Jquery :: Show And Hide HTML Before Flash Inserting?
Apr 20, 2011
the thing i'm searching for my site is something that can show, and after 10 seconds, hide some html.Exactly is for a games site. I want to show ads during 10 seconds, and after this time, load the .SWF file of the game.During 10 seconds i want to show the window of the ad in the center of the field where later the game will be displayed. It's like a 700x500px window.One of the problems is that the ad window maybe 300x200px and i want to put it in the center. It's like i want to make a scene of 10 seconds with tha ad showing like the game is loading.I beg you to answer in a begginer level, i'm not expert in scripts, just know some html, that's why i'm a bit overwhelmed with the info i found in the net.
Im using show/hide to load a 'loading' flash file whilst a form loadsThe div im trying to show contains an swf fileThis works fine in all browsers except safari, which does not show the swf file upon clicking the submit buttonIm using...
As we know we can't $.show/$.hide to show/hide the flash component,which will cause the flash player to redraw it. Is there a flexible component that can hide/show flash components with redraw them?
So my code is:Click the link show the div.I'm using the jquery flash embed object.[code]When I repeat this code and get the second video to load on click. It works in all browsers. The only issue I'm running into is that in IE6 the video keeps playing and in other browsers it stops the video your watching and loads the one you clicked on. I looked into using the .remove object or the .append to a div, but I can't seem to get that to work and if it does work will it play nice with IE6.
I have a movie clip that displays an embedded html with a bunch of divs that are expected to hide and show other divs when the users click them. i.e. imagine that you have a span with an instruction in javascript to show a div when you click it. I already made the html file, the external css and the external js. The movieclip (in actionscript 3.0) loads and displays the html content and also the css, but i haven't managed to figure out how am i supposed to link or use the javascript to do the trick. I've tried so far doing an exhausting research over the internet for the past few days and the only infromation i've got is that web developers use externalInterface to access javascript functions, but they use flash buttons to execute the js code, and it appears to me that i cannot use or embed flash btns in my site. I don't know, I'm kinda new to flash and this is the first time I work with actionscript 3.[code]or how do I achieve de hide/show thing with another method? I'll be wandering around the site in case you have any extra doubts about this subject.
How can I display alternate HTML with the jquery.swfobject plugin for browsers without Flash? I'm unable to find any documentation or examples showing how to do this.
I have written a modal using jquery UI and it appears at the front of a flash movie thus the html inside the modal becomes corrupt, I tried to hide the movie right before modal gets triggered and reappears after closing the modal, works well but each .hide() and .show() the flash movie gets resetted while all I want is to hide (without removing the movie) and displaying it once it is triggered to .show that modal div.
I've looked high and low for an answer to this and I'm hoping someone has an answer, or at least a tip on how to avoid it.I'm loading a static HTML file into a container via the jQuery load() method. This static HTML file has a script which loads a swf. When I load that particular file, I get the white screen of death (WSOD) and the page explodes and everyone in the room dies a horrible death.I've had this happen also when using the jQuery wrap methods (wrap, wrapOuter, etc.) when a swf is present.It seems manipulating the DOM with a container that has a swf object causes this. Does anyone have a solution or a way that I can prevent it happening?
I'm setting up a page that uses a flash menu to load html pages into a div container by the following call:
on (release){ getURL("javascript:getPage('test.html')"); }
The loading works fine, but some of my pages had specific jquery scripts and that's where I've struck out so far. I assumed all I needed to do was transfer the script importations, css stylesheets and the jquery functions to my main document, but it won't work.
I also tried importing the html as a the complete html, which works on it's own, but not when imported into the main document. Most recently I heard I should try shifting the jquery function calls to the end of the loaded document, to after the content, My scripts work, just not when imported, so I suppose my question is how can I make the main- and imported documents play nice with each other? What say you we make this a jump-start tutorial for all us noobs to reference?
inserting a .swf or flash files in visual basic asp.net give me coding sample or procedure or a link to inserting a flash files in my web form in vb asp.net
I've pretty much taught myself everything about editing html so far, but this one is loosing me quickly. I've downloaded a html css template, edited out the fat i don't need, so on and so forth, now all I need is a photo gallery. However, I'm not sure how to embed the flash template to get it to run. I'm trying to use a sliding gallery, but can't seem to get it.
We've got a green screened video playing in a flash movie over top of our html content.when the movie ends, flash uses external interface .api to call a javascript function which swaps the flash movie out with a 5 x 5 pixel flash movie (rewrites the <div>).this works and you can interact with the html content after the flash movie in all browsers except firefox.anyone know of any work-arounds or is there a better way of handling flash over html in this fashion?
Currently I am building flash website. But I would like to have images presented using JQuery slider Galleria [URL] Basically, the web is built of the menu on the left. when clicking one of the items from the menu i would like the Jquery Slider show in the middle (over the flash, may be box 700x500).
