ActionScript 3.0 :: Filter XML Based On Multiple Parameters That I Have As An Input?

Feb 7, 2012

I am trying to filter an XML based on multiple parameters that I have as an input.

I am trying to identify the parent nodes which have the matching records so that I can filter them out and process.[code]...

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IDE :: Using An Input Text Field To Filter Xml

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import fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;import;
var food:XML;var urlLoader:URLLoader;var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("food_list.xml");urlLoader = new URLLoader();urlLoader.load(urlRequest);[code].............

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Filter DataGrid With Input Text

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I've been researching for days now and trying to learn as much as i can in regards to DataGrids, DataSets and filtering. What I'm wanting to do, is once I have my information populated into a datagrid, how would i go about filtering the information with an input text box. Not with a drop down, not with a check box, or a radio button but an input text box. In doing it this way, it would allow the user to define by what variable they want to search by.

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Actionscript 3 :: Xml - Dynamic XML Filtering Based On Parameters?

Feb 7, 2012

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//building a dynamic query like this
var q1:String = "descendants ("E1" ) == "111" )";"Query>>"+q1.toString()); // Output: descendants ("E1" ) == "111"


A comment here Filtering XML based on multiple params - Flex says that the expression inside the parentheses should not be a string. Agreed.So, is there any other approach to filter out multiple parameters in XML than to use the descendants(), which currently is not working out because we are building the search query dynamically, based on the params searched?

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ActionScript Code:
var myMovieClip:String = "test"+1; //Which equal - test1, 1, {_x:65, _y:117});

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var videoXML:XML=
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


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I have a large amount of btn's that load full size images when clicked. I simply want to add a filter, scaleX and scaleY to each of those buttons and I know there is a better method then typing each btn name with an eventListener for the Mouse_Over and Mouse_Out events. I understand that I need to create a variable of a new filter and then apply it to the display object. Like so..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: "filter" Some Information In A Input Text?

Mar 2, 2006

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I want people to only be able to go forward if:

the name have 2 characters or more (i found how)
the name contains no special characters or punctuation
the name contains no space.

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var isFilled:Boolean = false;
btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, tryit);
function tryit(event:MouseEvent){
if(testing.text == ""){
isFilled = false;
trace("The field is blank");
isFilled = true;
} trace(isFilled);

When the button is pressed,
isFilled is traced as
Regardless of whether there's anything in the text field. It seems like the first part of the conditional is being skipped.

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Actionscript :: Sending HTTP Request With Multiple Parameters Having Same Name

Dec 2, 2009

I need to send a HTTP request (and get XML response) from Flash that looks similar to following:

I.e. having several parameters that share same name, but have different values.

Until now I used following code to make HTTP requests:

var resp:XML = new XML();
resp.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {/*...*/};
resp.ignoreWhite = true;


But in that case I am loosing ability to do POST requests.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variable Which Changes From Time To Time Based On Certain Parameters?

May 26, 2010

I want to have a variable which changes from time to time based on certain parameters.

For Example:

var poop:Number;
onEnterFrame = function(){if(donkey==1){poop = 2;}
if(donkey==2){poop = 5;}

But it doesn't work. I can't seem to change the value of "poop" with code. It only accepts a value that I place, ex. var poop = 2, but that doesn't let me change it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TextInput - Dynamically Update Height Based On Input?

Feb 11, 2009

I'm trying to build a text input field with a fixed width, multiline. So when you type and the input is more than the available space, the field increases in height... similar behavior to blogs and other html forms recently.

I was hoping there was some easy method or property to make this change, but if not, then does the text input throw some event when the text exceeds the width?

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IDE :: Filter Is Using Too Much Memory - Apply The Filter To Only A Specific Area Of A Movieclip?

Jul 15, 2009

To achieve a zoom effect in our 2D flash game, we make the background of the game much bigger than the visible stage. This becomes a problem when the background is complex or when we apply a grayscale filter to the background. Is there a better way to do zoom? Or, is there a way to apply the filter to only a specific area of a movieclip?

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Actionscript 3 :: Delete Multiple Rows (using Named Parameters) In Adobe AIR

Jan 31, 2011

I am trying to delete multiple rows in the sqlite table in my Adobe AIR app (runtime 2.5).

Here is the statement, using the "IN" operator:

"DELETE FROM mylist WHERE tdId IN (tdId1, tdId2, tdId3, ...)";

Where tdId1, tdId2, etc. will be determined at runtime based on which row(s) the user chooses to delete. The user can delete arbitrary number of rows.

I've tried something like:

//delete statement text
"DELETE FROM mylist WHERE tdId IN :tdId";
//delete statement parameters: take 1.


It would seem too much of trouble to chain these deletes with a callback. So I guess I am using my last resort: building the sql at runtime. Conclusion: Cached statements can't be used in these kind of situations...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Font Size Of Textfield Based On User Input?

Jan 21, 2010

I have a textfield that is filled by a querystring. 
If the persons name is only 3 letters I want the font size to be 120 but based on the amount of characters, I would like to shrink the font size in order to fit the whole name inside the text field.   I was playing with autosize, but couldn't get it to work. 
making a textfield font size auto adjust accordingly?

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Mar 30, 2010

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How can I change the speed of a moving car based on values input by user? Also, how can I make Flash calculate values of a function based on those input values?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Circle To Blink On The Screen Based On User's Input

Aug 9, 2010

I have an image on my frame. (a circle). I need this circle to blink on the screen based on user's input. The circle display time and the hide time should be input in a input text box in the beginning. Also this has to blink for "x" number of user defined cycles. I know how to control the delay between blinks but I cannot control the amount of time the circle stays on screen.

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Actionscript 3 :: Write "Intercepting Filter Pattern" Like Java's Servlet Filter In Flex?

Feb 10, 2011

I want to know how to write "Intercepting Filter Pattern" like Java's servlet filter in Flex.

And I want to insert it into the classes which have a role of server communicating.

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