer.start() is called the timer starts from where it stopped. For example, if I have a 3 sec. timer (3000 ms). If I stop the timer after 2.5 sec. and start the timer again, I would expect the timer to expire/trip within .5 sec.

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AS3 :: Android - Delay Timer Execute And Start Timer?

Nov 29, 2011

I have a ActionScript 3.0 project and I have a timer that is running on 1000 millisecond intervals. I would like to delay this timer for 1500 milliseconds perform an action and start the timer again after the delay. I thought I could do this easily, but I'm having trouble, would it be better to stop the timer and perform the action and then listen for the action to be completed to start the timer again?

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Actionscript 3 :: Reduce Timer's Time While Timer Is Running

Mar 6, 2012

In my case, the timer I make doesn't reduce its time whenever a function is called. What code will I change or add in order to reduce the time in my timer? [code]At this point the timer.start(); is placed on a frame so that the timer starts as it enters the frame.

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Actionscript :: TIMER.start() Do If The Timer Is Already Started?

Mar 26, 2011

The document doesn't mention anything about this:[URL]..

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Hide My Flv Files?

Jun 2, 2011

I made a flash project that I published as an exe file. this project calls a number of external flv files. Now, I want to hide these files, because it's my own work and I don't want anyone to steal it, how can I hide these files?

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