ActionScript 3.0 :: TextInput - Dynamically Update Height Based On Input?

Feb 11, 2009

I'm trying to build a text input field with a fixed width, multiline. So when you type and the input is more than the available space, the field increases in height... similar behavior to blogs and other html forms recently.

I was hoping there was some easy method or property to make this change, but if not, then does the text input throw some event when the text exceeds the width?

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I'm trying to create a form that based on the users input would determine how many forms to generate dynamically. I have a base state with a combo box that contains 1-4. Bases on the users selection I would like to have the next state generate the number of forms. So if you user selects 2 and click next - 2 copies of the form would be display.

I'm just wondering if this is possible how i would go about doing this or if any one knows of any examples?

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i have this problem with my text field. i have this dynamic text field, and i want to load external text files and show them there. this all works fine and dandy but when i try to make a scrollbar along with it, it gives the height of the text field as the original one from the flash file, not the new text.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Arabic Text In The TextInput Dynamically?

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AS2 :: Passing Variables From A Dynamically Created Textinput?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a contact form in my flash file with name/email/message fields which a user can fill out and then click send, which passes these to a php script which then emails the information that they entered. This works fine when the text inputs are manually placed on the stage and all the information is passed to the php script and emailed to me. I am just updating it so the textinputs are created via AS2 so that I can style them more easily etc. This is fine however when created via script they no longer get passed to my php file. I am creating the textinput using the following code (which works fine):
var my_fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
my_fmt.bold = false;
my_fmt.font = "Arial";

This works fine however does not pick up the value of the dynamically created text input (however does pick up all the text inputs that are manually added to the stage).

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Code:onClipEvent (load) {    this.background = true;    this.backgroundColor = 0x1E1C1C;}

However, I have a form validator run when focus is lost but yet I cannot set the background color at that point. For example, I'm trying to set the background color to orange and text to white if the field's contents are invalid. Even something simple like this doesn't affect the colors.

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Flash :: Passing Variables From A Dynamically Created Textinput?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a contact form in my flash file with name/email/message fields which a user can fill out and then click send, which passes these to a php script which then emails the information that they entered. This works fine when the text inputs are manually placed on the stage and all the information is passed to the php script and emailed to me. I am just updating it so the textinputs are created via AS2 so that I can style them more easily etc. This is fine however when created via script they no longer get passed to my php file. I am creating the textinput using the following code (which works fine):


This works fine however does not pick up the value of the dynamically created text input (however does pick up all the text inputs that are manually added to the stage). I am rather confused as to why it's not picking this up and am not sure how I set it to do so, i would be immensely grateful if someone could point me in the right direction?

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I have a problem with writing arabic text in the TextInput Dynamically.

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Aug 17, 2011

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Oddly, if I assign an eventlistener to the input box in the same for loop, and trace, I get the name input2. But if I try to call the value directly via input2.text, I get the error.

So is there some way to get that TextInput value without giving it a name within Flash? Or perhaps a better way to assign a name to it in the first place?

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Jul 17, 2009

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onClipEvent (load) {
this.background = true;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Update Itself Every Time There Is A Change In The Input Text Box?

Jul 20, 2011

I am trying to build a search angine for an application I am developing. I need my list to update itself every time there is a change in the Input Text box (backspace or additional character). I have no errors but the function does not work the way I want it to.
The function compares letters in a specific position within my 2 strings (charAt(j)) and disregards the previous letters, plus it deos not "update" but only adding new strings to my list.


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Aug 14, 2009

am trying to update a text field from the input of a combo box.For some reason, the function updates the variable but does not update the text field.I is a very long code, so I am just showing the part dealing with the issue. But I am starting to wonder if it would be because it is at the wrong place in the code??Anyway here is the code:[code]....

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Flash :: Cannot Position MovieClips Loaded With Images Based On Their Height

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I use the following code to load some banners: a "banner" is a clickable PNG image. I get the URL it must point to through a parameter of the AdLoader class.

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Loader;


In practice, I create some MovieClip containers (loader_1, loader_2, etc.) and in each container I want to load one image.

What happens: when the images are loaded I want to position each image at the y+10 pixel of the preceding, so if the first is at y:0 and its height is 140, I want the second image at y:150 (and so on). I can't understand what it happens but sometimes the code works, while most of the time it doesn't.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Position Text From Xml List Based On Textfield Height?

Dec 5, 2009

I have text that loads into a dynamic text field that is on the stage. The movie clip("tile" in code below) in which the dynamic text field resides is placed on the stage via loop function.I can load the text from the xml file just fine.However, since each text field in loop autosizes, which is what I want, (in height only-width is fixed), I want the next text in the loop to load in a Y position based on the previous text box height including a "cushion" of my choosing. I'm very close, but can't seem to get the math right that is needed for the tiles Y position...

Here it is:

var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("faq.xml"));
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onXMLLoad, false, 0, true);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Height Rescale (based On String.length)

Aug 7, 2008

Okay what I after is how to detect the length of the string populated from array...then auto rescale the height of the title_mc as shown in my AS as well as the dynamic created textfield the textfield will display long string + "newline" for long string...(autowrapper)..


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Position Text From Xml Based On Autosize Textfield Height?

