ActionScript 3.0 :: Position Text From Xml List Based On Textfield Height?

Dec 5, 2009

I have text that loads into a dynamic text field that is on the stage. The movie clip("tile" in code below) in which the dynamic text field resides is placed on the stage via loop function.I can load the text from the xml file just fine.However, since each text field in loop autosizes, which is what I want, (in height only-width is fixed), I want the next text in the loop to load in a Y position based on the previous text box height including a "cushion" of my choosing. I'm very close, but can't seem to get the math right that is needed for the tiles Y position...

Here it is:

var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("faq.xml"));
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onXMLLoad, false, 0, true);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Position Text From Xml Based On Autosize Textfield Height?

Dec 5, 2009

I have text that loads into a dynamic text field that is on the stage. The movie clip("tile" in code below) in which the dynamic text field resides is placed on the stage via loop function.

I can load the text from the xml file just fine.However, since each text field in loop autosizes, which is what I want, (in height only-width is fixed), I want the next text in the loop to load in a Y position based on the previous text box height including a "cushion" of my choosing.

I'm very close, but can't seem to get the math right that is needed for the tiles Y position...I'm thinking this should be simple

Here it is:

var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("faq.xml"));
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onXMLLoad, false, 0, true);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Position Of Text Fields Based On Varying Height?

Jul 6, 2011

I am populating a textfield with text from XML files. I am wondering what the best way is to handle positioning the TF based on the number of lines of text. So if there is only one line, the textfield's 'y' position might be 100, but if there are 2 lines I want it to move to say 80.

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Flash :: Cannot Position MovieClips Loaded With Images Based On Their Height

Aug 1, 2011

I use the following code to load some banners: a "banner" is a clickable PNG image. I get the URL it must point to through a parameter of the AdLoader class.

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Loader;


In practice, I create some MovieClip containers (loader_1, loader_2, etc.) and in each container I want to load one image.

What happens: when the images are loaded I want to position each image at the y+10 pixel of the preceding, so if the first is at y:0 and its height is 140, I want the second image at y:150 (and so on). I can't understand what it happens but sometimes the code works, while most of the time it doesn't.

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Flex :: Reduce The Height Of The List Based On The State Of Its Item Renderer?

Jan 20, 2010

We have a requirement to show a list of appointment slots. So every hour of a schedule has a set of 10 min slots. The requirement is that if we click on a arrow button at the 8:00, 9:00 hour slot, the layout of the hour slots should change from a vertical list to a horizontal list.For this we modeled the system as follows:ScheduleComponent ->(contains) -> List (Hours of schedule)The HourViewComponent is an Item Renderer, that displays the 10 mins slots based on the available appointments by using a Slots List (list of slots in the 8:00 hour). For the Slots List we have a Slot View Component as an Item Renderer.Now the issue is that when we click on the 8:00 slot we are able to change the HourViewSlot from a VerticalState to a Horizontal state. But The container height is not collapsing in the minimized state. It occupies the same size as the vertical layout! We tried using variableRowHeight attribute.

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Actionscript 3 :: Position Loaded Images From Loop Based On Image Height?

Jun 10, 2010

I'm trying to dynamically stack images that are being pulled in via an xml file. Below is what I'm doing, and it almost works. The problem is that it only seems to fire off the event complete function on the very last one, instead of going for all of them. Is there a way to make it run the even.complete function for each image?

function aboutfileLoaded(event:Event):void {
aboutXML = new XML(;
for(var l:int = 0; l < aboutXML.aboutimages.image.length(); l++)


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IDE :: Calculate Textarea Height Based On The Text Length And Fontsize

Jul 2, 2009

calculate textarea height based on the text length and fontsize in as2?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Resize Yscale Based Off Dynamic Text Height

May 26, 2010

I'm using a tweening engine and I need to be able to base the _yscale % of a movie clip off the height of a dynamic text field that is slightly smaller contained within the movie clip. 52 pixels smaller to be exact.I'm very poor at math but I'm guessing so far that some variable needs to be declared to factor the percentage based off the height of the dynamic text field. And I just can't think of how to do that.What I know so far:movie clip height at 100% _yscale = 396 the 'buffer' space above and below the dynamic field = 52.So if my dynamic text field height = 0, my movie clip would be 52 pixels in height. And that percentage in _yscale is 13.1%.I just can't figure out the math for this and how to translate it into ActionScript.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Final Mc Position Depending On Text Height?

