Flash :: Flvplayback Auto-hide - Start Hidden

Feb 19, 2011

I have a flash project with an flvplayback component using a flash provided shin and I have it set to auto hide but It always starts the video with the control on and I don't want them to show unless the user hovers over the video.

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<s:Window xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"

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I have done this with presentations many times and I have never had this issue before.
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ActionScript Code:

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Code: Select all//call tween
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
const BUFFER_TIME:Number = 8; /* stores the time to buffer for
the video in seconds. */


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Jan 20, 2010

I have an FLVPlayback component instance on my stage, into which I load videos based on button presses. When I create a .swf of my project though, if I use

fscommand("fullscreen", "true");
fscommand("allowscale", "false");

I get unexpected behavior. What should happen is the file loads, everything is centered, and the area around the project is whatever the background color is.This sort of works .. until the first FLV is played. The FLV gets scaled to 100% (fullscreen)and if I hit "esc" I go back to the "normal" sized player, but if I then maximize the window (almost the same as fullscreen), the entire flash player now decides to scale, not just the FLV playback component

I'd like to be able to have my windows projector file to take up the entire screen when it's loaded (without being scaled), but this doesn't seem possible. Any ideas what's going on? Regarding the FLVPlayback component, I've tried everything to make it fit and not scale ....set height, width, set scale to "noScale", set registrationHeight, registrationWidth, etc. Nothing works.

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playlist = new XML();
playlist.ignoreWhite = true;[code]....

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Click A Button To Start A Movieclip And Hide The Previous One?

Mar 12, 2010

In my scene, I have five buttons and each one will start a movie clip within the scene.o, I have only one frame for the entire scene( but four layers: button,background(with music), action and my last one is animation.Each time a click a button( with onPress or onRelease actionscript 2.0.), a movie clip starts(that's ok..)But, when I click an another button, I want the previous movieclip to stop and disappear. In my case, the new movieclip starts but over the last one who is still there.Furthermore, when I want to click on a button that had already been pressed, I want him to start over his movieclip. For now, I need to press it once again to cancel his movieclip and then press it again to start his clip.In resumé, all I want is that each time I press a button, the last movie clip disappear because the new one starts and an already been pushed button, when pushed again, starts his movie clip without the need of pushing it to cancel his first operation and then pushed it again.

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Professional :: Auto-play Video Start At Specified Point?

Feb 26, 2010

Basically the code below has been designed so that a video starts at 52 seconds (rather than the beginning) when you press play. It works good right now, starts where it's supposed to, but I want to change the code so that it autoplays the video starting at 52 seconds. The problem with this though, is that when I try and set it for autoplay, the video starts at the beginning and doesn't wait for it to load to 52 seconds before it autoplays. Any input on the coding? I need it just so that the autoplay doesn't kick in until the video is loaded to the 52 second point

import fl.video.MetadataEvent;import fl.video.VideoProgressEvent;
import fl.video.*;
my_FLVPlybk.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, rewind);function


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Javascript :: Make Video Auto-start With AC_FL_RunContent On IE?

Mar 21, 2011

I'm using the following code to run a video on our website. Example: [URL]

how to make the video autostart on IE?

It works on Firefox and Chrome.

<video width='500' height='282' autoplay="autoplay" controls="controls" preload="none">
<source src='$h264' type='video/mp4' />


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Professional :: Change Code From Flickr So It Would Auto Start And Loop?

Apr 10, 2010

I have been trying for a while to change this code from Flickr so it would auto start and loop.
Original code
<object width="150" height="150"> <param name="flashvars" value="offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=%2Fphotos%2F49111858%40N06%2Fsho w%2F&page_show_back_url=%2Fphotos%2F49111858%40N06%2F&user_id=49111858 @N06&jump_to=&autostart=true"></param> <param name="movie" value="http://www.flickr.com/apps/slideshow/show.swf?v=71649"></param> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.flickr.com


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Professional :: Auto-Hide On Mouse Movement Rather Than Mouse Over?

Apr 12, 2010

Im looking for a quick solution (if its out there) using the autohide feature using the FLV Playback Component. 

Current situation: Using ActionScript 2. The FLV component fills the stage. Autohide is set to true.

It looks to me that since the video fills the stage, the skin will not hide. What I would like to do is have the skin fade out if the mouse doesnt move for a certain period of time.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse.hide() Error 1061: Call To A Possibly Undefined Method Hide Through A Reference With Static Type Class

Sep 12, 2011

I am using AS 3 Flash CS4, WIndows XP SP3. I am unable to use the Mouse.hide(); method in many of my scripts. If I add Mouse.hide() to a preexisting script, I get the following error; line1 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method hide through a reference with static type Class. If I add Mouse.hide():void; to a preexisting script, I get the following error: line1 Label must be a simple identifier Once this has happened, if I then remove ALL lines of script from the file...but leave the Mouse.hide(); [or Mouse.hide():void;], and also remove all objects from the stage, when I run the file, I still get those same errors.


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Flash :: CSS Menus Hidden Behind Iframe?

Dec 8, 2010

my css drop down menu is hidden behind a flash element I have on my site. I have tried changing the z index but still nothing. Please help.... here is the page.[URL]..

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Hidden Text When Editing Flash File?

Sep 8, 2009

This is a custom flash template I downloaded, when you watch/use the template you can see about me, and all the text in it, however when I attempt to edit it to my specs, I see the frame where it is located, but I cannot edit any text, because I can't SEE any text!!So basically, in editing mode, I don't see any text to edit, but when using the template, I see a lot of info... I have no idea what to do, and please keep in mind I am in no means a professional, or even intermediately good with Flash...

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