Dec 5, 2009

I have text that loads into a dynamic text field that is on the stage. The movie clip("tile" in code below) in which the dynamic text field resides is placed on the stage via loop function.

I can load the text from the xml file just fine.However, since each text field in loop autosizes, which is what I want, (in height only-width is fixed), I want the next text in the loop to load in a Y position based on the previous text box height including a "cushion" of my choosing.

I'm very close, but can't seem to get the math right that is needed for the tiles Y position...I'm thinking this should be simple

Here it is:

var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("faq.xml"));
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onXMLLoad, false, 0, true);


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Professional :: How To Update Flash Dynamically

Feb 18, 2010

I was wondering if anyone knows whether you can update flash display ads dynamically in real-time without having to create a new flash ads? Example being changing text or graphics within an ad without having to make a new one and uploading it to the ad server over and over again. I imagine some sort of actionscript would be involved

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Update The Text?

Jul 14, 2009

I have an FLA file with a dynamic text symbol on it.Its a 3 frame movie, 1st frame is the menu, 2nd the game, 3rd the game over screen.

Frame 2 is where I'm trying to dynamically update the text. I have:

scoreDisplay.text = gameScore.toString();

When I do a trace( scoreDisplay.text ), I do see it changing, however on movie, it doesn't change. I don't get any errors, and the game plays fine. I have a class setup. I have the constructor, a function to handle clicking on the cards, and a function to handle updating the dynamic text:

public function showGameScore()
scoreDisplay.text = gameScore.toString();


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Flex :: Reduce The Height Of The List Based On The State Of Its Item Renderer?

Jan 20, 2010

We have a requirement to show a list of appointment slots. So every hour of a schedule has a set of 10 min slots. The requirement is that if we click on a arrow button at the 8:00, 9:00 hour slot, the layout of the hour slots should change from a vertical list to a horizontal list.For this we modeled the system as follows:ScheduleComponent ->(contains) -> List (Hours of schedule)The HourViewComponent is an Item Renderer, that displays the 10 mins slots based on the available appointments by using a Slots List (list of slots in the 8:00 hour). For the Slots List we have a Slot View Component as an Item Renderer.Now the issue is that when we click on the 8:00 slot we are able to change the HourViewSlot from a VerticalState to a Horizontal state. But The container height is not collapsing in the minimized state. It occupies the same size as the vertical layout! We tried using variableRowHeight attribute.

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Actionscript 3 :: Position Loaded Images From Loop Based On Image Height?

Jun 10, 2010

I'm trying to dynamically stack images that are being pulled in via an xml file. Below is what I'm doing, and it almost works. The problem is that it only seems to fire off the event complete function on the very last one, instead of going for all of them. Is there a way to make it run the even.complete function for each image?

function aboutfileLoaded(event:Event):void {
aboutXML = new XML(;
for(var l:int = 0; l < aboutXML.aboutimages.image.length(); l++)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Position Of Text Fields Based On Varying Height?

Jul 6, 2011

I am populating a textfield with text from XML files. I am wondering what the best way is to handle positioning the TF based on the number of lines of text. So if there is only one line, the textfield's 'y' position might be 100, but if there are 2 lines I want it to move to say 80.

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Actionscript :: Update Slider Position Dynamically?

Sep 9, 2011

I have a slider control that I need to update based on the time of the song. How do I move the slider cursor over dynamically?

I tried this and it didn't update:

sldAudioPosition.value = channel.position;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Resize Yscale Based Off Dynamic Text Height

May 26, 2010

I'm using a tweening engine and I need to be able to base the _yscale % of a movie clip off the height of a dynamic text field that is slightly smaller contained within the movie clip. 52 pixels smaller to be exact.I'm very poor at math but I'm guessing so far that some variable needs to be declared to factor the percentage based off the height of the dynamic text field. And I just can't think of how to do that.What I know so far:movie clip height at 100% _yscale = 396 the 'buffer' space above and below the dynamic field = 52.So if my dynamic text field height = 0, my movie clip would be 52 pixels in height. And that percentage in _yscale is 13.1%.I just can't figure out the math for this and how to translate it into ActionScript.

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Flex :: Update An Image Dynamically Using Data Binding?

Feb 20, 2010

I have a main.mxml application that lays out my application, it contains a "browse and upload" button. And contains an image to view the users uploaded image like so:



In my myModel class I have a img_scld_bm that the browseAndUpload() function draws into after scaling it.

My intent is that my mx:Image will display the image. As shown here I'm assigning the image source="mymodel.img_scld_bm", this ends up just showing a broken image icon.

I also tried data binding, where in my myModel class I have [Bindable] var img_scld_bm. And then tried setting my mx:Image source="{myModel.img_scld_bm}" .. that didn't seem to do anything either. All this compiles fine, no warnings. I think in this case, I'm not setting a trigger or propertyChange event to update the binding?

how to correctly bind an mx:Image source to some bitmap?

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Javascript :: Gallery Software For A Website That Will Resize Based On Height, With A Click On Image To Navigate?

Apr 12, 2011

And just loved the way it looked, anyone have any idea how to get a similar effect using ideally CSS/JS and if not then using flash? Furthermore it would be excellent if you could move to the next slide by clicking on the image itself.I'm also wondering how she is able to maintain height of the images when resizing (unless she is doing it manually which I doubt now days).

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