Jun 1, 2003

I have an empty mc called "attachmcextra".Into this empty mc is attached another mc called "mcnote" that contains a texto box named "loadnote". So it`s path would be:_root.attachextra.mcnote.loadnoteThe following code is set to the mc "attachextra":

onClipEvent (load) {
//set inicial position
this.posY = 20;


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Flash :: TextField Multiline + Wrap Get Text Height

Aug 25, 2010

I have a TextField with multiline and word wrap enabled, and a fixed width. I want to calculate the total height of the text inside it. I tried using TextField.textHeight, but that gives me the height of one line. Because of the wrapping, I can't easily calculate the number of lines to multiply it with the line height. TextField.height just gives me the fixed, default height of the field, 100 pixels.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Dynamic TextField Length Based On XML Text?

Jul 2, 2010

On my project, I have a dynamic textfield inside a movieclip. The textfield loads XML text. How can I set the dynamic textfield length(width) based on how much text is typed on the xml file?

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Flex :: Setting Spark List Height To Its Content Height?

Apr 1, 2010

How to set a Spark List height to the height of its content?Tried this:

var lastRow:IVisualElement =
myList.dataGroup.getElementAt(myList.dataGroup.numElements - 1);
myList.height = lastRow.y + lastRow.height;

It works in case of a single item, but lastRow is null in case of more items.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Vertical Position Of Text In A Textfield?

Nov 9, 2005

What I'm trying to do is to position the text in the top part of a combo box vertically. I need to make the height of the textfield section a minimum amount because of touchscreen considerations. It's taller than appropriate for the font size I've chosen.

I know how to reference the textField element of the combo box, so my actual question is can I position the text so that it is centered vertically in a textField? I've seen several of the formatting options, but just haven't stumbled across a setting that allows me to change the default "top justification" that textFields get for their text.

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Actionscript 2 :: Flash - Set Container's Height To The Height Of The Textfield

May 6, 2011

I've created a dynamic text field, and set autoSize to true, so it can grow was tall as necessary. I then want to use the _height value to size a container graphic (speech bubble). Here's the (simplified) code:


Returns 19.6 followed immediately by 35.2. It's as though reading txt._height causes it to recalculate, so it's correct the second time. I also tried the textHeight property, which also seems to get recalculated after _height is accessed. This sequence, for example:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get The Position Of The Last Element In A TextField With HTML Text Inside?

Jul 3, 2009

I need to get the position (x,y) of the last char in a textField with html text inside. I try with numlines and getLineMetrics, but that only work for non-html text. If I have a text like

<p>text one</p><p>This is the other text</p><br><br>

I need to have the position on the stage of the last "t".

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Flash :: Textfield Embedded Font Only Adjusts According To Textfield Height?

Jun 14, 2011

i would just like to ask why is the case that when i use embedfonts = true on a textfield, the textfield's text only resizes according to the textfield's height but not the textfield's width. meaning if i make the textfield's height bigger, the text also gets bigger in terms of height, but not width, can't the embedded font maintain aspect ratio according to the textfield height?

I'm only wondering about this because this is not the case when embedfonts= false

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Feb 2, 2009

Is it possible to set the height of the sprite depending on the height of an textfield inside that sprite? I'm creating a box with a textfield inside it, but I want the box to be sized depending of how much text it is in the textfield..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resizing A Movie Clips Height Automatically To Match The Height Of Some Dynamic Text

Jul 1, 2010

I am resizing a movie clips height automatically to match the height of some dynamic text that is displayed above it (will eventually be loading it from xml ). is there a way to keep a safe margin top and bottom? this is my code so far Text_Box_Graphic.height = Text_Box.height;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TextInput - Dynamically Update Height Based On Input?

Feb 11, 2009

I'm trying to build a text input field with a fixed width, multiline. So when you type and the input is more than the available space, the field increases in height... similar behavior to blogs and other html forms recently.

I was hoping there was some easy method or property to make this change, but if not, then does the text input throw some event when the text exceeds the width?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Height Rescale (based On String.length)

Aug 7, 2008

Okay what I after is how to detect the length of the string populated from array...then auto rescale the height of the title_mc as shown in my AS as well as the dynamic created textfield the textfield will display long string + "newline" for long string...(autowrapper)..