I have a flash map. There are 6 clickable countries on the map. When one clicks on a country I want html content to appear under the flash movie. As far as I can see the best way to accomplish this is to have all the content already under the flash movie each in a separate div, with display set to hidden. Then action script inside the country buttons calls a javascript function on the html when that button is clicked, to set display:block for corresponding content filled div. I've tried a few scripts but couldn't get it working.
<code>button_kenya.onRelease = function () { flash.external.ExternalInterface.call("kenya"); };</code>
Is there anything else i should do when imbedding flash into my page so that the flash can talk to the html and call the javascript?
I have two div layers in an html page. Is there a way to hide or show them by clicking a button in flash? I have searched online and haven't been able to find something that works.
I am new to flash parameters but from the research I could find so far it seems that this should be fairly simple. I have a flash file that has a movie clip in it. In this movie clip there are two movie clips. What I need to do is show a one movie clip and hide another. I basically only need to set up the reading of the flash parameter code in flash... var imageToShow:String; var paramObj:Object = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters;
This is basically what I have... I'm not sure what to go on to next or if this is even correct. Code: if (parameter == "image1") { image.image1.alpha = 1; image.image2.alpha = 0; }
I have 2-3 layers in my movie clip and i wanto access them using ActionScript code. I want to show hide and access Elemts(buttons, text box) in that layer.
i have a shooting game that works with some sort of rounds, for instance, this round is gonna show 4 enemies on the screen that the user has to shoot. I show the 4 enemies at a half seconds interval of each one so it doesnt all appear on the same time. Using something like:
enemiesShowTimer = new Timer(0.5 * 1000, 1); enemiesShowTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, showEnemyAtTime); enemiesShowTimer.start();
The player has 2 seconds to kill each enemy after they appear, so i also use this:
enemiesCleanTimer = new Timer(roundConfig.getSecondsPerEnemy() * 1000, 1); enemiesCleanTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, cleanEnemies); enemiesCleanTimer.start();
The problem is, after the player dies i change scene and if i still have like 3 alive, enemies, the threads will try to run the methods and it will crash. I'm using always the same variable to the start the timer whenever i need it. How can i solve this? Will i have to store each "thread" (timer) on a list and then stop each one separately? Because the way it is, the other threads are in some sort of "limbo" and i cant stop then, just the last one.
I was looking to make 2 buttons; one that hides a movieclip that is playing on a slide, and one that shows it again. I've heard theres a few ways to do this but none of them are making much sense to me (i previously made some buttons that play, pause and stop a movieclip, and I think I am stuck in the wrong frame of mind to do these next 2 buttons...) How to tackle this task.
Using ActionScript 2.0, how do I show or hide a button onclick? I am making a simple mp3 player, and would like my pause button to change to a play button when clicked, and vice versa.
I'm trying to create an overlay containing a flash player that is shown when a user clicks on a link. The div containing the player starts with display:none in CSS. Upon clicking, the div will be shown, and JS will use ExternalInterface to configure and start the player. The JS configures the player when it catches a "flash ready" event, which is fired by Flash on ADDED_TO_STAGE.All this works, except that the ExternalInterface callbacks are never created. The JS and AS3 work fine if the player is shown upon page load, or is hidden with visibility:hidden instead of display:none. I am aware that Flash will not be initialized with display:none, and this works as expected: when the Flash is unhidden, it fires its events and correctly initializes everything else (eg. GUI, other internal stuff). The only thing that doesn't happen as expected is that my ExternalInterface callbacks are not added.
ExternalInterface.available is true. It's not a timing problem, because even after several minutes the callbacks are still not present. The strangest bit is that the flash is able to call JS, fires JS events fine, and the code to fire the events comes after the code to add the callbacks. There are no errors thrown by any of the AS3 code. I'm seeing this problem in both Chrome and Firefox.
I need to show and hide multiple DIV layers by clicking on buttons inside an embedded flash movie. I looked around and the closest I got was this tutorial here:
but the problem is I need 10 buttons to each show one layer while hiding the other ones. For example, I click button 1, layer 1 shows, then I click on button 5, layer 1 is hidden and layer 5 shows etc.
How can the above code be split so instead of showing all DIV layers at once, it shows one and hides the rest??
I use AS3 which I keep separate from my fla project.
I have a contact page and the textfield where you type your message is an Input textfield with multiline and textwrap enabled. The height of my textfield allows for 5 lines of text, then you will have to start scrolling after that.
I use a my own scroll bar nested in a movieclip with instance name "txtScroller" The Input textfield instance name is "messageText"
What I want to do: I want to hide the "txtScroller" mc and show it when the user has typed more than 5 lines of text (using enter to break to a new line, etc).
Now for my problem: The first part of the code works, the "txtScroller" mc is hidden, and I have even tested it with the trace function (see code bellow).
I can for the life of me NOT get the the second part to work, the part where i want to show "txtScroller" mc again. I've treid with the trace function as well but it shows nothing in the 'output' pannel (see code bellow).
The Code: This is all I have with regards to hiding or showing the "txtScroller" mc.
Code: if (messageText.numLines <= 5) { trace("less"); txtScroller.visible = false;