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Flex :: Set Spark List Max Height More Than Its Default Value 10000?

Jul 5, 2011

I want my list control has its content height as I don't want scroll bars. For the scrolling purpose I have my own scroller in parent container.

Now, The problem is when list control exceeds the maxHeight 10000, then it will start clipping remaining data. I think the solution is increase the maxheight.

how I can set maxheight more than 10000.

For Example..

</s:Scroller width="100%" height="100%">
<s:List id="myList" dataProvider="arrData" useVirtualLayout="false" />

In this case assume that I have arrData.length = 9999999, and for that mylist's height will become 10000+ (Lets assume 15000). now mylist will clipped after 10000px height or list's vertical scrollbar will visible and as I adready have scroller of my own It will have two scrollbars at that particular time.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Vertical Portfolio Viewer - Position New SWF With Same Height?

Aug 11, 2009

I'm building a vertical portfolio viewer which uses the below code to create my gallery. I'm loading the data externally via xml (which loads fine, so no problems there). The data which loads is a set of separate .swf files all of different sizes in height. The only thing I can't do is position the newly created .swf file right underneath the last one in the array, based on the height of said last .swf file. The only way I can do it at the moment is per below, which duplicates my project clip (the clip which the .swf's load into) and places the next one right underneath the height of the actual project clip, not the height of the .swf being loaded into it. How I can target the height of the external .swfs, and position the next one in the array right underneath the last one, based on the height of that last .swf, (so if at anypoint in the future the height changed, it would psition itself correctly).

// set up gallery...
setGallery = function () {
// Builds gallery projects menu based on XML Data...
for (i=0; i<total; ++i) {
// Build arrays...
image[i] = xmlNode.childNodes[i].attributes.Image;
[Code] .....

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Flash :: Change The Height Of A TextField?

Jan 20, 2011

If I create a TextField in ActionScript 3, I can change the width with a TextFormat, but how do I change the height?Example:

var label : TextField = new TextField();
label.text = "Hello World!";
label.background = true;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Textfield Height With Img Tag Inside?

Sep 20, 2011

I try to get height of the textfield with htmlText='<img src="path/to/img.png" /><p>...Some text....</p>';To retrieve text height I use myField.textHeight property. But it always returns height of text without image.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Predict The TextField Height?

Dec 6, 2006

How do I predict the TextField height? When I initiate one, it comes with 100 height, but I want to set it to the fonts height.

I have tried the autoSize, but some times it shrinks the text field to a very tiny one, and some times it stays at fonts height, but I can't set its width anymore...

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Sprite Y Based On Mouse Position?

Jul 20, 2011

So I'm working on my portfolio and I got this problem. The code posted scrolls the sprite "cellContainer" based on the position of stage.mouseY. Perfect.Problem is that I want stage.mouseY to equal the entire cellContainer height. Kind of like how a small tablet equals a huge monitor. So when stage.mouseY = 0,cellContainer.y = 0 and when stage.mouseY = stage.stageHeight, cellContainer.y = stage.stageHeight - cellContainer.height. Right now, it scrolls, but it takes a while to scroll throught the entire height of cellContainer. I want it to be proportional to stage.mouseY.

Actionscript Code:
private function scrollStart(e:Event)[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Statement Based On Mc Position?

Jan 14, 2010

I am working on a site, that has 5 main pages: the home, and four sub-pages. Essentially, I have an element that slides up over the screen anytime you click "from" the home page to one of the remaining pages. Consequently, when returning to the home page, the element slides away / off the screen.

I am thinking the best way to handle this is with a conditional statement, but not really sure at all how that code would look especially in relation to position. My thinking for the code would be as follows:


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Calling An MC Based On Its Position?

Jan 3, 2011

I would like to input a certain (x,y) coordinate and have a function return which movie clip is based at that location. Is such a method possible, to refer to a movie clip based on its position rather than instance name?

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Flash :: Align List Items Left On A Row With Huge Height

Apr 25, 2011

I have a list component filled with text of varying length.

I currently have this

But I'm trying to get this

And is it possible to manually wrap the row height depending on the size of the text inside the row?

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